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Delightful soul

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Everything posted by Delightful soul

  1. A dream has come true. For 12 years I have wanted to study Theraputic massage and have not had the time, opportunity or money to do so. Not only have I been given money to do the course but the course was only offered in the cities and the closest place was 2 hours away. I have been praying for a course to come to my home area for years and one has finally come!! PRAISE GOD HE GIVES US THE DESIRES OF OUR HEART! I had almost given up on my dream and realised recently that I have a healing gift and really should be using it. God is good! :clap2:
  2. Hi people, I have a situation where I have been chatting online to a man overseas and we have been chatting on and off for about a year. Recently we have been chatting lots but He is a manager of a computer place so he has access to the net all day. When it is late for me around 8pm I chat with him for a few hours. Yesterday he said he is starting to have feelings for me. He is a nice christian man and we chat lots about God but I am really concerned that if he is on the net at work, this is not a good thing and I am being a stumbling block to him. Also I have met nice people online before and gotten myself into tricky situations where I feel like I am dating without actually having met anyone. I don't want to be cynical but this man has never been in love before and he seems nice but I don't really know him and the fact he is willing to chat so much in his work time bothers me. He has asked me to pray about him as I have not told him I have feelings for him cause honestly I don't. I can't without meeting someone. I did this once and got severly burnt and so I won't let myself get into some kind of fantasy land with someone thousands of miles away. I just don't know how to handle the situation or what to do. Also I have so much to do and whilst I want to be in a relationship I want it in God's time and not to distract me from doing things I should be doing. And I am having trouble juggling these conversations with my own life of doing things. I am not working so I have some spare time, but I am also trying to make a film and also am doing a course and finding that perhaps this internet thing is taking up alot of time. How do I handle this? I would love to find the right one, but is this the way? Are my concerns reasonable? Hope someone can shed light, His light on this. Blessings all
  3. wow thanks so much this means alot to me
  4. I am wanting prayer about my relationship with the Lord. I know He is calling me to be devoted to Him and not put others first but Him. PLease pray for me as I try to spend more time with Him in His word and in prayer. Thankyou to anyone who reads this.
  5. I hope all goes well for you matey. Not sure why God has you in a church that rejects you if it is what they are doing. Pray more about where you are meant to be. Maybe there is a swimming pool church you can go to that will accept you and nurture you and be accepting. We as the body need to be more accepting. I guess also too we need to look at both sides. Our own representation of who we are and also whether others are just plain mean. I really think if you are meant to stay in this church then either they have to change or you do. One or the other, otherwise why torture yourself? Blessings
  6. maybe the Lord is turning you to see Him as the best friend and that once we get our self worth from Him then we can ignore the people who don't accept us and just enjoy the ones who do, rather than feeling isolated. Sweety rest in Him and know that He accepts you and that as you look to Him to meet all your needs then you can give of yourself and break through those walls. No more hurt for you matey, I believe God is doing a new thing and hope you understand what I am saying. Bless you
  7. Amen Connie, I also think as we look back, we can learn from our mistakes so we do not make the same ones for the future.
  8. I read the first two replies, and agree with cholette especially. I have recently started attending church again after being in and out of different churches feeling the clickiness. This time i came to a church with a mercy ministry and they are very open and welcoming. Sometimes there are clicks but God is also showing me that yes indeed we need to make ourselves friendly. I learned strangely enough from some material I was given that is from worldly counselling and it said basically that if we are afraid of being rejected then we put walls around ourselves and people perceive this as unfriendly and thus it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy that we get rejected. Good stuff huh! My old pastor once told me that at times I can seem really mean and unfriendly and so instead of getting really upset about it (I was understandabley shocked and upset when she told me) I thought maybe I have put walls around myself also and give off scary vibes. Anyhow, I think it is a combination of both. Not everyone will like you in life but a smile goes a long way you know and someone may just react positively to your smile and friendliness. Don't worry about those who reject you. PRaise God for those who accept you and smile because of it and others will be drawn to that joy! Hope all goes well for you at this church. If it is not the right place, you will eventually know and if He has you there, perhaps He wants you to press through the crowds and touch his garment like the woman with the issue of blood. Bless you so much, I feel for you!
  9. souls ties are very hard to break, but praise God for his healing
  10. oh and matey...............you were a model.........isn't that proof enough that you are gorgeous and made in God's image as the daughter of the most high God? Come on.........this guy's speaking from the pit with all his 'garbage' about your looks and sounds like a typical worldly guy to me. Break the words he has spoken on you girl in Jesus name! Blessings to you -
  11. Girlfriend.....I tried to read all of what you said, I read the first few replies and I agree with what Cholette said in her first reply and a few others - DUMP HIM! He is mentally playing with you and the mental intercourse is what you would have had with him sexually had you consented. Thing is you seem very involved with him already and are deeply soul tied to him in my opinion. Jesus is the only saviour. Sometimes when you see someone drowing, you need to throw them a life saver. IF you were to jump in yourself as an unexperienced swimmer, then you could drown yourself. Seems like you need some healing yourself and being 'involved' with this man who sounds very nasty to put things plainly, is making things downright yucky for you. Be wise sister and remove yourself from all danger. He is not a christian and is just trying to show this woman off to you as though you 'could have' been the one he was sleeping with and to top things off is enjoying watching you hurt. The whole thing smells bad bad bad. Shake the dust off your feet and let this fish go girl! Or you'll go down with him!
  12. Hi guys, I wanted to share about what God has been doing in my life of late as it is pretty awesome! The past couple of years have been pretty full on and I got sick in April and it has taken me till now to get better. But in the process of things, i was on medication that made it difficult to drive long distances. Also due to being sick, I slept most of the time and was not going to church. But this was not the only reason I did not go to church. I am in a rural town and there are alot of places which I have been to that are very religious. I found a church that my friend went to for a while but they were very clicky. I have noticed that alot of places have been clicky and anyhow this had really hurt me. From some of the past experiences I have had many years ago with church, I had been rejected alot and for the past few years had pretty much given up going to church altogether. Anyhow I had been praying about this about a month ago and I really felt that God wanted me to give things another go so I said to God "where do I go"? He lead me in the phone book to a place about half an hour away and cause of the driving issues, I was very nervous about whether i would be able to see clearly to drive back home. But I stepped out in faith. when I got to the church they had a visiting speaker who was a prophet evangelist and he gave me one of the most powerful words I have ever had. He was there the following night and so after the trip home went well from the morning meeting, I decided to go to the night and actually drove there and back in the night time, which was a miracle in itself!! I invited some friends and they got healed and blessed and also the prophet when he gave me the prophecy he could not stop telling me how excited he was for my life!!He said I had been hurt in my past and that leaders had pushed me aside, but that God was going to see to it that His plan for my life would come to pass! Since then I have gone to this new church and have been so excited about every sunday. God has also challenged me to start putting tracts in letter boxes and I have printed nearly two and a half thousand! My eyes have been healed of the effects of medication it seems and I have been challenged to give over and above like never before. I wake up every day excited about life and my prayer life has quadrupled! I just want to thank God and let you all know about this transformation. God has healed me of old hurts and I could tell you all more about some of the emotional hurts he has healed and is healing, but it would take a book! Bless you all for being here to read this and I hope to share more as I know and trust God is doing a new thing in my life!
  13. wow i thought you were talking about my ex too! He would text me from time to time and when I would text him, no reply. It seemed he wanted me on his terms and when we broke up and i assertively told him what i thought of him, he said i was acting the victim. He would never have thought to apologise and this was how the relationship was. After it ended he wanted to 'be friends' and so we tried to be friends for 1 and a half years. Didn't work. He would be so manipulative and only wanted to see me when he was at a loose end. He was such an emotional abusive person that I thought it was my fault whenever anything went wrong. It wasn't until we broke up that my life started to feel 'normal' again and i have so many friends who would never treat me the way he did and so i began to realise that it was a toxic and very controlling relationship. Thanks for sharing here as reading it made me realise that I was not the only one. Blessings to you sister and enjoy your new 'healthy' relationship!!!
  14. Could someone please pray with me for me to get well enough to work. A nice couple have asked that I work volunteer giving them marketing advice etc with the possible hope of working for them as a tutor. I spoke with them for about 2.5 hours as they explained their company etc and I am still trying to get over the exhaustion i feel from this talk! I have not been well for many years and have just come out of hospital and I desperatley want this opportunity but my nerves feel shot! Hope for God to show me the way whether I am to be involved with these people or what, not sure. Please pray I know what to do. Blessings, little one
  15. Hello peoples! I have not been on here too much of late but love to pop my head in now and then to say HELLO! Life has been a bit like this for me of late. I was in hospital for a couple of weeks not far back and recouping. This past year has been amazingly tough but I know God has alot in store for His kid and I am movin on up movin on out movin on up nothin can stop me ahuh! Or should I quote that i feel like i am on the 'good ship lolly pop, on a sweet trip to the candy shop' Oh dear....hmmm Anyhow I hope to make more friends on here and want to say Hi folks!! I maybe be quirky but I LOVE JESUS HEAPS....... I guess you could say 'I'm stuck on Him"
  16. praise God you are doing well....i hate it when it seems that He aint speaking to me. Thing is I am more inclined to think that He is always speakin, we are just not getting His methods of communication. I wonder however if was wanting you to be patient and wait on Him to show His wonders to perform. Cause perform He did, praise His and I pray all the best for you with work. You have the ultimate creator living inside of you and He sees Jesus when He looks at you so He cannot but think you are AWESOME when ever He looks upon you. A wise person once said to me, it is not your who but your do that needs work. Who we are in Christ and what we do are two separate things, or perhaps they should be the same, but if we could be in Christ 100% of the time, we would not need Jesus identity at all....hope I am making sense here. He loooves you soooo much matey. And when He is quiet maybe it is cause He is hunting wabbits! LOL (i thought that was funny hehe) Bless you heaps...
  17. Of course all things are possible with God...and I would hope that my message was not discouraging you or encouraging you to do nothing about your relationship or to be negative or give up. Thing is I see alot of stuff go on in church which is downright controlling and the truth is we cannot change people, only God can. Controlling prayers do not move the hand of God either. We must trust our relationships into His hands to work with. What GOD BRINGS together let no man put assunder. Ok then if this is the case then why are there so many divorces??? OK maybe this is cause alot of marriages aren't put 'assunder' by God - makes sense. I am not saying your relationship is not of God ok, all I am saying is, break ups occur for a reason. IF it was your shall i say "fault' then you are the one to change...or how about this saying ' it takes two to tango", so if you both did wrong things in the relationship then you both need to change.....but you cannot change her and she cannot change you......GOD CAN! Am I making sense here??? I seem to get it, hope others on here, but most importantly you do matey. Trust Him, Claire
  18. congrats Dreamster! Hey can't seem to PM you....what's the deal there? Anyhow sooooooooooo good to know the prayers have been answered..........
  19. hello! I want to give you a pearl of wisdom here............visions and scripture and prayer mean nothing without a desire for CHANGE.... Precious soul, you are hoping and desiring your lady to come back to you.........she left maybe for a number of reasons........all you can do is look after yourself and change yourself........a person with depression is very hard to live with, i have had it myself and lived with others with it. But a person who wants to grow in God and change continually is easy to live with, no matter how many arguments or trouble going on ok........this is where i am coming from but dear friend do yourself a favour and change what you can - yourself. Try and stay friends with your wife and if she sees that you genuinely care about yourself she will return...maybe or maybe not. Trust God! He will give you the desires of your heart........not what you think you want ok necessarily, but what you want deep down. You have been depressed for a reason i gather so maybe deal with first things first....you cannot change her or God for that matter.........He has let her leave you for now....don't run after her in your heart, let her go and if she comes back, God willing (we are all free agents remember) then continue to live daily for Jesus growing into being the best you you can be ......... God bless sweet soul.
  20. thanks, I do not seem to get email notifications of replies to posts so i only got this now after having checked on here. You are right, I am getting into praise more and beginning to connect with God more....last year I totally let go of habits that were keeping me in good health, prayer, devotions, praise.... I lost my flat and came to live with my folks, they hate it when i sing and will bang on the doors to tell me to stop even if it is anytime of day. But I can do all things through Christ and I am confessing that His joy is my strength and I will be blessed in every direction. I am starting to confess more often positive things for my life as I have seen the effects of doing that 5 years ago when I prophesied over my life that i would be well, and healed, and the doctor gave me the all clear this year!!! Praise Him.......the enemy is defeated and the battle is the Lord's. Amen xo Thanks Guys
  21. thankyou guys, appreciate your feedback and help.
  22. man I am depressed lately and forced myself to read this as I have struggled for YEARS with suicidal thoughts, I have had alot of victory in the past 5 or so years now and have not struggled so badly. In 1994 I was in a bind and in my room one night rocking and in some kind of trance thinking about taking my mums pills to end it all....the phone rang that night and it was my pastor asking me what was wrong as God had told her to ring me??? If it had not been for her obedience to ring me then I guess i would have swallowed those pills and most likely would have been a vegetable or something worse. Recently I have made friends online with a man who's ex killed herself and we are really good mates and talk everyday practically, have done for one and a half years now. We talk lots and alot about his ex, he misses her so much and remembers all the good times and some bad too.He was totally in love with her-still is and it is like the Lord has shown me how selfish suicide is.......that sounds tough to say but this an spends everyday missing her - he does not know the Lord and she did not either, I sometimes wonder if she asked God to send someone his way to tell him about the truth, cause I am hoping she is with God now, if not she still wishes that her man would know the truth about life.Anyway, the point I am trying to make is, I have been shown the side of suicide that really stings, the other people who are left to pick up the mess and then spend every day wondering how they could have helped them deal with their problem more positively. I have left a post on the counselling forum as I am going through a hard time of late....but I pray it never gets that dark again for me that I feel totally helpless but for to escape by giving up my life. What upsets me sometimes is that I have been a christian since 1990 and have struggled with depression so bad that I have trouble functioning in everday life..........I have been gifted (not bragging ok) with so many talents and some days my head hurts so bad that I cannot do a single thing, it is like I am frozen with saddness. I know I have the joy of the Lord....and yet I fight (always have) the battle to not allow satan to beat my heart all the time. Praise God that you were obedient cause we really need to listen to that still small voice and pick up the phone when we should or email that person or go have coffee with our mates. Who knows how a person is feeling.....and in todays world we are either busy or good or not bad..........we cover up so much and so cleverly that we are in fact liars. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to cry with those who cry and laugh with those who laugh and not get that mxed up at all. Amazing story ...it has given me hope to carry on.
  23. wowo Dreamster! I know how hard it has been for you! Praise God indeed........prayers have been answered! oo Blessings
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