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Delightful soul

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Everything posted by Delightful soul

  1. Father I pray that there be an injury free season for people and command the tornadoes to dissipate to nothing in Jesus name according to your word which says if we say to the mountain to be moved and cast into the sea and do not doubt, it shall be done. So I say Tornadoes I command you to go to the dry dessert places that have no populations and dissipate. I call this season, God's season of fine weather in Jesus name and declare that over america and all the areas that have previously been named as tornado areas. Jesus name is above every name!!! I declare Jesus name over these areas and claim peace and command the prince of the air to bow down to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! NOW!
  2. wow virtuous that is sooo powerful and yes, God has shown me the same thing. He truly is God and I have to have a right heart attitude about this man. I still believe if he were to come to God he would still be in a free will situation with me and it would be his decision as to whether or not he was in a place to choose me or the mother of his children..... I can't escape the feeling I have had when I have been around him and feel he is the one, but ultimately we are products of our choices and i know God is a God of miracles, but i know this experience taught me that I was still looking for him to be saved just for me, not because God wants him more than I do. WE can be selfish most of the time as humans but the call is to be perfect, amen and so I want to want him for the kingdom, and pray that no matter what happens, that he doesn't go to hell for noone wants to be there, and it aint no party. selah
  3. I guess I felt that perhaps God was testing me to see how I would react if I actually saw him. THe church I go to has a ministry in an area in which he needs ministry and so am believing that one day, he may turn up to our church, when God reaches him. You are right to say to hold onto my vision, it was just so disappointing the other day. But I am fine now, got my faith legs back. I have been asked to do some volunteer work in this area of ministry and am so excited and feel priveleged to have been asked. I feel like one day it will be him who walks in the door of the ministry and He will find the Lord as so many people have done through this ministry. Anyhow, thankyou for giving me hope. God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see. Thanks
  4. Awwwww thanku Iwill tell you more but prssed for time. Thanks for replying!
  5. Hi peoples, I just want to ask someone's advice .... yesterday when I went to church, I was convinced that one of the congregation members was the man who I have been dreaming about since I was a teen. I ran into him recently. I was so excited but confused, i thought to myself, "he wouldn't be in church, as he hates God" then the more i looked the more it looked like him ...(i could only see the back of him).......I must have looked so silly as I kept looking to see more of him, his movements and mannerisms, they all seemed to be like him!!!! So I waited till church finished to see him as he got up.........and it wasn't him. I was so embarressed, then disheartened then just plain depressed........ I went to the toilet and had a little cry, i was so excited at the thought that it could be him and at the same time felt stupid as he did not recognise me, (and if it had been him, he would've noticed me), I cried to God as I thought so many things. Like, for starters, am I just hoping for someone to be saved when they simpley are so rebellious that they won't turn. Then I thought if that man had have been him, how would I react to the fact it has been soooo long since we were friends??? I was so upset over this -thinking it was him when it wasn't.......sometimes I feel as though this hoping for my first love to come to the Lord is all a farce.........it has been 20 years and I said to God, "I can still believe for him to come to you, but I think i have to give up the hope that he is the one meant for me"........ It's soo hard and sometimes i think it is crazy to hope for someone to come to God and me, when people have free wills.......and I could be allowing opportunities for lovely men in God to pass me by???? Man I'm so disapointed, it's like that scripture, "hope deferred makes the heart sick"., that's how I felt yesterday and today..........
  6. Thanks traveller! I appreciate your prayers.
  7. thankyou soo much, appreciate your prayers......
  8. I hope you don't mind my asking this, what do you mean by "insecure"? I will pray for you and I will pray God's will for your work life and that He will reveal to you which job you are to be in and that He will grant you favour in His time and will. Blessings
  9. Hi all, Just hoping someone would please pray for me. I'm feeling sooo stressed of late and I have hardley done any study in my new course..... Also I am feeling very oppressed and in my living situation, I feel like I want to move out but the rents are so high where I am and I know God is my provider, but I pray that God would provide a way out for me.......I have been living at home with parents since mid 2009 now and am feeling like I need to be in a place that doesn't feel so oppressive.....I know God has been doing something here, but I am feeling like I need a financial miracle..........and I am on the verge of when I think about my situation..... I know this is just attack from the enemy, so please pray for me if you could folks.......I have been stepping out and reaching out to others and I pray that I would continue to be bold. Thanks all......
  10. Wowsers that is so cool! Gods on his case big time!
  11. Even this title is proof that people inately dislike the use of the word no
  12. Well I believe mental illness is caused by lots of things, chemical imbalaces, trauma etc so I don't want you to think I'm saying its just a matter of thinking good thoughts if someone has an illness. Just from mu own experiences God has helped big time through His word....
  13. sorry took ages to get back, what i meant about Boundaries books, Dreamster put nicely..... I found that not only were my boundaries in life out of whack with other people, but I did not put enough boundaries on my mind, like telling myself what to think and what not to think. The mind is controllable and by that i don't mean an unhealthy control but a healthy control......we have the mind of Christ formed within us I believe this is why even non christians have a conscience, we are made in God's image, all of us. But now as believers we have His mind. I was struck with mental illness many years ago and if I had not the word of God to clean my mind up and help me to know that I could choose my thoughts, I would never have gotten out of it. Praise God He is delivering me, has delivered me and is continuing to renew my mind as I learn to feed my spirit and mind with things that are good. Even to have a balance and find things that minister to your soul as well as your spirit. Sometimes when we are sad we need to cry and release our saddness, sometimes listening to music that evokes in us feelings we identify with can help.....so what I am saying is, don't just ignore those feelings or thoughts, ask yourself why you are thinking them and appropriately learn by the holy spirit how to deal with them......His love and HIs word guide us and whatever is lovely and of Good report we think on these things, doesn't mean we have to feed ourselves on nothin but the wiggles or doris day songs, but sometimes we need to realise that some music is from the pit and some music is from God, even secular stuff.......it is not by might nor power but by His spirit.....balance is the key I find and knowing that we can do all things through Christ, we can think on Good things , but sometimes we have to cry before we can laugh ya know? We are human which doesn't give us an excuse to conform to our flesh, but also we are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul(mind) we are triparte beings and we need to minister to all three of our triparte nature in a balanced way. I hope I'm making sense. Bless you heaps
  14. esoteric - oxford dictionary says - intelligible only to those with special knowlege..... I believe that Jesus says "casting down imaginations and every HIGH thing that exalts itself against the knowlege of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" I had never heard of this esoterism before so had to look it up in the dictionary, but I feel its roots maybe in intellectualism and sounds much like existentialism and all sorts of intellectual spirits that are very (believe it or not) religious. Please share with us more about your journey, I pray father that you open this mans eyes to the truth and nothing but the truth, so help Him GOD!
  15. thanks Mia, just reread for a refresher course.........thanks so much, I appreciate your words....
  16. Hi everyone, I just wanted to testify to God's power in my life and the power he has given me to say "NO" when I am so busy that my head is spinning. I spent the new year with the Lord this year and He said to me that this year will be the year I will exert my use of the word "NO" and I knew he meant that I would be tempted to be busy and have to learn how to say No and not feel guilty. I told a friend about how I was going to have to say 'no' more often as I was sooo snowed under with everything ( i have just started study and joined the worship team after 10 years of being very ill)........his reply was surprising to me in that he felt I did not have to say no to people but rather post pone things so I would not upset anyone. I am amazed at his comments as the world simply hates to be told "no" to things and yet we do not balk at stop signs or traffic rules which are full of the word "No" or "stop", (No way through, no right turns for example)........ Anyhow God has shown me the word "No" is a boundary and if people do not like the word No (nicely delivered I might add) then they may have boundary issues. God has shown me that whenever I say "NO" I have been fearful of rejection and that as a christian I have to remember that I should not "FEAR MAN". So I just wanted to give this testimony, that today especially I had to say NO so much so I thought I was going to scream.......but you know what folks? I had a restful day, had sleep and treated today as the sabbath that I so desperatley needed.......I have a big week ahead, but I am praying I can place healthy boundaries on myself and be able to say "no" nicely but truthfully , to myself more than anyone as I need to say No to my flesh....... Hope this has encouraged someone and I am truly grateful for God's strength and for Jeremiah 1 which says (about half way into the chapter) "do not be afraid of their faces".....I believe this deals with the fear of man.......God wants me to be bold and be strong and of good courage, to come against the flesh in my life and in doing so, I will feel comfortable saying No where required.... 1 Cor:13:11 talks about growing up. And I noticed how children use the word "NO" emphatically whilst at the same time hate to hear the word "No" from their elders, like parents for example........ If it weren't for stop signs in traffic and NO WAY OUT signs in life, I would hate to think where I would be right now. And if it weren't for my saying no to myself and my flesh today, that wanted to do heaps of things instead of taking a sabbath, I would hate to think how tired and exhausted I would have been. Selah and blessings all!!!! God is good!
  17. Thanks cholette! Soooo true..
  18. I pray for clarity with this job in Jesus name! So be it!
  19. Sounds like the evangelistic gift is strong for you in this season...i would use every opportunity to plant seeds....go for it!
  20. Bless you sirianta hope all goes well, with publishing, maybe I can get tips from you!
  21. I thankyou that poverty and lack are cancelled in Jesus name!
  22. I am in a writers group and they do advertise in your local area there may be one, keep an eye out in the papers or arts groups....I'm in australia and so I have found a good one about half an hour away. Sirianta I believe that if you stand strong, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Nice pic by the way! Blessings - also try starting with poetry, also you could look for a poetry group! POetry doesn't have to rhyme but it enhances your writers skills tremendously. Tis ok whatever language you feel to write in, GO FOR IT GIRL!
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