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Delightful soul

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Everything posted by Delightful soul

  1. yeah i know I had issues with grief years ago, actually it was hereditary but God showed me that when grief is allowed to hold root in our lives it can grow into this thing whereby we grieve over everything big or small and let it take over and in a sense i can see why God said that to you..........we are to be children of light and to be of good cheer hey
  2. sometimes illnesses can be psychosomatic or caused by emotional issues but sometimes it is cause of other things, like it would be silly to say that pimples are caused by self hatred or some such thing when eating too much chocolate may cause them........... i think you have to seek God on these things as each person is sooo different and we are fearfully and wonderfully made.......i like the whole idea of shopping to warfare against self hatred though, nothing like shop therapy to help every once in a while
  3. Father I pray for Will and that your hand of love, protection and peace be on Him right now. In the mighty name of JEsus and with the authority you have given me in Jesus name I command these seizures to STOP!!!!!!!!NOW IN your name JESUS!!! JESUS thankyou for delivering him and helping him receive your healing right now! Amen and Amen! So be it..
  4. it rings a bell, what is it about?????????(don't tell me it's 'God's finger" )...........seriously though what's it about?
  5. I pray you and JEsus be strong in this situation right now, I plead the blood of Jesus over you and your hubby and pray for peace and for an outcome of hope and love and that you would have courage to tell him how you feel......... word of wisdom; if you have yet to speak to him, tell him how you feel when he does or says or doesn't say..........whatever goes on that you feel unhappy about,,,,,,the big "i feel , when you.........do/say..........." is the best conversation help I have had...........you may have heard this before but thought to mention it.......... Courage sister and wisdom........
  6. Hi dreams3, I had like yourself been in the occult and my family line also was in it, you name it, it was there.........I can understand the poverty that comes from being involved in all sorts of stuff.......... I really believe you should pray against that python that is squeezing you guys tight in the area of finances...........it may sound wierd, but give it a go, what have you got to lose???? The thing I have experienced with generational curses is this; we need to break their power off our lives before we can see victory..........I'm of the belief that you need to renounce your involvement (if you have not already) in all forms of occult and anything else the Lord brings to your mind.........I believe repentance is two fold, saying sorry and walking away from that sin or involvment in disobedience of any kind. In revelations it says that the saints overcame the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their TESTIMONY......this to me means that when we become involved in things that do not glorify God (i.e. occult or false religion, new age whatever) they have their own prayers, chants, etc where WORDS are used to bind that person to that practice........Therefore I believe that WORDS that break the power of the enemy off our lives testify to the word of God. Some people don't believe you need to say anything, that once you become a christian and are filled with the spirit, you are safe. IF that is the case then, how come so many of us have been poor and sick and bound and are spirit filled tithing, giving christians huh? This I believe is because of Deuteronomy 28 which talks about blessings and cursings.......there is alot of material and conferences (although you will have to really look and pray to find them) which deal in these areas. I have found over my life that I needed to go through prayers of forgiveness, healing, renouncing curses and breaking vows made. For example, when I was in Karate we said the Dojo Kun (fogive my spelling) the dojo kun was a 'prayer type vow you made to the dojo - which my instructor said was the building where you practiced karate.......later i found out dojo referred to the house of prayer in shinto Japanese religion where you entered the dojo and bowed to the spirit of the dojo. These vows I had to renounce to cut a long story short but there were so many things tied to it that I needed to repent from . The discipline of karate itself was good, but there were definate things that were a bit cult like in my opinion in this type I did. I had also been into astrology and had a psychic history down to my grandmother to break off big time. I have realised the power of WORDS and the most powerful words are the WORD OF GOD......... Get scriptures on what God says about tithing and blessing. Malachi 3 is a good chapter that talks about God opening the window of heaven to pour out His blessing too much to contain......there are heaps more and lots of GOOD material out there about financial blessing and healing in your finances........I agree with Dove about the spirit of poverty.......i also think that there is a big tie between the occult and the spirit of poverty in that most things to do with the occult have a high price them. To get psychic readings can cost hundreds of dollars and in Christ a prophetic word should NEVER be sold. His gifts are FREE. I hope I have helped encourage you to delve deeper into studying the word on this. Trust Him to lead you dear friend as I know there are so many hidden things in our families that JEsus knows about and He is the revealer of all truth. He is TRUTH. So i suggest reading all you can on scripture and teachings on deliverance, prayer, hereditary curses and breaking free of the occult that you can. Also too Praise is helpful in hearing from God........and just hanging with Him and listening to His lovely voice .....I know you hear from Him, just trust Him that no matter how wierd it may seem, God knows.......all things....... He has even revealed things in my life that I had to look up in the dictionary. I was breaking stuff off me that I had to learn years later in Uni what these things were and things God revealed to me in prayer that sounded wierd or I could not even spell the names of the things to break off and God would show me that they were real. It just takes a step of faith and to trust Him and not man. Man sees the outward appearance but God sees with the heart. Some of what I have said may stir up contention but I hope you will take this and pray about what I have said .... Blessings, DS
  7. wow I soooo know how that feels........... I really know God is telling me to give more and more and more and I am not sure what I have to give.....but recently I have been making my own tracts and posting them in peoples letter boxes with a friend...........i've said this to say that like how God used you to do that mans books, he is using me to spread the gospel through tracts........i have never done this before but I thought, if I am sitting at home doing nothing, then I should get off my bum and DO SOMETHING! THis is turning out to be mamoth.............someone gave me $100 recently towards it so I can now put these tracts on high gloss paper and make it look professional..........God is good......... He is also opening up new windows of opportunity........Cholette I just wanted to encourage you to do what the Lord is telling me.......to press in to Him more and more and rely on Him as the husband who provides..........I am finding it challenging to trust that God wants me in the land of promise more than I do!!! But I know he is speaking to me now and I hope it is speaking to you....... God loves a cheerful giver and I know he also likes us to look at what we have. When I was a little girl I was talking to my unsaved mum and friend at the time about all the things I wanted.......you know what my mum said "wish in one hand and spit in the other see which fills up the most! (sarcastically) the funny thing is Cholette, I did not see spit piling high but my dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the other hand where the spit was it was seeping through my fingers and falling to the ground...........remember this, that was a childs thinking, but I never forgot it...........God says, come to Him like children for such is the kingdom.........I saw dreams not spit that day as a 3 or 4 year old child thereabouts, I never forgot it cause God reminds me of it and says to me, "look at your hands and I will fill them, with dreams and the power to fulfill them!!!" Isn't God great! what an awesome testimony Cholette, glory to God!
  8. is this the one? The five Stairsteps i think they are called....... thanks for that Cholette.......it made my day.........God is everywhere, even in the bottom of a Donkey.........that sounded badddddddddd........
  9. here's the song i heard by Bruno Mars - cute song
  10. Look, I am going to say something here which may sound totally WIERD.......but all I know is is that many years ago a lady prayed for me a cast out a python spirit out of me, and it nearly choked me as it was coming out, praise God greater is He but it was VERY STRONG.......it was a strong man and also I was asked if I was involved in martial arts and then told this spirit is the strongman of high end martial arts.........(i was in a karate group which was very much into spiritual stuff although it claimed not to be, I'm not saying all karate groups are evil ok......cause we need to use discernment)............. I just thought to mention this as it was strange that this friend saw the python wrapped around the house. Another thing too, when ever the name of JEsus was said, my stomach would tighten like a snake literally was squeezing me........ I just want to add that I am not wanting to glorify satan here, just state something that happened to me at a conference. Some people don't feel a thing when they are attacked or delivered, but it was never that way for me mostly.......we are all different I guess. Anyhow I hope this has given you a clue into what may be attacking you, if not I pray that you stand up to this spirit and also prosper in whatever God brings your way. Blessings
  11. Bind the spirits mouth from even opening around you in Jesus name and watch them as the spirit cowers to yours, for greater is He who is in you than He that is in the world......... It's hard especially if you may have come from out of the occult yourself...whatever we come out of seems abhorent to us but the Lord is merciful and more powerful in that mercy than any occultic demon........remember, people who are in this are searching and whilst it may be dangerous you feel to be around them, the simple solution would be to ignore them and keep conversation to a minimum, but I feel God say to you what He said to Jeremiah the prophet......in chapter 1: 17 part of it says "do not be dismayed before their faces".....God had told him to confront the people with His prophetic word........the occult is really false prophecy in action matey so I suggest you rise up in the Holy Spirit, do some praying before you go and trust the Lord to give you the words to speak should you need them.......if you get stuck and they try to talk to you , you can always use my out of "excuse me I have to go to the toilet" and make a quick exit from a sticky conversation...... I am excited for you you know cause Jesus loves everyone and He has brought you out of this soul tie and situation and you are a new creation, no longer affected by the intimidation and seduction of the occult as manipulative as they can be......remember they are human caught in a trap and you have the word and the keys thanks to Jesus to hell itself....so lock the door on satan and open the door to the power of the Holy spirit....... you can do this....let me know how it goes! bless ya
  12. i pray His peace overtake you and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper for your righteousness is of God....we pull down strongholds of strife and discord in Jesus name right now! Nice to know it's you newleaf/hiskid!
  13. well thing is it is more fun on the chat box, but more risk of saying something that EVERYONE will see and there's no edit button
  14. not tak dtsr taCT!.......but I'll pay you that one, very funny Thanks Deborah, yes I forgot to mention I thought that was cool that biblical reference....... Funny even after writing what I wrote, people's prayers are being answered.....i heard a song on the radio with a guy singing "i love you just the way you are" and I knew it was Jesus saying He loves me just the way I am.............has anyone ever experienced that? Hearing the Holy spirit singing through songs on the radio???? So cool........thanks Deborah for your prayers and to everyone on here.......
  15. you haven't got the tact dtsr........for diplomacy that is...... thankyou Deborah for what you said it really means alot to me, I have just joined ww today and really was surprised at the positive people (I'm a bit of a cynic at times) but it was nice to see......... I really want to do this and be accountable........I get what everyone is saying here, but if someone has an alcohol problem they can stay away from alcohol, but if someone has a food issue they still have to eat, it is just a matter of eating healthy........i have weaknesses in the area of portion control and also choosing healthy options......i'm praying that all here would pray and thankyou for your prayers already.......I know God loves me, but overeating is a real issue in the church especially.......I don't know how to tell you how challenging it is to go to church functions and there are hardley any healthy options....also eating out, the portion sizes are so huge they are for gluttons really........I know this sounds like I am focussing on the food stuff but really noone in church seems to address the 'sin of gluttony' and also I think that I need serious help, I have had chest pains and all sorts of health issues since putting on the weight and it is overwhelming at times........I want BALANCE...... I have a really good self image in that God has worked on my confidence in Him and also to see myself as beautiful in my eyes and I am growing in this every day......but the facts are obesity is something I am struggling with and overeating and also not eating enough healthy foods and learing to say 'no'........I am not condeming myself here but rather judgeing myself lest i be judged.......I see this as a time for me to be honest and ask for some real help here......... when I was doing karate I trained so hard i got a six pack.seriously.....this was many years ago but I had to work hard to achieve the results........i got out of karate cause alot of it was works....but thing is I know God has called me to be a leader here and He is saying,there are health issues to be looking at here.......I want to live long and prosper (no I am not a treckkie ) but you know what I mean? Thanks for all your lovely words I have received them and no that you all care alot about me and I want to thankyou from the bottom of my heart , cause yes, it was alot to post this sensitive stuff for me up here....... blessings
  16. wow reading this now gives me such hope........ i broke up with this man not long after this post, or he broke it off with me............. looking back I can see how it was such an emotionally abusive relationship........he was such a committment phobe poor guy...... I'm no longer friends with him even ....but I have prayed for him and released him, had lots of healing and deliverance. Last time i saw him I said i would pray for his kids and he threw his hands in the air and turned his back on me and said nastily 'you can pray, I'm done with all that"......so sad but all that was said here was true....... i was being deceived big time........i want to say that I am sooooo happy now and love being single.......Jesus is my example and when i was with this man he did things that Jesus would never do......Jesus wants to shout me meals, open doors for me, encourage me and show His full committment to me.......things I have NEVER experienced in a relationship with another man on this earth....... Jesus is so kind, recently I was nattering to him in my bed and he said, "when you are married, it will be like this" meaning, the intimacy and nightly chats where we share our days and thoughts about God with eachother at night.......i love my chats with the Lord, He is showing me that when I get married to the man He has for me, that it will be much like that........my previous relationship, i felt more alone in bed than i had felt when i was single!!!!!!!!!!strange but true.......God is really all I need and want.......and I seek Him rather than people to meet my needs....thankyou everyone! It was good to look back on this.
  17. do people use the chat box on this site????????????????
  18. i got off it cause i got a lot of bad attention and then reconnected with others who knew me before I was saved......it was great but I feel I can do more without it in my life......... maybe I will go back one day but when I am stronger, not sure when that will be hehe..... i like the above comments cause it really is about knowing yourself and being wise with it......i just had a problem with me about it and know that it was something I was idle with alot and it was costing me big $$$
  19. that is cool S...I'm glad I could help out with the dream you had and yes I agree with you that fear once it grows or rather is tolerated and allowed to grow in ones mind, becomes a stronghold and it may look innocent, but is dangerous in that it debilitates us into doing nothing......imagine a war with satan and he was able to scare all the soldiers into being so afraid they just froze.........so much easier than using artilery really which is why he uses fear to bind us.........we need to bind satan and also stand up for righteousness in that if a person uses intimidation, (which is what your hubby did when he threatened you about the kids) he was basically trying to frighten you........if you have to be manipulated and given scare tactics to stay in the marriage you have to ask yourself why your hubby would do that...... I'm in agreeance with all here who have said we cannot tell you what is best, but if you allow wisdom and the holy spirit to guide you out of fear, you will be able to navigate your way out of this nightmare of yours that you feel you are in....... blessings
  20. thanks Hiskid, yes i actually have the Don Colbert book in my library......i think above all else i need to put up boundaries around my life for eating and exercise........i have a gym member ship and joined back in october of last year, i have injured myself every month since i have been going and it has been hard........i feel to join something like ww where i am accountable........Don is good too but I don't have loads of money to spend on health food so at the moment I just want to get the kilos off and feel better.....and also eat good foods that aren't so expensive..........anyhow enough of my whinging, i shall get proactive about this........i just wanted to thankyou all Cholette and His kid (maybe Dstr too :P) as I would really love your prayers on the whole self image thing and also just to be healthy in my attitude and in the physical....i just feel a real call to be healthy .....
  21. oh dstr you are a kidder!!!!!!!!! Thanks Cholette your words meant alot...........i have learned over the years to like who I am but living back with the folks has been hard as they constantly tell me I am over weight, i told them that even when I was 60kilos they thought I was never good enough, skinny enough........anyhow you are right, if I don't learn to love myself for who I am then no matter how much i lose it will never be enough. I have had come to places in my life where I look in the mirror and see who i am as a beautiful daughter in Christ but living back here, i look in the mirror and see imperfections here.....strange i think....... anyhow I do believe there can be curses put on people that only the name of Jesus can break as I have been delivered of them big time but we can agree to disagree, you are right in that i believe too that I am blessed and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper......but sometimes people can say things and it is like an arrow to the heart.......it hurts anyhow thankyou for all your words and yes we do have a weight watchers, i have been before and found it hard....it was the portion thing, so maybe i need to go back and persevere..... thankyou for your prayers and words of wisdom and encouragement.....all was accepted well.......please continue to pray!!
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