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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Well, lets just say I USED TO know what you are talking about. When I first began dreaming, I almost stopped recording them in my journal because they seemed sooo weird and many times so complex. Well, NOW, they all make sense and they don't seem as complex and weird anymore because of the season I'm in and the growth in my life. We must understand that when we dream, it's not always for now...especially if they are prophetic. Prophetic dreams are for the furture and of course, we don't know what the future holds. So I would say to you to relax and keep your dreams covered in prayer and one day the lightbulb will come on and the dream will TOTALLY make sense. I can say this because I've been where you are and now, when I dream things that seem awkward or strange, I just write it down and I ask the Lord to teach me...and in His timing he does. Hope this helps!
  2. YEP!!! Total and COMPLETE healing. Jesus went through this already so you wouldn't have to. We will accept nothing less than that!! The Lord is good and we will praise Him in advance!
  3. I agree with Connie!! Also, have you gone to the doctors for tests to see what the problem could be? God is the Author of conception, relax and let things happen naturally. Sometimes we can get so focused on the conceiving and not really enjoy the one we are conceiving with. The baby is the fruit from the love so just enjoy each other...laugh...vacation...and let it happen naturally! Praying for you and your hubby!
  4. I have a new found love for this group. Our church is singing some of their songs, as of late, and it takes us up every single time.
  5. I honestly discerned that you were being attacked in this area, based on your mother's response to you. Ohhh Girl just go and dance!! What we are called to do is never about us, but those who God has waiting for us to touch. I'm so happy for you. Push past all of the attacks and allow the Lord to use you to minister and set the captives free.
  6. Has dancing been a desire of yours?? Is it something you've done in the past? Sometimes you know your purpose based on that deep inner desire. I've always LOVED MUSIC...even as a child, my mother said I would sing around the house. My parents bought me a big piano when I was six because I begged them for one. I played and enjoyed playing for 10 year after that. Now, I'm a worshipper and have sung in choirs and praise teams over the years. Part of my call is ministry in music. I said that to say...our purpose is already in us and sometimes we are walking in it without even knowing it. I will say this to you, if you find out your purpose at the age of 16, you are WAY ahead of 'the game' because most people don't know anything until later in life. Good for you...I too, will pray that God will open up the eyes of your understanding. "I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance." (Ephesians 1:16-19 NLT)
  7. Fantastic!!! What I've known and seen in my own life is that when you are in God's vision, there is PROvision. Stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord Jeanie! Sooooo happy for you!
  8. Praying for your son AND for you...that God will keep you in perfect peace.
  9. Goooooooood!!! I feel you need to minister to him in some way. You will need to pray for the timing, but don't wait if you feel God leading you.
  10. Got you covered in prayer Miss Lurdy's!!!
  11. Traveller, I see where your question is coming from, and this is how God has been teaching me lately. Don't be too consumed with the strongman (the devil)...He's defeated. He has NO POWER...just talk! The Bible says...Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)...which means, his bark is so much louder than his bite. When you get an understanding that the enemy has been DEFEATED, you eliminate half the battles in your life. I say "half" because he's going to still "try", but when you understand that he's no longer STRONG, then you will hear him, but he won't phase you. When you read the Gospels, you have to be careful because it's BEFORE the resurrection of Christ and some of the scriptures were stated as it was at THAT point. Other times, Jesus was speaking prophetically about what would be when he was resurrected. The scripture I love to remind myself of is... Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15) Jesus already triumphed over principalities and all other evil powers, but our power in that comes from BELIEVING IT! When we don't believe it, then the enemy can convince us that he is all powerful and we have to fight him. Don't get me wrong, there are some very real and significant attacks of the enemy, but what I'm saying is, we can overcome those naturally when we realize that he has no bite...he's been disarmed. It's like the bully who always taunts and torments. The moment the victim says or does something to the bully and it exposes the weakness, the victim no longer is afraid of the bully. Jesus already exposed the bully to us...as the verse says "made a public spectacle" of him, so we need to walk in that and not agree that he's powerful...God is the ONLY POWERFUL ONE!! I hope this helps. The fruit of what I'm sharing with you has been evident in my life. I wish I would have known this earlier on. I wish I would have understood the cross much better in my younger spiritual years. I could have avoided alot of evil drama in my life.
  12. WOW TF!!! So happy for you! I love babies!! God is soooo good!!!
  13. God is soooo good Sister! He just wants us to trust Him...he NEVER lets us down...it just doesn't always come in the way that WE desire it. To God be the glory!!!
  14. I'm 44 and have never been married, however I count it a blessing because I'm being ripened, as well as my future mate, so we can be God's best for each other. I just want to encourage you because, although it's rough right now, God loved you enough to show you your boyfriend's character flaws BEFORE you made the decision to spend the rest of your lives together. I've been working on seeing the good out of all the bad that has been coming into my life, lately. We have to train ourselves to do that because if not, depression...oppression...and despair can settle in, and that's never good. I challenge you to began thanking God for loving you enough to NOT allow you to marry a man with those traits. Thank Him for opening up your eyes to see and then I dare you to thank Him for the NEXT man that HE will send that will be made just right for you. God loves you landi777...He reallly does. See this situation as God's love act towards YOU...His princess!!
  15. How come they don't unscrew the doorknob and open it that way? The other day, I was locked in the upstairs bathroom at my mothers house. The knob on the bathroom door is crazy and when I closed it, it locked on its own. I didn't have my cell phone with me and I was the only one there. I prayed and shook the door for a few minutes and it opened. I didn't have anything to unscrew the doorknob, in my case, but it's the way to do it until you can get the mechnism in the door fixed. Don't cry girl...FIGHT!! Where there is a will, there is a way!!
  16. This is VERY sad... I am called to minister internationally however people always question whether I would be afraid to go over into other nations where they worship other gods, but I'm not. I feel VERY badly for this family. I sometimes don't understand why people are killed while preaching Jesus, but I dare not question God. This has been going on since the Bible days. Praying for the family!!
  17. No, it's not easy...especially when disappointments are so fresh in the mind. It gives God great pleasure to bless you. The Bible says that he withholds NO GOOD THING from His children(Psalm 84:11). If you didn't get that job, in God's eyes, it wasn't a good thing for YOU. The one thing that God taught me, during my year and a half not having a job is that HE is our Source and a job is only a means to how He gets money to us. When he ministered to my heart about that, it changed my life. I can't say I was 100% on my faith, but it helped me to seek HIM and not the job. I found out that when I sought Him, I was able to trust more and more. It was during that time He gave me the job...not just GAVE me the job, but had someone call me and offer me a job. I'm not saying that it will happen that way for you, but what I'm encouraging you to do is trust God for your supply because HE IS THE SOURCE...not the job. I had to recondition my mind to that because we are taught and raised that we have to go to work everyday in order to pay our bills...which is the most popular way of doing it, but regardless...God is still the source behind the job. Rest my friend...God sees you and He hasn't forgotten about you. Draw closer into Him and feel His love and comfort until the right means comes along.
  18. Calling my prayer troops right now. LORD HELP!!!!!
  19. Yes, been praying ALLLL morning! Our coastlines, here in California, may be affected as well.
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