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Everything posted by Christa

  1. Thank you....your prayers are so precious! Court was very difficult this morning, but did a 180 after mediation. I just kept praying through it. He brought two of his friends and I was alone. After we spoke to the mediator, he just straight up agreed to supervised visitation!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't fight me one bit after mediation and we even had lunch together! His friends left shortly after, and we hung out together until we had to go before the judge. The judge was pretty impressed with us because we came to a decision so amicably. This was nothing short of miraculous.....especially because of all of the shenanigans he's pulled over the last month. His friends are ademant about him burrying me alive, but God was truly my avenger today! Thank you for all of your prayers. They were desperately needed as my nerves were on edge.
  2. I'm not scared, but my nerves are on edge a little. Can you please pray for me to have peace in this situation. I want to go in there bold and courageous...glowing with the presence of the Holy Spirit on me. Please pray for me that God will show up in that courtroom in a miraculous way. I want to see angels in that courtroom.....seriously. I want to see angels there and a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit. I want the anointing to be so weighty in that courtroom that everybody gets a touch of Jesus there and KNOWS IT WAS JESUS. Also, please pray that I will have favor and that the judge will truly see the situation fully without even knowing all of the facts. Also that the judge will listen to what God's telling him/her to do. Thanks you all for your prayers and everyone's good advice and dream interpretations. I really love this site, and I'm so happy to have found you guys. God bless you all.
  3. I really needed to hear that. Of all days, today I needed that, as I'm preparing for court first thing tomorrow morning.
  4. "Some days I would like to arrest my mouth for a misdemeanor." ....classic Connie, I'm rolling! JBS.....I was a complete hormonal wreck after I had my baby. It took at least a month to stop crying. I couldn't watch anything bad on tv, I couldn't listen to bad stories (of like people getting hurt). I was sleep deprived. Every day at dusk I bawled my eyes out .....like clockwork for an entire month. I've heard it's called the baby blues. It might've been a little bit of post partim depression too. Lurdys gave the right instructions there...you'll feel a lot better if you do that...for sure. God bless you new mom.
  5. Weighty is a good way to put it. Praise God.....I love the contagiousness of the anointing!
  6. That is truly a miracle. It's almost impossible not to owe the IRS anything! Praise God....that's miraculous MB!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely miraculous!!!!!!!
  7. Amen girls! Amen! Thank you for the song Virtuous. Do you play piano?
  8. I had finished up replying to posts on this site last night and went off to bed. As I was laying there I began speaking to God as I often do. Usually as I'm speaking to God, I end up nodding off to sleep if I'm really tired. Last night I just felt like reconnecting with Him. I started giving Him the praise and the glory. All of a sudden, I felt like I needed to lift up holy hands and speak in tongues intermittently with giving Him the praise. I couldn't stop! I kept finding more things to say....."You are my God; You are my King; You are my Redeemer and my Salvation; You are magnificent and worthy...." It just kept rolling out. Then I began to petition the Lord for things (money, whatever) and realized that that was secondary to what I REALLY wanted....I wanted the anointing to hit me like a lightening bolt. I wanted to be enslaved, engulfed, and drenched with the anointing. I then asked God specifically for that.....then those words wouldn't stop rolling out of my mouth. I began asking Holy Spirit to unveil my eyes so that I could see visions, the supernatural. I asked Holy Spirit to unveil all of my senses so I could taste, see, hear, feel, and smell God in every minute of my life. I literally begged God (crying) for more of Him. All of a sudden it happened....it happened.....it happened. I literally felt an unveiling in my eyes, and in an instant, I had more clarity in my vision (literally.....my vision was corrected somehow). All I could say was, "Wow....what was that?!" I started to smile like a kid on Christmas morning. The next thing that happened - you guys are going to laugh - I got girded. I'm not kidding people. I felt like I got diapered up by God. I started to laugh and I just kept repeating, "Wow....what was that?!" The next thing I felt was a swirling, tingly sensation starting at my feet which worked it's way up to my torso. The sensation stayed for a few minutes and then swirled back down again and off of my feet. Again, all I could say was, "Wow...what was that?!" I thanked God for His touch, but you guys, I'd be lying if I told you I didn't ask Him for more. I had gotten a little taste, but I was still starving for more of Him. That little taste sparked up my metabolism and so I started putting more logs on that fire !!!!!!!!!! I told Him that I never wanted to let go of the hem of His garment, and if I got too weak that He would cup my hands in His to keep me hanging on. I continued to pray and ask God to anoint my hands so that I could zap people with His healing touch and watch people's arms/legs grow out. I asked God to let me travel and be a witness to Him. Again, I couldn't stop...the words kept rolling off. I went on and on speaking to Him about what I wanted to do for Him and to let me experience His Kingdom daily. I told Him that I couldn't wait until I saw Him so that I could sit at His feet and sing, "Holy, Holy, Holy." It was almost as if I couldn't stand my flesh anymore because it separated me from Him because He is ALL I want. I was so incredibly touched last night. I felt like I was UNLEASHED to start walking in my new position....like I got promoted. I'm going to tell you guys.....I want to be promoted in His Kingdom daily. I want him to render me catatonic with His glory. I want to be His puppet. I want to do His bidding. He's been giving me a message lately that I want to share with you all, but I'm going to post it in another section entitled, "Throw out your old wineskin." God bless all of you and I pray that the next time you speak with God that you beg Him for more...more...more of Him.
  9. I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!!!! I love it! That's a good song Delia....a real good one!
  10. The day before my husband attacked me, I went to church. Holy Spirit swept over me and you wouldn't believe it, I started laughing uncontrollably. Anytime I stopped laughing, somebody would make a little giggle and then I'd bust up again. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. This went on for about 20 minutes. That day I was seeking a strong manifestation of the Holy Spirit on me because I felt a change coming. I felt like I needed the stirring in my spirit. Little did I know that the laughter was my battle cry......that laughter was Holy Spirit preparing me to walk arm in arm with him and draw me near for the night to follow. The night my husband attacked me, I was dumbfounded after the experience, I couldn't put two thoughts together in order to even make a decision as to whether to call the police or not. Holy Spirit guided my every move during that crucial time....I'm talking strategic stuff that I wasn't capable of doing because of my dumbfounded state. Girl....you're putting your white flag up to the wrong side. Put your white flag up to Holy Spirit....be vulnerable ONLY to Him and do the "trust fall" into His arms. Let Him carry you through this. I know how it is to reach the point of exhaustion to where you don't even have the energy to muster up two words to pray to Lord Jesus. This is when your spirit needs to talk to God because you can't humanly muster up the words. Pray in tongues and keep praying in tongues until it lifts again. War is strategic and you're in a war girl, but the battle is the Lord's! Strategically maneuver yourself around the enemy's attacks by praying in tongues and allowing Holy Spirit to get you through the war. If God gives you specific words to pray....pray those, but if you don't have the words, it doesn't mean to settle for the devil's presence trying to put his foot on your neck. Pray in tongues Delia. If you don't have the gift of tongues, say the word, "Hallelujah" over and over.....you'll probably have the gift of tongues by the end of that time with Holy Spirit. It's time to defuse the devil. It's time to make him the dust under your feet. Through Jesus, you have the power over the devil. The attacks intensified because you are DANGEROUS to the devil. Girl, do you see that? You are a MIGHTY, DANGEROUS WEAPON! Tell him to go to hell....do the Jesus beat down on him by praying in tongues, blaring praise and worship songs in your house, anoint your door posts with some prayed over olive oil, walk through your house with a Bible speaking the Word of God over each room, anoint your son, anoint yourself. The devil doesn't belong anywhere near you, your child, or your house. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Strategize Delia, get creative. You're a mighty warrior! You're a child of the Most High King. Believe it...be it.
  11. Cool!!!!!!!!!! I was just about ready to stick the blue flower one on a post and noticed new ones!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! Thanks you guys!
  12. Thank you Claire and Connie. I'm in agreement with you all over my friend. In Jesus' name.
  13. "Do not pass GO, do not collect $200." Well, maybe he's on BOARDWALK in the monopoly game now. You have a good head on your shoulders girl! "Go Kimie, Go Kimie, Go....Go, Go Kimie!!!!" God Bless Ya
  14. Ha! Kimie, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were saying you're literally pregnant.....I was like thinking.....what in tarnation?!?!?!?!!? Has your dream man surfaced irl yet? I'm not in the loop. I'm so excited that you're ministry is in the oven. Turkey time isn't too far off then.....no more disappointments in the ministry area, because once the aroma starts to hit your nose, you know you're going to be feasting on somethin' yummy real soon! God bless you! That was great news!
  15. You know, there's something about saying God's promises outloud. When MB quoted psalm 34, it really stood out to me that you need to be shouting that to the devil right now....outloud. Over and over until the demons of fear, anxiety, helplessness, smallness, weakness, etc. leave. Maybe even make a song with it and keep singing it. It says in the Bible that in order to get rid of the spirit of heaviness, you need to put on the garment of praise. I just really feel that God is urging you to proclaim his promises over your life outloud and in boldness. God bless you. You are MORE than a conqueror!
  16. Oh ok cool....I had a feeling somebody was on it already. Thanks for letting me know Connie :)
  17. Dear Jesus....You died in order to give us life. Lord, you know that Delia belongs with her son. God, I pray that this man doesn't get one ounce of custody regardless of what the judge ordered. God, you are the ultimate judge and what you say will trump any decision the judge has made. Holy Spirit, I ask you to come and rest on Delia to comfort her while she's waiting on seeing your miracle unfold. You are the most just, you are the most fair, and you know everybody's future God. You know all of the hairs on our heads. You know how much we can take, Lord. I pray Jesus that you pick up Delia today and lift her up out of this situation and so very high above it. You are a good God and Delia knows that you have her and her son in the palm of your hand. Please protect her son, Lord, and equip Delia with every thing she needs in order to have sole custody and proprietorship of her son. Amen.
  18. Princess....I'm about to go to court over the same thing. Are you going through a divorce (like have the papers been filed yet?)? Is your son in your custody right now? Do you live in the same county as your husband/ex-husband? Do you have a restraining order on your husband?
  19. I think I've seen dreamster use every single one of those emoticons. I'm sure it's a struggle for him to use only three . I like the emoticons very much. Sometimes, copied over widgets such as emoticons expire after a while. I don't know if it's a matter of the website owner or host needing to reload the widget option or if something else needs to be done. Maybe there are new emoticons and these old ones don't exist anymore, but that it needs to be refreshed somehow in order to load up the new ones. Anyhow, I really like the emoticons and if there's a way to get them back up, I would much appreciate it.
  20. Thank you traveller....and thank you all for your prayers.
  21. Thank you for your prayers. She really needs them. Sometimes, I think that these types of things happen to New Agers more often (just a thought...not fact). There's somewhat of a mentality there of karma and if they don't think they are good enough people, they are supposed to reap this kind of stuff for every occurance. They're "supposed" to be ok with reaping the havoc because the bad karma gets wiped out that way. I once brought up, to a now ex-friend who is buddhist, that the only thing that has kept me from going off the deep end mentally is redemption. She blew up at me and almost yelled, "There is NO such thing as redemption!" Before her, I thought buddhists were pretty mellow people, in fact, I wanted to be one at that time. I was glad she reacted that way because it sent me on a different path in my search of truth. The truth is that things like this do happen and trouble does fall on the saved and the unsaved. A wonderful part of our Redeemer is that we can specifically ask Him to not allow certain things to happen in our lives or in our children's/loved one's lives. I believe that our worst fears shouldn't be lived out, so I try and cancel the devil's plans every time I feel the fear coming on. Many nights, before I go to bed, I pray that my daughter won't die before I do; that she won't ever break a bone or have to have surgery; that she won't get cancer or any other disease........I run through a list of things like that and I just continue to hope that none of those things are written in her destiny's blueprint. Even if some of them are, I know that my prayers will strengthen her and my walk with Holy Spirit and we will be victorious afterwards. God is so good and I've been praying for my friend's salvation for a while now. I'm going to visit her next week, hopefully several days out of the week. Please pray for me too that I will be bold enough to witness to her the way that God wants me to and that my words will fall to the ground.
  22. The motorcyclist was on meth I guess. He was getting chased by the police and ran a red light. He was thrown off of his motorcycle when he collided with a car, bounced out of a person's truck bed from there, then landed 3 feet in front of my friend. She heard a thud, but she didn't see where he landed. The light was really green at this point and she pulled forward and ran over him. The guy was twitching, so there was nerve damage there. He died the next day and he left behind a 5 year old child. The police officers said that it wasn't her fault. I know she's blaming herself with the what if's and I'm so incredibly worried about her. She's afraid to drive now and she keeps reinacting the scene over and over again. She's not a Christian, but she is very New Agey and has an interest in the supernatural. She's open to prayer as well. Please help me pray for her. She's so messed up over this.
  23. I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to make you sad if I did. Don't be discouraged. Jesus knows what you're going through. In fact, I want to pray for you right now: Jesus, please heal any wounds that have been left behind by the men in the past. Please Jesus give Virtuous keen discernment on who her future husband is, that she will know immediately that You sent him and only You. I come against anything evil that's trying to cloud the light and the truth of who Virtuous' future husband is in Jesus' name. I bind you satan and I command you and your followers, beit supernatural or natural, to leave her be in Jesus' name. Holy Spirit please come and comfort Virtuous and carry her through this time while she waits. Give her peace Lord, thank you for your love and grace, amen. God bless you.
  24. Hi Virtuous.......you're going to think this is funny, but there is a preacher on TBN that says if your future man doesn't hold down a job for a while, have a place of his own to live, AND has his own car, then he's not ready to be the husband for you. Steve Harvey was on TBN the other day as well and he said the SAME thing. I guess men need to be the man of their lives first before they can be the man for somebody else. I just thought that might be a good humanly test to hold potential guys up to (in order to hold them up to the light to see if they're a deception or not). Steve Harvey just wrote a book called, "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man." I just might get it. Sometimes a dose of reality into the minds of men is what we women need. It isn't good for anybody to enter marriage blindly, or with rose colored glasses.....believe me, I know.....marriage #2 ending here :)
  25. Ha Ha!!!! That just makes me giddy! I love it.
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