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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Praise God Princessdelia...God is good!
  2. :eek: Now that's what I'm talking about!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
  3. Thank you for asking Christa...yes, I'm still in some warfare, but my perspective has changed regarding it. The enemy can do and say all He wants, but it doesn't keep what God is doing in my life from happening. I am exercising my authority in Christ and standing my ground with my armor on and pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high calling in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord...thank you all for praying!!!
  4. Wisdom would say for you to get out now. It's just like an abusive relationship, you just don't sit around and continually get abused, you have to move out now no matter what it takes. You are waiting to go to a house and you are waiting for God to tell you which way to go, but what if he is using this circumstance to tell you that it's time for you to go? He gives us commen sense as well as wisdom and you need to go. You are a grown adult and your parents should NOT be putting their hands on you AT ALL. I wouldn't wait for a house, look for a studio apartment...something you can afford now. Look to see if there is someone in your church or some friends who is looking to rent a room out in their home. You are in a dangerous situation and if you were married to a man who was hitting you, I would be giving you this same advice...GET OUT! It reminds me of this story that went around on email a few years back. There was a guy drowning and he asked God to save him. A row boat came and tried to rescue him and he refused because he said God was going to save him...a helicopter came to rescue him and he refused to be helped because God was going to save him. The man ended up drowning and went to heaven and asked God "how come you didn't save me?" God said, I did, I sent the row boat and the helicopter. (I may have gotten this story a little wrong, but the point is still in tact). We tend to look for God in these magnificent ways and he doesn't always show up that way. Sometimes he delivers us in natural ways...not the supernatural ways we think. We need to get our heads out of the clouds and step out and not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. I'm not sayin you are doing this LTWJ, but I am saying that you need to pay attention to your natural circumstances and ask youself the question...would God do this to me? If not, why would He allow you to be in a situation where someone else is doing that to you? God has provided a way of escape...he won't always give you a blow by blow play because it's not always a cookie cutter answer...sometimes it's just "GO and I will lead you". I pray this helps!
  5. In my most humbled opinion, you are NOT ready for a relationship right now. You have two little ones that need your UNDIVIDED attention. Being a single mother is a total different ball game because people expect you to be two parents, but you can only be ONE and that's the mommy... Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE for this guy to be for you, but sadly, I feel in my heart that it's another distraction for you. Why do I say that? You are still wounded...two men within two years walking away from their committments is a lot. Allow God to be that "person" you are looking for. Let Him love on you because you will NEVER know real love until you tap into HIS love for you. Remember what 1 John 4 says...we love BECAUSE He first loved us. Relax...get your life organized and get your job and finances in order so you can focus. The best decision I made was NOT to date while my son was growing up. It's not that I planned it that way, but I really believe God did that so I could grow stronger in my relationship with Him. You need to do the same... Love ya...and call a sista sometime...
  6. That is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!
  7. Thank you LTWJ and MB... MB...that is one of my favorite scriptures. I KNOW the Lord used you to share that with me today. LTWJ..."BE STILL" is God's Word to me during this season of my life. Once again he used you to say that to me today! Blessings to you both.
  8. I'm so happy Justblueskies that you are happy. V...I know I did. I was too young to really get it. I wasn't thinking about purpose, I was thinking about broken bones and ooozing bloody gashes...hehehe...but it didn't happen...so grateful
  9. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. :eek: That's right!!! I forgot about that prophecy girl!!!!! Thank you JESUS!!!!!!!
  11. Oh...I missed the football/sport part completely. Let me tell you about ME and sports. I would not let my son play football when he was younger. He asked me every single football season (little league) to play because his friends were playing, but I said no because I didn't want him to get hurt. I let him play YEARS of soccer until he got tired of it...how sad! I must admit that I robbed my son of some of the basics of playing football. He played in High School and was dedicated and pretty good, but he could have been better had I let him play in little league. I realized when he got to high school that I was in fear and I didn't trust God with my son. When he asked to play in high school I said yes, but I ran to the Lord and said "take care of my baby, I'm counting on you". My son NEVER had an injury...NEVER! Give your son to the Lord and let him gooooo! Believe me, when they get 18/19 years old like my son and they go off to college and live on their own, you are going to wish you practiced leaving them in the Lord's hands because getting hurt playing football is the LEAST of your worries. Okay, I'm done now...
  12. Is it that you don't trust HIM or that you don't trust YOU? I don't think you need prayer about this because I think you already know. We need to trust in the peace that we have been given. THere is a scripture in Col 3:15 (Amp) that says: And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. The peace that we are given is an umpire...decides which road that we need to take. The fact that you are uneasy about this may be an indication that it's not what you should be doing...not to mention that you need to rest your voice. I pray that God will touch your voice...that's HIS gift so he's faithful to make sure it is working properly. Blessings
  13. Hello Justblueskies... My son attended an "all boy" Catholic school. I enrolled him there because of the education value. Our children learn their Christian Values from us...not school. I understand people like to enroll their children in Christian schools and that's fine, but to say that they get the "Christian World View" from a christian school is slightly incorrect. He also went to a christian school in Jr. High and it was worse than a public school. Yes, they learn about the Bible as opposed to the Catholic Bible, but in all honesty, we as parents train them up in the way they should go...not the schools. I would have a conversation with your son and talk to him. This would be a great opportunity to add another dynamic to your list of things to discuss daily when he calls you. I used to go over and discuss the things my son learned in his religion class and give him the truth. To this day, my son has no desire to be a catholic because I trained him in the Word of God. I will pray for your son that the foundation of Christ that has been laid in his life would remain and that God would put laborers across his path to build the truth of God's word on it. Blessings to you my friend...
  14. God can never be silent when we are in right relationship with Him, He is after all 24/7 and know no limits, He cannot be contained or limited in any way AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I second the Amen!!! You are so right Santra Dee...His voice does NOT require interpretation...it is what it is!!!
  16. Jimmy, I appreaciate your openess about your situation. I pray for you all of the time and I know that God has a plan for your life as well as your children. As I always say to you...STAY FOCUSED! Don't allow situations and people to take you off course. God loves you and is turning EVERYTHING around to glorify His name. Patience isn't always the easiest thing, but I tell you...if you just wait on the Lord and press through those things that are trying to hinder you...He will make it worth your while...Trust me! Love you!!!
  17. Thanks Sandra Dee... That was the point of starting this thread. We limit God when we say "I need for you to show me in a dream". Like you said, our dreams need to be interpreted and even then, if you can't hear him when you are awake, how are you going to hear him when he gives you the illumination regarding your dream? I really don't know why God shows us dreams at times and not in others. I love receiving dreams from the Lord, but I enjoy hearing him speak to my heart even more. I love to be sitting somewhere and all of a sudden, hear his voice...ooohhhhh it makes me so happy. Just the other day, I packing my dishes in boxes and I bent over to pick up some newspaper to wrap them in and I heard the Lord say "before you leave, pronounce a blessing over this place"...WOW!! It came out of no where. All I could say was "yes Lord"...so my final day in my apartment, after everything was moved out, I walked that floor and prayed a blessing over the place. Only God knows why He wanted me to do that. I said all of that to say this...HEARING HIM speak to our hearts should be the most desired way. I know he longs to have dialogues with us...but most times we do the monologue thing. Asking for dreams, in my opinion, is dangerous because I do know that there are "soulish" dreams and those can be crazy. Anyway...thank you for keeping this going...I love when we chat!
  18. Good words Mark and MB...VERY GOOD!
  19. Don't you appreciate the Lord? WOW! Lord we just want to say thank you for your love, grace and mercy. Who could do us the way you do? NOBODY!!! Thank you V for sharing!
  20. That was VERY cute. Gotta love the children...so innocent and fuuuuuuuunnnny!
  21. Juewls, stay before the Lord. He has a way of working things out. Continue to share your heart with him and let him work it out. That's all I will say about that...I hope you can read in between the lines...
  22. OH GOD...I DEFINTATELY CAN RELATE!! This is one of the hardest seasons of my life right now. It has been one thing after the other HOWEVER I've been learning about the Love of God. I'm focused more on how much He loves me than the issues I am facing. The Bible says in 1 John 4 that perfect love casts out fear. When I know that God loves me then I won't be fearful of my circumstances or what will come of them. Thanks V for sharing this. I like the "tea bag" analogy because being put in hot water will DEFINATELY show God what is inside of me. I can honestly say that as I grow more and more in His word, that hot water isn't as "dirty" as it has been in the past. I am FAR from being perfect and I definately have NOT arrived, but I am growing and I have to thank the Lord for that.
  23. Yes Prayforu, I will pray. I'm in a situation where I need a place to live too and I know that God has heard my prayer and will open doors that no man can shut. He will do the same for your mother...believe that no matter what the circumstances say.
  24. im not sure we have ''rights'' as such,,god doesnt do committies or demockracys,,we can petition him ,,approch him in faith Dreamz...this is my point...I think we sometimes feel we have a right to ask God to do this or do that. Asking him is one thing, but asking him and expecting him to come only in that way is another thing. GOOD POINT. we need to have the right attitude, in humility we can request it Martin of Africa...the attitude plays a HUGE part and I think that's why my friend hasn't heard from God in a dream. She's frustrated with God right now because of the things she's going through Because of this, she has the attitude that says "answer me, or else". There's nothing humbled about that. "listen to me when I speak this way too" Right on TF!!! By the way...it's good seeing you around again.
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