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Everything posted by lola21st

  1. Father God, We thank You that we can come boldly to Your throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. We lift jjp708 up to You in prayer so that she may be strengthened, Father. Give her this day her daily bread so that she be filled and armed to withstand the wiles of the enemy. We thank You Father that no weapon formed against jjp708 can prosper and that every tongue which rises against her in judgment she shall condemn. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. We bind the spirits of strive, sickness, poverty, and fear in the name of Jesus and place them at the foot of the Cross for judgement! We cancel all their current and future assignments in Jesus'name! We plead the blood of Jesus on jjp708, her family, her friends, her health, her property, her finances, her job, and everything else that she holds dear! We thank You Father that you called us out of darkness and into Your marvelous light! Holy and awesome is Your name, the name above all other names! We thank You and give You the glory now and forevermore, in Jesus' name, Amen!
  2. ok, I'm not going to mention what I'm smelling now....
  3. actually, I believe it's the anointing that I smell (sorry, I didn't write that clearly) - hard to describe but sweet/smoky/spicy/musty/woodsy all at the same time...I often smell it when on this site...
  4. That' so funny...I echo what True Flight posted above and that's why I came back to this thread...I just had to say how much I love this site community! Earlier when I was reading through the thread I felt (and smelled) the love of Christ and the anointing, it's so strong here! I just felt so joyful and blessed, everyone is so supportive and encouraging! :coolyoh: I felt life, healing, restoration and hope in this place! Bless the Lord!! :PTL: I love you all very much!! :bighug: Everyone, keep doing you in Christ so that God is glorified like He was today!! Blessings, Lurdys P.S. Cholette - Girrl, you learned how to eat that fruit whole, huh? You have moved from peaches to melons! I love your encouraging word! Preach on, Sister!
  5. May the Lord shower you with blessings in the coming year!!
  6. Amen everyone! I have a similar testimony but in my case the switch didn't involve another person. In two instances at other jobs a similar situation played out - one day I was a great employee then out of the blue I was being told that my performance was sub-standard and that I was going to be put on a performance plan. :huh: In both cases, they REALLY had to stretch to build a so called "case" and it hurt because of the effort I made to do good work which had been recognized until the Day of Hypocrisy as I call the day that I was told about my performance. The bottom line is this...the period I remained in those roles was a refining period. In one case, I quit the job without having another one to go to because it became unbearable. But God is faithful - one day about one month later when my savings was about to run out I got a call from some consultants that I worked with from a previous job. They'd heard through the work grapevine that I was out of work and wanted me to work with them...they'd send me overflow client work when they were overbooked and I'd work from home. I did this work for 1 1/2 years and made enough money so that my (then) husband and I could still pay all our bills and I had my first son during this time and was able to stay home with him for his first six months. The work was project based so it wasn't steady income but when we were in need, it was like the Lord told these consultants to call me because SO MANY times, the amount that they were going to pay me ALWAYS lined up exactly to what the amount of my need was just when I needed it. It was during that time that my faith walk with the Lord deepened because I learned just how much He cared for me that He would make sure that my needs were met. I still tear up when I think of that time, because He demonstrated during that time just how perfect His timing is! The best thing is that the experience that I gained from this work opened doors for me to start getting my own projects directly from other small companies which gave me more experience that qualified me for an great assignment with a company that I later joined as an employee and that proved to be the BEST job I've ever had careerwise. I received a financial blessing from that job too after working there for less than two years that allowed me to have the money to buy the house that I'm in now. And that took place as I was in the middle of a divorce from an abusive husband. In the second job, similar result. This time I found a contract based job before I left that paid me 30% more than I was earning. I was there for about one year. That assignment positioned me for the next real job that I got which then positioned me for the job I'm in now in the industry that I like working in. This job is one that I know God gave me - during the Christmas holidays in 2007, I was feeling discontent over the job I had left consulting for because of a lot of things. Overall, it wasn't so bad that I wanted to look for another job but I could see that I was going to get bored and I could already tell who the "problem children" were that would make my work life unpleasant. I prayed to the Lord that if this wasn't where He wanted me to be then I was ready for the next assignment. Right before Christmas I got a real bad case of the flu and was out of the office for two full weeks - actually I did come in the day after Christmas but went back home after only a couple of hours. Because this happened during the holidays, the head of my department insinuated that I exaggerated my illness in order to take the time off - as a new employee I didn't have enough vacation time available to take the days off. I was very upset about this because it was an attack on my integrity so I prayed about it while at work. I KID YOU NOT - when I got through praying, I realized that I had voicemails on my phone that I hadn't checked that day. When I checked, there was one message that was left by a recruiter that I have worked with on and off over the years. He was calling to tell me about a job that he was trying to fill and he'd thought of me immediately because he remembered what I was looking for in a job (he had unsuccessfully helped me with my job search when I found this same job) and he was sure that "even though I'd been with XXX company for only six months, I should at least review the job description because it would be a good fit and I would grow in the job, it would give me great experience." Well I did and I ended up taking the job which is where I am now. I LOVE the work although it can be a heavy workload at times. I say all of this to say: DONT WORRY, GOD'S GOT YOUR BACK!! Keep your eyes on the prize! He is working this all out for your good, just stay obedient and watch what He does, it will blow your mind!! Make sure you share your testimony when you're on the other side of this!
  7. Hallelujah! I receive that in Jesus' name!
  8. Thank You Lord for your healing! Nothing is larger than You, absolutely nothing!! All the glory is Yours!!
  9. My biggest weakness is that I don't ask for help when I need it, I try to do everything myself...
  10. It was your "Buying Sweets" dream....
  11. Amen Cholette! Reepromotions, you had a dream a while back that I think is related to this...I will try to find it and comment...I also thought about witchcraft and also deception...
  12. Hi Lily - Have a blessed day and may the Lord bless you and keep you! Blessings, Lurdys
  13. Praise the Lord, that's good news! You had a dream recently about him that I thought of when I read this news...can't remember the details, but he had a cross...it seemed like the dream was about coming to terms...maybe this is what the dream was related to?
  14. Praise the Lord, that's great news! Congratulations on your promotion to Evangelist!
  15. Add me to the second chance group! Perhaps you both had to grow in certain areas and/or the period when you were dating wasn't really your season to be a couple but a new season has arrived?
  16. Hey Desi - Praise the Lord, that's great news! Nice that it's not too far from your home either! Blessings, Lurdys
  17. hillobeans18 - THANK YOU for providing good advice and sharing your wisdom!! Ironically, I'm in HR too... Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go into more detail earlier so thank you for being obedient and sharing knowledge... LTWJ, I hope you receive this in love as well! Let us know how it turns out and if you need more help, you have an HR team of advisors behind you! Blessings, Lurdys
  18. Amen mbstudent! LTSJ - Remember Cholette's testimony last week - lean harder into the Lord during this trial and don't let the enemy's tricks trip you up! Here's some scriptures to help encourage you during this time: Psalm 37 (a personal favorite...:-) ) 2 Chronicles 15:7 Matthew 23:12 (in these situations, the enemy loves to try to get us to fall into the sin of pride - say humble no matter how fiery the darts, keep your emblem of faith up and high) Psalm 46:10 In the natural, follow the advice that was given in an earlier thread. Keep detailed notes of everything that occurs. Document conversations so that there's no "I never said that/meant that/intended that/etc." - that type of thing where a little time changes your foes "recollection" of what happened. Get clarity on directions she gives you, etc. Ask her to show specific examples of whatever issue she has as well as specific examples of what she would like to see. If she wants you to do a blue thing and you do only to find out "blue" to her is really turquoise, that's a problem but it will fall on you. If there are others around you who know your work (not sure how this works in a school setting), see if they're willing to write letters commending your work (this can get political) or at least a letter/email to you saying "Hey, thanks for your help on XXXX, it really helped me." Or thanks for the quick turnaround on XXX." Again, not sure how this works in a school setting, just trying to give examples.... Stay strong and follow the Lord's leading always (I know you know this already)! Know that you're in our prayers and that the Lord is using this for your good! Blessings, Lurdys
  19. Amen, Amen, and Amen!!!!! Thank you SO much for that testimony and word!!!! You just spoke to an area of my life as well that I didn't even realize was under a similar attack until I read your post and the Holy Spirit said "See? This is for you too..." - I appreciate the encouraging reminder, thanks for being obedient and testifying! :thankyou:
  20. Praise the Lord for His goodness!!!
  21. May the Lord give you the desires of your heart in the coming year! Enjoy your day! Blessings, Lurdys
  22. mbstudent - Thanks for sharing this teaching and expanding the discussion! I wanted to comment on one thing that the writer stated: "What did a prophet do that others did not? A prophet had access to God, and was called to share God's will with others. Note that under this definition of an Old Testament prophet, all Christians are prophets. All Christians have access to God through prayer, and are called to share God's will with others. There is little difference between a faithful Christian and an Old-Testament prophet. If any difference exists, it is in the modern Christian's reluctance to step out in faith and act upon the gifts God gave you. " I would also say that another difference is the modern Christian's lack of discipline and obedience. I say that because many of us do not do those things that give us access to God (e.g., prayer, fasting, study of the Word). Where it gets dicey is when these Christians who aren't fully trained up/don't have a solid foundation attempt to step out using their underdeveloped gifts and share what they consider God's will on others. I have a friend who used to attend a church that focuses on the prophetic and at times it felt like "Prophets R Us", everybody had a word to share and oftentimes while there were good intentions, their word was way off base. What's worse is when the word is not received by the recipient and the "prophet" insists that their "word" is true. Granted there are times when an authentic prophecy will not be received by the recipient (e.g., due to denial) but the prophet's role in those instances is to gracefully let it go since their job is complete. The message has been delivered, the Holy Spirit will now deal with the person. Sometimes, "prophets" suffer from "role creep" (assuming the additional efforts aren't given to them by the Lord)...
  23. I did notice that Samuel got the 2nd revelation in 24 hrs but I thought he was blessed! I would LOVE to get the revelation I'm seeking on some matters in 24 hrs! Then when I think about the fact that a day in the Lord can be like hundreds of years for man...ok, let's not go down that path! But you said something interesting: "But as I am reflecting on what you have said, you are giht, God gave Samuel a little bit, saw what he did with that knowledge, and then gave him the rest." Oooh. You touched on an interesting point. What if Samuel hadn't made preparations, would God have still given him the second word? (Ok, unfair question since we won't really know the answer until we're in Heaven, if then.) Does God wait until we act on a word before He gives us the next word? Or will he said a "reminder" word in order to get us to act?
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