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Delightful soul

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Everything posted by Delightful soul

  1. I pray over Goldeneagles bones right now in Jesus name! I speak the power of your love to bring your fire and warmth to those areas where the arthritis has been and I believe your NAME JESUS is greater than any name of illness. We do not ignore the illness but rather I speak to it NOW and pray the blood of Jesus over the situation. I thankyou for Healing Goldeneagles body, spirit and soul and please illuminate their mind if anything may be blocking this healing. Thankyou Father for your love and your persistence to never give up on us. We will not give up praying till this illness submits to what Jesus died for......total healing and freedom for you life Goldeneagle. Bless you soooo much! Love heaps!
  2. How are you after Mondays tummy upset and stress?
  3. Father, I lift up this family in your name. I pray that your will would be done in the family. I come against abuse of all kinds in Jesus name. I pray for the safety of all involved and ask that you would guide Ditte3 please to know what to do. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
  4. thanks guys!!! I really appreciated your prayers and also Cholette thanks for your words of wisdom. I know this time living with the folks there is a peace and they really are at that age where the roles are reversed. But sometimes I would like my own space back........I'll keep prayin bout this one!!!
  5. I've just gone and given away all my furniture and valuables and am getting the itch to move....I don't know if God wants me to move or what? Please pray I find the way. I have thought of house sitting, but don't know anyone who needs one. I start college in February so maybe I should stay put. My family are not saved I don't think cause my mum (bless her) watches stuff on tv that i consider demonic and often violent and gruesome. Right now as I am typing there is a film on with the foulest language in it. I just feel that cause of all that has happened with being sick has made it sooo hard for me to support myself and to be blunt, I am quite chicken at the moment. The only experience I had of enjoying living by myself was when I was totally by myself (and I have flatted heaps) and two years I lost my job (the whole company got retrenched) and my flat flooded so I had to find quick accom and so moved back to the folks. I feel like it is my safe haven, but defo not spiritually. I love to entertain and have a big gift of hospitality that i can't seem to exercise here obviously . Part of me feels like I should stay till I get a business up and running after college and part of me feels that I would hear from God better in a better environment, but till I can get in a better financial situation, not sure what to do, so am staying caput so to speak. My folks are getting older too and they really appreciate my presence for me to help them out, but I really find it hard. Not sure what to do, i should have put this in counselling as I did not realise i would say all this. I'm too old to be with folks at this stage of my life but things have lead me to this situation. I have been praying about this, when i can, but I find it hard to even pray. My father is involved in a cult and so i cannot talk about God without getting into some kind of argument, so I just keep things light and easy........ Sometimes I feel trapped,just not sure where God wants to take me. Thanks guys in advance.
  6. I came into the bathroom and saw my two kids and friends of ours (my husbands boss) daughter in the bath with lots of foam just having fun. I used the above from your first dream posted by you on here. Could this be what happened at the resort you went to? Even my husbands boss told him this morning that it was really not necessary. works' yearend function at a holiday resort. I feel for you and will continue to pray. Father make the way open for her to walk where you want her and her children to go. Help this to be a peaceful exodus out of a volatile situation that she has expressed here.
  7. awww tanks Trueflight!!! I know what you mean, he's been saying "i love you" and I 've been hearing that emotion. Thanks also Cholette! I have been eating more on WW then when I was off and losing weight! I truly want to be healthy. I know I don't need to lose weight in order to b e loved but last year i started getting fluid retention in my ankles and had to shop for larger shoes!! I have been going red in the face alot and also a few weeks ago I had really bad chest pains whilst at the gym. I got tested and they all came back clear, but it got me thinkin, If I want to live long and healthy i need to be eating good food and living healthier. It shook me up a bit.
  8. I know copyright is different in different countries but I have been told that cause it has your name on it, it is yours even if it is online. A copyright symbol helps but is not even necessary in Australian law so i have been lead to believe. I just looked it up and this is true of Australia but I looked up the US and there are many laws with regards to different forms of media,patents etc so please look these up, you can google it. There would be copyright issues so unless we are prepared to follow our own national copyright laws I would imagine this to be a bit tricky without having to put some kind of terms and conditions on the actual "poetry" section of the forum if it were to be on this site. This is what I think but I am no lawyer on intellectual property via the net.
  9. I just read this and will defo pray for you. For some reason, God has put you on my heart. I'm thinking of a scripture "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added".....I have no idea what you are going through, but when seeking the Lord, remember He has the rest of your life in control if you surrender it to Him. I pray God will show Himself mighty and strong on your behalf in your relationship and your entire life. I thankyou for your Wisdom in her life. Blessings sister.
  10. wow, God is anointing His people for work! These are great testimonies!
  11. but my emotions were stable during these times,the first three times he gave me a kiss,I felt a leaping sensation in my belly THe reason I quoted the above is a little reminder that when you are kissing someone, it is hard for your emotions to be stable. I have felt this before and to tell you the truth, it is physical in my humble opinion because at the end of the day, just like feelings in the Holy Ghost are fleeting, so are leaping sensations when we kiss.........sure it is GREAT when we have them, but we should celebrate them for what they are "feelings".......we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I know Cher wrote a song about it and even song of solomon has alot of stuff in it about the physical act of love making, but truly "if you wanna know if he loves ya so its in his "behaviour"......that's where it is!" Bless ya hun. Sounds like you're in love!
  12. You have every right to feel such emotions about your Mum. every right. Jesus does say to forgive but before we can forgive we must realise that there is something to forgive in the first place. The dreaming of what you are saying to me sounds like pent up anger being enacted in your dreams. Sometimes in Christian circles we preach forgiveness but ignore the misdemeanour. You have to face the misdemeanour first before you forgive completely. I have found also too after I have decided to forgive, that the emotions take a while to feel forgiveness. This is a process too. Sounds like you had opportuntities to tell your mum about how you felt but she never acknowleged what she did or rather did not do (protect you). This is a grieving process.....but before this I would pray that you have the courage to tell God how angry you are and express how that makes you feel. He will listen and so will we as your sisters. Maybe also another session with a Christian counselor may help, but I hope you have gained some insight into what may be going on with your dreams lately through what I have written. I hope I have been a blessing. Hate evil........this is what God says and Hate IS a stong word and God hates evil too. What was done to you WAS EVIL. I feel you need to know that and that you are wanting recognition for how wronged you have been. He hears your heart cry and so do i friend.
  13. wow that is understandable. I heard that all the Christians were told they had to celebrate christmas on a hill that day (the first tsunami) and so they all were spared the destruction as they were banished to the mountain by the other religions. Makes sense if they were all on the beaches really ....thanks for that info.
  14. a new job is GOOD! PTL! oh and i thought of this scripture about how 'the hills melt like wax at the presence of the LOrd" watch those girls hard hearts melt like WAX at the presence of the Lord in your life!!!
  15. Are you really coming down this way TF? Antartica is not far from here you know.
  16. Update: I have been going to WW for a week and already lost nearly 2 kilos (nearly 4 pounds) I am really happy cause I really have not missed out on much and have a variety of foods to eat....thanks Guys for all your prayers, I have really felt them, truly!
  17. thanks for all replies, I deleted alot of my comments but still ask that you would pray for me please.........thanks everyone
  18. I'm in prayer at the moment about alot of things, PLease if someone could pray I would appreciate it.
  19. awwww isn't God good.........that is lovely.........i pray things continue in peace and that HIs will be done in your marriage.
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