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Everything posted by butterfly

  1. I am not a counselor or anything but I have begun to understand some things. One of the most important things I have learnt is that it is important to use wisdom at all times. I know there are persons here going through abusive situations, first of all God does not want anybody to stay in an abusive relationship. One of my relatives stayed in an abusive situation and reaped severe consequences. She was warned many times to leave the abusive situation, to leave her abusive husband, but did not listen, on more than one occasion she was beaten unconscious, some of her children ended up doing wrong because her husband was a bad influence and also because of traits they inherited from their dad. One of her children died because of his bad choices and I don't think he was a Christian. Her grandchildren also don't treat her well because her children made bad choices and don't treat her well either. Use wisdom, if you don't, you, your children and future generations will reap the consequences. People in abusive situations often need the assistance of more than one police officers so that they can leave their husband along with their children safely. Use wisdom, don't in pride stay in a relationship that is abusive, don't stay in an abusive relationship no matter what. For those whose husband/wife is seeing someone else and is content to keep doing so, then leave them, no matter how difficult it is. Seek police assistance so you can safely leave. Do not stay married to someone who is with someone else. Use wisdom. Get a divorce and move on. He/She is the one with the problem not you so don't blame yourself at all, it's not your fault. Rely on Jesus Christ for emotional support and strength. Proverbs has a lot of wisdom, read proverbs, meditate on it. Ask God to teach you wisdom, be willing to learn wisdom. I don't know if you guys read about a former employee from Joyce Meyer's ministry who ended up harming his wife and children permanently simply because he had fallen in love with someone else and felt that his wife and children were holding him back. People advised that they seek counseling but that did not work because his heart simply was not in his family. They were a Christian family, the wife and children were Christians and even though they were Christians they were harmed permanently, perhaps if she just left him when she realized his heart was not in the marriage, perhaps when she found out he was seeing someone else (if she did indeed find out) and not constantly trying to hold on to him, holding on to someone who simply did not want his family perhaps she would still be alive. If someone has shown they want to leave make them leave. Don't try to force and struggle to hold on to someone.
  2. Perhaps you should take it one step at a time. Instead of just doing a full diet when you are eating a regular meal reduce your portion a little and add a vegetable to your meal. Make little changes here, little changes there. Don't worry if sometimes you slip back, that happens to all of us, just keep trying and don't give up.
  3. Glory to Jesus Christ for his goodness and mercy
  4. The girl in the photo below is missing. http://honor74.multiply.com/journal/item/630/Missing_Child
  5. You need to take all your children to the hospital immediately, croup can be fatal.
  6. I am asking if you can pray for someone I know. God gave me a dream showing me she is sick extremely bad, in the dream she seemed to be less than fifty pounds, and she is to the point that she sometimes drop because she cannot really stand up anymore. Pray that she will accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour if she isn't a Christian and pray that God strengthens and ministers unto her personally and that she will be well. Thanks.
  7. The earthquake that Chile experienced was huge. Some people may be trapped underneath the rubble and praying that someone finds them, as one can imagine some people are searching for family members and friends. Also remember the entire South American region because the earthquake was felt in all the region, also tsunamis may be heading for Indonesia, Japan, Hawaii, Russia, Japan and other nations.
  8. Thanks everyone for praying. I haven't heard anything yet Cholette but I know that God is working on him
  9. It is amazing how many survivors are still being found alive many days after the earthquake. Scientists have said that it is rare for a person to survive more than three days without water. Yet still after a week persons with no food nor drink has been found alive against all odds. Praise God
  10. I don't know what your dream means but let me encourage you by saying not to worry about it. You will know if a dream is from God. Just recently I was asking God how can I know when a dream is manifested and basically I got a dream that same day and in that dream I was trying to find out from every single person what some particular numbers in my dream meant, I went to someone and asked and she gave an interpretation and I didn't understand how she could get that interpretation from my dream, I went up to this unknown man in the dream asking him what does my dream mean and do you know what he said, "Why do you keep on asking what the dream means", he said "when the dream manifests you will know". I realized immediatley that that was what God was saying to me.
  11. There is someone I know and he is in a very bad condition, he takes drugs and now he is getting mentally unwell, he has been violent and threatening to persons. Please pray for him, Jesus Christ is his only hope of ever becoming normal.
  12. Sometimes it is hard for me to get out of strife and not being involved in strife. I have to remind myself oftentimes of the scripture where God says not to let the sun go down on your wrath, neither give place to the devil. So I am coming to learn before I go to bed that I have to let go of every single offence and unforgiveness in my life because if I don't I am just giving Satan the opportunity to wreak havoc in my life.
  13. God understands that we are not going to get along with everybody especially people who are cruel to us. In times when we feel strife coming on we can pray in our minds asking God to help us to not allow strife to be in our lives. One of my family members has been cruel at times to me, and I have distanced myself from that relative because that is the only way to keep the peace between us, if two persons can no longer get along sometimes it is best they seperate from each other even if it's for a short time. In terms of marriage, I'm not married so I can't give marital advice but for the sake of marriage as traveller say sometimes we have to disagree agreeably for the sake of peace to continue in the marriage.
  14. One can't help but to stop and reflect about life. A major disaster can come and affect either one of us, our nation, without warning and seeing what the people of Haiti are going through and what they are experiencing is beyond words. It is the first Caribbean nation that fought successfully against slavery and establish themselves as a free nation. Haiti is a very special nation, our relatives, our friends, our allie and neighbour, sharing a common history and ancestry. Haiti has a special place in the hearts of so many people across the world and we just have to do whatever we can to help them and to be there for them and to share with their grieves and sorrows.
  15. Thanks everyone for answering, you're welcome Halo. Sometimes we can also be at strife with our own selves and with God as well. Stife is a major issue issue within me personally and in my family. Extensive quarrelings, disputes, unforgiveness and the list goes on. As a matter of fact a relative of mine is being destroyed by unforgiveness. The book also mentioned a case how a witch infiltrated a church. Basically she came to the church stating how God has delievered her from witchcraft..... She attended every prayer meeting, bible study, she became very involved in the church ...... What she began to do was to seperate people in the church starting one rumour after another about various members which people believed, eventually the church broken up completely and when that happened she left.
  16. I just wanted to share some things I read from a book about strife. Strife is defined in Merriam Webster's dictionary as: 1 a : bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension b : an act of contention : fight, struggle 2 : exertion or contention for superiority I have been reading a Christian book about strife and it gave examples how allowing strife in our life can affect us. A man for instance was angry with his wife and he went to bed in that frame of mind. God told him that because of the strife that he had in his heart towards his wife that he allowed a demonic of strife to enter in his home. God showed him a vision of that demon. The demon of strife had on armour, he had on a helmet of pride, a breastplate of unrighteousness, a sword of bitterness, a shield of hate, a hammer of judgement, a cloak of deception, boots of anger, speaking forth lies. Sometimes the reason why me personally and my family as well may have problems is because of strife and I found out by reading this book. There was a married Christian couple who had strife in their marriage, God told them to deal with it but they wouldn't listen, they had one disaster after another until finally their entire house burned down. That was a wake up call for them. Another case was a Christian lady who was married to a non Christian man because he wasn't a Christian she wasn't happy with him, it caused strife in her marriage. God told her to keep the strife out of her home but she wouldn't listen, she had one disaster after another (such as car breaking down, washing machine breaking down , various things breaking down) until her roof ended up caving in. She realized that because she allowed strife in her home that is what happened. There was another person where God revealed to them that the reason why her family line had a long list of divorces was because of strife. Strife in a home can bring sickness, monetary problems, disasters in people's life. So when we pray about circumstances we need to ensure that our own personal lives are in obedience to God, that we don't allow strife into our personal lives, family, church life and relationships because strife can affects us adversely.
  17. A major earthquake occured not too long ago in Haiti. There have been tsunami watches along Hait's coastline, Cuba and Jamaica.
  18. Romans 8 verse 28 [28] And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
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