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Everything posted by RnestseekR

  1. What was the book? Virtuous - I think maybe Delanie meant "training" as in mentoring and accountability. Someone who can teach the scriptures and their application and to whom you can honestly talk and say, "I don't understand this." .I think we learn to be more graceful and loving when we hear grace and love flowing from someone else's mouth and heart. OF COURSE, Jesus is the best example and we need to learn from the bible. But when you hear words of love, comfort, and encouragement come out of someone else's mouth while they are under the influence of the Holy Spirit, it is an experience you do not forget and want to be around more, even if it is your mentor and they need to "correct"you. Virtuous, I'd like to challenge you just a little bit to think of training the same your pastor went to seminary. Just because he was gifted with the ability to preach or teach, does that mean he was automatically instilled with all knowledge and fluent in his pastoring??? Why then should a person with a prophetic gifting be any different? Just something to chew on, but I would enjoy hearing your thoughts. Zech 4:10 says, "For who has despised the day of small things?" I take that to mean, "don't despise the small beginning". (The right conext of this verse is in reference to rebuilding the temple, which started with one plumb line and one stone set on top of another). God's started something great in you Delanie! Have patience and think of the wonderful things he can "build" of your life. But He has to start somehwere - with just a plumb line and a couple of stones. Keep letting Him work!!! Virtuous - I cannot speak for Delanie, only for myself. I feel isolated. I understand the yearning that Delanie expresses when she says she desires a mentor, a teacher, an elder who is farther in his/her walk with Christ. Someone who I can say, "The Lord laid this on my heart. I KNOW it is the truth. But what do I do now." Someone who can help me learn to discern when God wants me to speak and when he wants me to just pray on it. Have you ever been there??? Maybe not in the prophetic gifting. Maybe something else or in another gifting. All I am saying is that please don't be too quick to label anyone a "false prophet". I didn't hear Delanie say that she has spoken prophetic words to anyone. What I heard was a cry for someone to come alongside her and encourage her. Someone to help her discern what the Lord is teaching her and what He is saying. Someone who has been down that road and can help her discern what the Lord's moments of silence mean (rebuke for sin, developing faith and trust, developing patience). FOR ME, this website has been a wonderful blessing. I have said before, I do not go to a church where prophesy is embraced. I have had one person, a missionary currently studying in North Carolina, to whom I can e-mail on occasion, and say, "I feel like I am going crazy. This is what God had laid on my heart, I obeyed, and now the thing that He showed me, has come to pass. But now, He's showing me this and I don't know what to do." I KNOW God does not need to send me a mentor to teach me. But I also know that there is so much to be learned from older generations. This website allows me to express and to question, "Am I hearing right? Am I using biblical interpretation for this scenario? Am I using God-given wisdom, or man's fixes?" Thank you to all here at this forum for the support, perspectives and scriptural references that you have given me! Much love to all! Trena (RnestseekR)
  2. Butterfly, It may be that the numbers SAY that healthcare is growing, but it doesn't FEEL like it! I am an RN looking for a job right now. IN Kansas City, 2 large hospital, KU Med and Children's Mercy are on absolute hiring freezes. One of the hospitals near my home has a whopping 8 positions open, 6 of which are PRN (meaning no reliable hours). All hospital census is down by 30%, 40-50% in some hospitals. When people don't have jobs, they don't have insurance. No insurance=no elective surgeries and opting to treat bordeline things (some pneumonias, etc.) at home instead of with IV antibiotics. Also, hospitals are turning away people who do not have insurance because the "fat" is dried up and they cannot cover these "risks". So, while I appreciate what your posting has to say, I warn everyone to use extreme WISDOM and DISCERNMENT. If you are thinking about making a switch right now, be SURE you know all the facts.
  3. Thank you Jodi! I am having a really rough week - feeling defeated and that my prayers are not effective. Glad to know theye are at least helping somebody! Have a great week! Rnest
  4. Judy: Don't become discouraged by what others have to say about dreaming! Maybe you know the bible better than they do! You can respond in the future by gently educating them that the bible eferences more than 250 dreams and visions! I agree with you, I find that learning about dreaming is encouraging to me in understanding both myself and my Savior. I am surrently in a very dry time. Even my natural dreams have been diminished in both number, duration, frequency, etc. I MISS having the Lord speak to me in this way! I don't always understand it, but there is some comfort in knowing that my lord desires to speak to me, even when I am asleep. Dream on!
  5. OK: I've spent some time reading the scripture that you've referenced. Here were a couple of things that struck me about the passage: 1.) Abram already had a significant relationship with God. He believed God, his promises and it was credited to him as righteousness (Gen15:6) 2.) It was interesting that the Lord had already been talking with Abram in person. Why then the need for the dream? Was it perhaps that what the Lord was going to impart was too "mind blowing"? Or was it that Abram needed to rest, the Lord knew that, but didn't want to quit fellowshipping w/ Abram? 3.) When Abram fell asleep, he was wWAITING on God. He'd gone and got the animals for the sacrifice. It seemed like a logical next step to set the sacrifice on fire. But he didn't. he was waiting on God. 4.) Did God wait to accept the sacrifice and finish talking about the covenant until Abram knew ALL the facts - that everything wasn't going to be rosy, but God was in control of it all. 5.) The dream was "dark". In fact, athick and dreadful darkness came over Abram". I think this is a strong case for using discernment in our dream interpretation. I get a little miffed when others interpretting dreams say, "This was a dream sent to you by the enemy. Pay no heed. Repent! What have you done to open a door to the enemy." Indeed, sometimes that is true, but not always. Sometimes, our darker dreams may be the Lord expressing his dismay, or revealing to us a dark time yet to come - or warning us of it, but offering an invitation to avoid it through obedience, etc. I believe the bible study section is now a sub title and is called "member teachings". Other thoughts???? Anyone?
  6. This is NOT a dream interpretation, OK. But in reading your dream, the first thing that went through my head was "networking". The other thing that strikes me is that the fits the communication rule, "Only 10% of what we communicate comes from our words." In other words, it's more about voice influctuation, body language, etc. For me personally (this is not true for everyone), my dreams that a divinely imparted are about either 1.) a call for me to pray or 2.) an impartation of wisdom. IF this is a wisdom dream (pray about it and the Lord will direct you), then there seems to be some wisdom about paying attention to what people are saying (not what their words are, but what their message is) in your networking. Again, these are my impressions. Please use discernment in interpreting your dream and take it back to the Lord.
  7. You mean, do a bible study together based on dreams in the OT? Sure! Where do you want to start? It might be better, though, to move this strain over to the bible study section - if I'm following your train of thought.
  8. Father, I lift up the family of "LovetoworshipJesus" to you. I ask that each one of them would come into a personal reltionship with you. That they might come to a place of intimacy so that they desire to serve you out of love. Holy Spirit, I ask that you wash over these family members. If they have never known your love, may their hearts be softened so that might really,truly experience your love for the first time. If they have known that love, but have forsaken it, then I ask for a spirit of refreshing and re-awakening wash over them. We are all so guilty, Father, of getting wrapped up in our own lives and the tangible here-and-now. Forgive us for taking our eyes off of serving one another and looking to You so that we know what we should be doing and how we should be loving. I pray for lovetoworshipJesus in her endeavor to be an intercessor for her family. May she trust you completely with her prayers, continuing to believe that You have heard them and will work in their lives to bring them to Yourself. May you receive all the glory for the transformation in their lives! Amen.
  9. Jadams - Could you please give me the scripture reference for that promise as I'd like to claim it specifically.? You must know that God has promised that when the famine comes, it will be HIS CHILDREN who will be prosperous.
  10. I think there might be 2 problems: 1.) We do not look to God for finding our spouse. We'd rather do one of the online dating systems or have someone set us up than to WAIT on God's direction. And the problem is not just limited to making decisions about spuses. But that's another can of worms. 2.) The church is afraid, in some cases, to speak out and teach about marriage. Sometimes, the church body is afraid that if they tell people that they need to honor their commitments to each other, or develop/grow in the spirit (be patient, kind or loving, etc.) that we will offend. But, I am here to proclaim that I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 12 years. I KNOW that God brought us together. We have been to the edge of divorce and back again. And for those of you who are looking for a spouse, I PROMISE you that waiting is SO WORTH IT when God chooses your spouse. WAIT FOR HIM - He's SO Good!!!!
  11. Iamfree: You have returned the blessing back to me! Yes, we have been in this position more times than I'd like to tell you in the last 3 yrs! I KNOW God has me in His palm, I KNOW this must be the path he wants us on as we moved here following him and have been BLESSED IMMENSELY by our church home and in our spiritual walk. But, the career side has suffered and withered. My husband's ego (being the main provider) has also suffered. On the flip side - I did rest. It was an amazing week and I was surprised at how much I let go and didn't even give one single thought to while we were gone. My brother went on a mission trip to Honduras during the same week and came home to tell me something very similar to what you have said here. Thank you for the confirmation. I would like to affirm you right now. You may feel low and depleted, but you ARE hearing from God. Blessings!!!! Rnest
  12. Thank you so much for honesty and encouragement. Well taken. I struggle with resting. We have planned a vacation for Saturday - I have lost 2 grandmothers in the last 3 months (5 weeks apart), having personally provided hospice care for both of them. I am WORN OUT! I have said this to the Lord. Especially after Grandma #2 passed away - she was my spiritual mentor. Lord, I am tired, I would like to rest now. And then, then end of February, we got the notice that my husband would be losing his job tomorrow. So, I needed that reminder, to REST. Because in my fleshly mind, I do not see how I can rest when we need to be obviously looking for work. I claim that His ways ways are not my ways! This seems completely the opposite of what I should be doing right now, and yet what you have said to me gives me SO MUCH ENCOURAGEMENT right now! Partly just because I PHYSICALLY feel worn out, and I know I am emotionally spent. And you had no idea that I am planning on going to Florida on Saturday for a week and was just worrying about "How do I relax when all I can think about is finding work." THANK YOU for your timely words! Bless you!
  13. Thank you, Connie, for your timely and wise prayer. Rnest
  14. My husband will be losing his job on Friday (March 6). Please pray for God's direction to made clear to us about what we need to be doing next. My devotion this morning was based in Numbers and my bible said at the bottom of the text that we should not be saying "Lord, where do you want me to go next" but rather, "Lord, what do you me to be doing NOW." However, it's hard to focus on NOW, when NEXT is looming over my head. I am discouraged as this has been a long ordeal with his job. I have young children and would like to not have to work more than part-time - or not at all right now if that were an option. But going back to work full-time again breaks my heart. It's better than welfare and I know beggars cannot be choosers. I guess I have some bitterness at the idea that it is God's plan for me to take on full-time work right now. But if he has another plan, I sure cannot figure out wat it is. I thought I had a part-time job in hospice nursing lined out, but that has fallen through. Worst part is that when I pray, I am not experiencing His presence. When I ask,seek, knock, I don't know if I'm getting a "WAIT", or a "NO" or nothing. All parts of my spiritual life seem to be very dry. I have spent time asking God if there is some sin that is blocking our relationship and spent time in confession. If He has an answer to my question about sin, I'm not hearing it. I have some major "thorns in my side", but have continued to honor Him as best I can. Mostly, I am just really discouraged and tired. SO if you could please pray specifically against these two things I would appreciate it!
  15. I am sorry for the loss of the girlfriend. Father, in the precious name of Jesus, I lift up Jeremy to you in this midnight hour. I ask for a healing of his body and mind. If he is not yours, I pray that he would become yours in this very hour. May the pain he is experiencing, both physical and emotional, be turned into comfort through the work of the Holy Spirit. And may you receive the glory for all that has happened to Jeremy this week. Amen.
  16. I think a couple of words to stress somehow would be DISCERNMENT and BALANCE. When I ask for interpretations of a dream, I know full well that not everyone responding is going to be able to interpret my dream exactly as God intended. I will work that out with HIM in prayer. But sometimes, I need another prespective or brain-joggers to keep me chewing on the dream that is laid on my heart. The other thing that I think would be helpful to somehow stress is that since ALL are welcome at this site, we have every level of faith and maturity. If young believers do not have a place to PRACTICE or to discuss what they think God is saying, they will become discouraged when expected to be perfect at flowing with the Holy Spirit. For example, when I became born again, I did not automatically use edifying words to build others up around me. I have had to learn that. The Lord Jesus spent 3 years with his disciples teaching them. Even after 3 years, they had stumbling blocks: remember the crew returning to Jesus unable to cast out a demon and wanting to know why. Quite frankly, this site a refreshing place for me to come. I have not agreed with every interpretation (and some have been strongly worded and a fair amount incorrect). But being in a church that is staunchly "un-charismatic" (if you get my drift), it is refreshing to interactive with a group of believers who believe that the God of the Old Testament and church of Acts still desires to interact with us in supernatural ways. And as Butterfly said, every suggestion that is brought up here, I take back to God for wisdom, knowledge, reproof (if necessary). My approach with this website is much like it is with my small group and scripture. If I read a verse or segment of scripture I do not understand, I take it to my small group(s) to turn it over with them. The finally straw for understanding the scripture, though, always comes from The Lord through The Holy Spirit, usually during prayer or quiet contemplation. Is my small group unholy or unversed in understanding scripture? NO! But their interpretation - or perhaps application is a better word - is different based on many different variables. Finally, when I give thoughts or interpretations, I try to stay humble, even when I know beyond a doubt that the Holy Spirit has moved through me to give an interpretation or to encourage someone else. I cannot remember which Christian author I was reading recently penned it, but his gist was that pride is one of the worst sins to combat because the very nature of pride makes it so that we cannot recognize it in ourselves. Just my 2 cents worth! Take it or leave it. Blessings and PEACE to all. Rnest
  17. Thank you Bobbie! She made it through another night. I am an RN and know some of the signs that can come as someone is about to pass. These signs have come and gone and then come and gone again. I want off this rollercoaster!!!! Indeed, you do think about the things were with her, how she smelled. I thought about her hands - what they looked like, how they were similar to my mom and her twin, to mine, how this would be the last time I would get to hold it. My other grandmother passed away Dec 2, so I am carrying some grief still from that. Although she was also on hospice - in my home - she passed so peacefully in the night. We thought we had 4-5 weeks and it was 36 hours. God is sovereign! It is so hard to watch her continue to decline. Just when she seems to hit bottom, we learn that, oh no, bottom is much farther than we thought! Thank you for your prayer! I am also praying for Him to come peacefully in her sleep and these spells of apnea (when she stops breathing ) and spells of suffocating on her own fluids (which scares all of us) would diminish. Blessings to you for your compassionate heart! Rnest
  18. Mia, Girl, what are you getting ready to DO that the enemy is/was trying to thwart you so? Have you been given a revelation or a plan? I see this post is old, but do not get sidetracked by the mess the devil has sent! Be encouraged!
  19. My grandmother is dying. We are ALL ready for this and have had a chance to say goodbye. She is suffering. Please pray for the Lord to come take her home very quickly. Her name is Bernice. Thanks you!
  20. Jeanie, Have someone else put their hand on your back, palm down, hand open. The upper part of their hand should kind of go along the waistline and the thumb should fan open to follow just next to the spine. With their other hand, have them hit the hand on your back like they would if they were pounding their fist onto a table (but not that hard), so the fleshy part of their balled fist is hitting the boney part of the back of their hand. Clear as mud? If it is kidney, this will usually send you through the roof! But this kind of pain illicited this way is usually secondary to a kidney infection. It could also be vertbrae pain in the back - or even GI pain from somewhere else. Please bring this up with your doctor!!! Pain is real and a sign that something is not right in your body. Please don't blow it off!
  21. Yes, God is serious. He is also merciful. Rest in that - He knows you are trying to obey "as you can". Just continue to be open to the work the Spirit is doing in you! Thank you again for your honesty and willingness to share.
  22. Right back at ya'. The title of that class you took is gripping! Hmmm- can of sardines? God's compliments can be funny, can't they? Hope the sardines mean "delicatesies" and not "stinky situation only cats would like." :giggle: Thank GOD my ways and thoughts are not His ways/thoughts!!!! Do you think she meant caviar? Yes, I agree with you - learning to be open, but also discerning is a difficult balance to strike. I have so enjoyed chatting with you. Blessings!
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