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Posts posted by TheWhiteShadow

  1. Hello, Jazzy -

    I can't tell you from the dream what the bison represents other than it's something from your waking life that causes you similar fear once you encounter it.

    Actually, it may not be that important to identify it right now if you don't already recognize it in your waking life. Instead, I would keep your mind on the promised outcome of the dream: This large, seemingly threatening thing that causes you fear is unable to enter in to where it would like to go. It's prevented from entering - and, because of this, it will eventually leave. Now, in the dream, it went to leave once...but, your actions seemed to draw it back. However, it's not able to gain entry, so it will eventually leave a second time.

    The bison can represent any number of threats. You will recognize it when your feelings mirror those of the dream. But, keep your mind on the fact that it will leave you - and it won't harm you!

    I'm reminded of the scripture that says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you..."


  2. I don't normally have dreams with celebrities in them, either...but, I wouldn't necessarily dismiss this one!

    The gist of the dream is that you were observing someone who was about to be set free from their prison cell.  That's an awesome symbol!  When I have dreams where I'm not really a participant - just someone who's watching the events unfold - that's usually how it plays out in real life.

    The Legolas character can be symbolic for an angel or the Lord.  The Johnny Depp person would be the one to watch for in your waking life.  From what I've seen in other people's dreams about famous people, there should be something about the real life person that would cause you to compare them to the actor.  Is there anyone in your waking life that reminds you, somehow, of Johnny Depp?  It could be appearance, behavior, or even just their name.  This person should also be someone that you recognize as being held captive in some way.  This dream shows that they are about to be set free from that captivity.

  3. Hello, Aijo -

    I had many 100% literal dreams early in my "dreaming life" starting 20 years ago. I still get literal dreams, but oftentimes it'll be one or two minor details within a dream that serve more as signposts when the dream manifests in my waking life - they more or less tell me, "Hey, this thing that's going on now is what that dream was about..."

    When people have been in my dream, 99% of the time they have been symbolic. In fact, a good share of the time, dreams that are about people close to me have had those people represented by animals rather than people. And when I have had a simple dream that was only about me interacting with another, real-life person, it would turn out that it was the person's name that was literal; the manifestation of the dream would be about an encounter with someone else who had the same name.

    I share this with you because it's easy to assume a dream is about someone within the dream, when really it's about someone else. It can make for awkward situations when I thought the dream was about a literal person, only to discover later on that it was about someone else.

    I also want to say this from many experiences: When someone else comes to you about a dream that they had about you, I would be cautious about it unless it confirms something the Lord has already told you, personally. Please never make significant life choices out of the dreams of someone else.

    I'm certainly open to hearing others' dreams about me...but, again, I only give serious consideration to it if it confirms something the Lord is already speaking to me about. Or, in the least, I'll bring the matter up to Him and ask for personal confirmation.

    That being said, I don't think that there's anything wrong with taking a "simple" dream such as this one from your classmate and treating it as a prompt to read the suggested passages and then ask God if He's speaking to you about this. The Holy Spirit will bring personal revelation on it at the proper time if it's for you.

    For your own dream:
    Symbolically, dreams about weddings are usually about a significant commitment in our waking lives. A wedding is a strong, even exaggerated, symbol for commitment...so, it may not represent a literal wedding (though it could!). At the time of the dream - or since having the dream - have you been presented with or entered into a significant commitment?

    The "First Look" you received after meditating on the dream is, I believe, a Word from the Lord about the dream. In real life, it's a private moment for the couple that's captured by the photographer. It's a memory for them about a moment before the ceremony - and it's separate from all that takes place once family and friends assemble. As it relates to your dream, the Lord may be telling you that what He's shown you is really just for you - that others may not understand, appreciate, or even be invited to/included in this snippet. If He's given you a vision for something, it may be that now is a time to just store that treasure in your heart until the time for its manifestation draws closer.

    I'm always hesitant when it comes to other people's wedding dreams - I don't usually like to comment on them, because people often "get married" to them (sorry for the pun) as a literal dream and don't want to consider that they may be symbolic. That being said, such a dream can very well be literal. My advice is to continually bring it before the Lord and ask him to speak to you about it in his timing. Likewise, that he would give you peace and calm about it like you felt within the dream - which reminds me! Those feelings within the dream will mirror how you feel in real life when the dream manifests. If you find yourself heading into a commitment and you don't have peace and calm like in the dream, that's a red flag that the dream is not about that!


  4. This is an interesting dream...and I'm not exactly sure what to think of it. I'll share a few thoughts, though, for you to consider...

    The dream starts off in a restaurant. In dreams, a restaurant setting can represent a place of community and/or a place where we are fed. So, this could be about a group that you fellowship with, or something that feeds (teaches, instructs) you. This doesn't even have to be a physical, in-person group; it could be an online community, if that fits.

    In this circumstance, you encountered this "alien type being." I think there's a lot to consider right there. This is something that stands out as foreign - at least, that's your first impression of it. So, tying back to the first bit about the setting, I would think that this either represents a person/people, a teaching, or even some kind of mindset or theology. An idea, maybe. It's something or someone that, again, should first impress upon you that it's foreign, unfamiliar or unnatural.

    I'll be honest, here: I'm trying to be sensitive with word choice because the rest of the dream, to me, is like a warning...and if I may be seeing this correctly, I would hope that you'll be able to see the dream in this way. Let me go on...

    Through the rest of the dream, the being grows more familiar with you. Or, you grow more accepting of it. At first, you scrutinized the being by examining its fingers. By counting seven (a traditionally Godly number) fingers, you concluded that the being wasn't bad. But, to me as an outsider, this is drawing a conclusion about the whole based upon a minor detail. It's interesting that you considered that it may be a Nephilim. To me, that is something that's born out of a human and (fallen) angel union - which to me, again, is a sort of compromise.

    The dream moves on and shows that the entity and you appeared to be friends. This could show you how things will (or have) changed over time. It's something or someone that you'll become more accepting of. Thing is, you recognize that it's still an alien - it's just wearing a human suit. This isn't something that's changed in it's nature; it's just something that's trying to disguise itself or blend in. At this point in the dream, you were trying to help it learn its origins. It seems like a compassionate act, but it could also be dangerous. The more you explore the history of whatever this is - a person, group, or idea - the more you could unconsciously become tangled up in it. The last line about sneaking into a lab to discover secrets about the entity reinforces this. The setting at this point (the bbq full with people standing around and laughing) can show that others in this community are at ease or unaware of the foreign/unnatural thing among them.

    Finally, Jesus enters the scene and makes his request of you to hose him down. This can be about a confrontation from the Lord while in this situation. I'm not 100% on his request, but it could be about an element of cleansing or renewal in your walk together. The detail of him not wearing clothes can be about an unfiltered (uncovered) interaction. "Raw" isn't the best word for it, but it's all I can think of.

  5. Hello, Exo -

    I don't have much to say on this dream, but I'll just throw a few questions out there I hopes that you'll see a connection between the dream and something going on in real life:

    The setting of the funeral home can be about being in a place (spiritually, emotionally) where you're dealing with something coming to an end in your life and the lives of those around you.

    It was your husband in the dream, but I just want to say that that doesn't mean this dream is at all literal for him - if you had a worry about that. He can be symbolic for someone or something that is especially close or personal to you that has come to an end.

    There's the comment about the chest pains and your advice to see a doctor: Is there someone or, perhaps, an area of your life that stands out where you've been trying to give good advice to someone that has expressed discomfort or pain? The chest pain can be about a heart/emotional issue. Of course, given the rest of the dream, this person or these people (if this relates to a group) very likely wouldn't be receptive to what you're saying.

    Now, I'll add that it's possible that you haven't come to realize the full impact of this loss at this time, since there was a moment in your dream where you eventually did go through that experience. This "thing" may have come to an end (or may come, if this is about the future), but you haven't fully felt the loss.

    The last bits where you're at "home" aren't too clear to me. It just seems that you were comforted and advised during this period where you made adjustments. It was also revealed to you that there's a trial to go through before you also get to enter into peace and rest.

  6. Hello, judgehopkins -

    When I dream that I'm in my car, that usually tells me that the dream relates to something going on right now - or, will happen in the very near future - in my waking life. I feel that your dream relates to where you are right now.

    You stated that you've faced some major changes and that you're currently in a place of uncertainty. In your dream, you were in the backseat of your car, which (to me) reinforces that you are not in control of what's taking place. You're a passenger - along for the ride, so to speak.

    Crossing a body of water can also represent this change you're going through. Beneath the surface is uncertainty, and on the other side of the water is a new place - separate from where you left.

    Here's what I see as the positive part of the dream - or the promise in it: Yes, you were in your vehicle and not in control. However, you didn't have to see to it that you crossed the water. A means was already provided (the ferry), and you don't have to do anything to reach its destination. If I had a similar dream, I would try to rest in the fact that you're being ferried through this season of your life. You'll eventually reach the other side.

  7. I'll add one thing about Fran -

    How you felt about seeing her in the dream is how you should feel regarding who they represent in real life. So, if the feelings line up with how you feel about the literal person, then she may very well be literal in the dream - if the actions in the dream line up as well.

    I don't believe I've ever had a dream (well, maybe just one...) where the meaning of a person's name was significant to the dream; but, I do know that God does speak to people that way, so if that's a common theme in your dreams, then don't discount it just because my experiences are different!

  8. Here's a few thoughts on your dream, ispeaktheword -

    The first thing I want to say is that people in our dreams oftentimes aren't literal...so, I wouldn't put too much focus on your coworker.

    Teeth in dreams can mean a variety of things, but I don't see this dream so much as focusing on teeth - or even the act of brushing them.

    Your dream, in simplest terms, is of you looking at yourself (in the mirror) while performing a fairly routine - yet necessary - task for yourself.  Looking at yourself in the mirror can be significant, as that can be about some self-examination/evaluation.

    So, here's the part that stands out to me:  You were performing the task a certain way.  Then, you saw someone else doing the same task (also for themselves or in their own life), but it was the way that they were doing it that stood out to you.  She used an electric toothbrush, and you recognized that you could have done the same thing - you had an electric toothbrush, too, and it wouldn't have been a bad idea to use it if you wished.

    Here's the thing:  Your motivation to keep on doing the task as you were was that you didn't want to be a copycat if you changed it up.

    Is there anything in your waking life where being perceived by others as being a copycat has kept you from changing the way you approach something?

    In your dream, you actually owned an electric toothbrush - so you could have changed things up.  In your waking life, you may already be equipped to change up your approach, if you wish to.

    A final thought:  Of the two approaches to brushing your teeth (manual vs. electric toothbrush), does one have an advantage over the other?  Is one more effective?  Does one make it easier on you?  These are really just questions for you to consider about whatever the task is that you're looking at.

  9. ispeaktheword wrote:
    My question is, do you think the man in the trench coat is a negative or positive symbol?

    In the context of this dream, I think that the man in the trench coat is a negative symbol. The reason I say this is based upon your response to him in the dream. If he were something positive, you wouldn't have acted toward him in the way that you did.

    That said, the man can represent a negative situation that is used to bring about a change in your husband. Like you added, the man didn't end up shooting your husband; instead, he shined a light on him (I didn't realize that the man was the source of this light from the initial post). So, this can be a potentially negative or threatening situation with a positive outcome since it brought about a surrendering response from your husband.

  10. Hello, ispeaktheword -

    If you dreamed that you were in a dark room while there was darkness outside as well...to me, this could be an area of your lives (you and your family) that seems "without light" - that is, something negative, causing your fear or where hope seems faint.

    In this place, you recognized some kind of threat (the trench coat man). Seeing this man through a window, to me, is to see this approaching threat prophetically. In the natural, you probably don't see this threat, yet. Having this dream as a forewarning can be what the view through the window represents.

    I can't say what the right way is to deal with this threat, but I do want to draw attention to a detail from your dream: The man approached the house, walked around, and then started to walk away down the stairs. I don't want this to be taking the wrong way, but it's possible that the threat will come and go on its own if a confrontation isn't forced.

    I can't guess what the threat is. The man in the dream was armed with a gun, and in most of my dreams where guns are involved, they're usually representative of words: threats or arguments, something like that.

    If the dream manifests with the shots being fired (symbolically), your response should be similar concern for others like you had for your daughter in the dream (that she would not be affected).

    Your husband's response should also be how he responds in real life - more of a position of surrender to (or even acknowledgement/agreement with) the threat or accusation. I'm not sure how you felt about the light in the dream, but I don't feel that it's a bad thing. We are supposed to be lights in the darkness. We may be placed in situations where we stand out or have attention put on us. Even if it's a situation where sin is involved, it's ultimately better to have the Light shone on that area.

    Finally - and I want to stress the importance of this: I would not be so sure that the dream is about your literal family - especially since your husband's personality in the dream does not match how he is in real life. This could very well be about a different body of people that you're connected to, like other relatives or your church family. If there is someone who stands out to you that better matches the personality of your husband in the dream, that may help identify the area of your life to which this dream applies.

  11. Hello, ClassyRN -

    Cars in dreams can represent a number of things - they can represent other people, our own lives (and bodies), or positions that we're filling.  If I have a dream that's centered around me being in or interacting with my car, that usually tells me that it's about something going on in my waking life right now - or in the very near future (usually a few days).

    The main action in your dream is you searching for something.  So, the question to ask yourself is, what is it that you're looking for in your waking life right now?

    For some of the other symbols...
    Your grandmother can represent the Lord; she can also represent someone in your waking life that you're going to for wisdom/direction.  In the dream, she sent you to get a receipt - which could symbolize proof or confirmation of a thing that belongs to you (or the owner of the receipt).  It's a proof of purchase, so it can even be a spiritual gift if that's applicable to your waking life at this time.

    It's interesting that you went looking for the car more than once.  This thing that you're seeking in your waking life should be something that has you coming back to the Lord for more help or more confirmation.  In fact, when I read through the dream, it's "confirmation" that stuck out to me - especially when you located the man with the light-up key fob in his pocket, since you actually heard a voice saying that he had what you were seeking (or, he had some kind of access to what you sought).

    To summarize:  Whatever it is that you're seeking in your waking life, the Lord is equipping you with direction and confirmation to locate the thing you seek.  At the end of your dream, you didn't find the car; however, you did find someone with access to it.  So, at this stage of seeking, the dream shows you receiving reassurance as you search.

    Hope this helps,

  12. Hello, ispeaktheword -

    The symbol of getting married represents some kind of commitment/responsibility that you would be preparing to enter into. To me, putting on your makeup could be about how you are perceived by others. This could be the way you present yourself or act in a situation - for example, how you are perceived by others at work. In your dream, those around you were encouraging you as you prepared yourself. In real life, I would expect that those who are close to you would give you similar encouragement. In fact, when your mother said you put the makeup on "better than I could do it," I believe you would get a similar "you're better at this than me" from someone close to you in your waking life.

    The first part of the dream took place indoors - and that may show that the positive experience is with those in your circle. Again, if the dream were work-related (just as an example), then those in your department or your closer peers should be encouraging you.

    You went outside when you encountered the threatening woman/man. I do believe this is very exaggerated within the dream. This threat is probably someone who is outside your regular circles, contrasting with the pleasantness of those closer to you.

    The antagonist changed from an angry woman to a yelling, threatening man. To me, this shows the threat growing in intensity. You responded to the threat with pepper spray - which is interesting, as pepper spray is really meant to subdue an attacker, not kill them. I would expect that you would meet this threat in such as way as to try to just get them to stop rather than return their violence.

    Unfortunately, the threatening situation escalated towards you while you had to wait for the pepper spray to take effect. In many of my dreams, the act of shooting at someone with a gun has represented verbal attacks - and I would expect that this person would attack you, verbally, while you wait for the pepper spray.

    Here's the bit to hold out for: Eventually, the pepper spray did work, and you were able to "plunder" your attacker. In real life, you should come out of that situation in a better condition, while your antagonist faces a loss. Once it's over, you were able to return to your preparation for the "marriage."

    Overall, I think the dream is to show you in advance of a threat - and to give you a promise that you'll come through it victorious.

  13. I see that it's been about four months since this dream was posted.  The site isn't as active as it used to be, and this sometimes means that dreams fall through the cracks without a timely reply.

    Shoes can have a few meanings when they're the primary symbol in a dream.  To know what they represent, start by asking yourself what it is you're searching for in your waking life - well, at the moment that you had this dream, anyway.

    In your dream, you were actively looking for shoes, and you had a variety of reactions to each shoe you considered while on your search.  For the first pair, you were advised by someone else (your mother) that they weren't a good match for you.  For the second pair, you actually like them; however, they didn't come in your size.  After these two experiences, you focused on your original purpose for being there - to find a specific type of shoe.

    It's interesting that you ended up taking an escalator upstairs in order to find the shoe that you originally were seeking.  In real life, you may have to "come up higher" in order to find what you're looking for.  To me, this symbol is about seeking God and His will - which would make sense since, after doing so, you actually found what you were seeking.

    The last detail about pulling down baby versions of the shoes, first, can represent the thing you're seeking - there's just a period of newness or innocence associated with it.

    Back to the original symbol of the shoes, themselves:
    What were you seeking when you had this dream?  This is just my own thoughts, here, but when I consider the dream as a whole, I wouldn't be surprised if you were either job-seeking, or looking for a role or position in another area of your life (like, say, a place in ministry - if the dream is more about your spiritual life).  For either example, the baby version of the shoe you originally were looking for can represent an entry-level or probationary period that you'd have to go through, first. And...regarding the moment on the escalator where you didn't have any shoes on: That could be a period of time where you're not actively involved in anything - a period between jobs or roles, perhaps. Being shoeless is also an appropriate symbol for the period where you were "coming up higher" - a symbol for holiness.

    The good news from this dream is that, after a period of searching and considering some options, you eventually found what you were looking for.

    Hope this helps,

  14. Hello, justicarjamie -

    Just a few questions/comments on your dream:

    Was the green baby cobra that bit you one of the pets that belonged to the workers?

    As the dreamer, you would know better than someone else as to the application of your dream to your waking life...so, feel free to toss out the thoughts I'm about to share:

    Snakes typically represent some type of threat in our waking life. Being bitten by this snake within your dream should represent the threat actually connecting with you in real life - meaning, it's not just the fear of the threat, but that the perceived threat really does strike at you.

    Yes, it can be about a health concern (as you suggested). But, given the rest of your dream, I would be open to it being about something else - since the rest of your dream has more to say about the snake's effects. Whatever the threat is, it should stand out to you that those around you don't seem too concerned about what affected you. If this were about a health concern, I would be surprised if people weren't concerned (although, anything is possible).

    Instead, this could be about something someone says - like a verbal threat, or gossip/slander, a discouraging word, etc...something more likely to attack your emotions. There's two reasons why I felt it might go this way: First, the apathy of those around you; second, the two sips of antivenin. In your waking life, the "antidote" should be two literal things that are contrary (neutralizing) to the effects of the attack. These could be two positive words/events that lift you up after the "snake bite."

    Then there's the last part of the dream that takes the symbol a bit further: After going through your own personal experience, you were assigned a task that was somehow connected to what you had just gone through. This could be about you being in a role that causes you to interact with that same threat (possibly threatening people), which, naturally, would include the risk of another snake bite - and that, in turn, would cause you to feel apprehensive.

    Again, just my own thoughts! Feel free to toss what does not minister!

  15. Hello, Happiness80 -

    Unless there's a literal encounter that takes place with your husband's son, I would approach this dream as if he represents someone else. Anything is possible, but it's usually best to start with the main action and feelings in the dream and then seeing where they fit a waking life situation.

    So, in your dream you assigned a task to someone else. In response, this person asked for resources (the money) to complete the task. You then responded by trying to round up what this person needed...but didn't seem to be able to meet the need perfectly. However, in the end, you gave what you had and this person was content with that.

    When I looked at the symbol of money in your dream, I kept thinking that it may represent wisdom - like, advice or a plan to solve the problem / fulfill the request. Have you asked something of someone, lately, where they have asked your advice on how to approach it?

    In the end, you did give what you had...which could be something like sharing your own experiences in a similar situation. What you gave wasn't 100% perfect (maybe the situation isn't exactly the same), but the asker was receptive to it, nonetheless.

    Part of the reason that I felt this might be about advice (or along those lines) was due to the golden chocolate coin. From what I read, you didn't give him this coin, but gave him other (real) coins, instead. This chocolate coin may be something "sweet" or funny...or, more seriously, something that doesn't actually meet the need. It may stand out as something to consider sharing as you make your search for real coins (real, good advice), but in the end you appear to have refrained from giving it...so, in real life, you may find a reason not to offer this.

    Just some thoughts. Hope this helps.

  16. My apologies that you haven't gotten a response, yet, to your dream.  A lot of the interpreters don't visit here, anymore.  I happened to visit the site, today, and saw this...so I'll share with you what my thoughts are on your dream:

    You asked God for a dream about your current business situation, and I believe that the dream is His response to that request.  The dream, as you acknowledge, certainly fits for your recent situations.

    I won't focus on all the details of the dream, as I believe the Holy Spirit is already giving you insight as to what they relate to in your waking life.  

    Here's the one thing that I want to focus on:  The dream doesn't end with resolution.  You aren't shown a healthy tree that you planted, or a solid, completed house.  Instead, you're shown a majestic view of the landscape.  And, after that, you saw the thunderstorm rolling in - an event that you were excited to witness.

    Honestly, if I were in your situation and had received this dream...I would hold off on taking action in my waking life.  God's response to your request for a dream was to give you an expanded vision - and then to see him about to move throughout the situation.  It may be challenging to wait given the current state of your business - especially if what you're seeing in the natural seems a logical solution.  But, within the dream, you weren't given anything to do.  Instead, you saw what He was about to do - and you watched with excited anticipation.

    Continue staying in communion with Him on this issue, and I believe He will show you when to act and what actions to take.

  17. v3ryan -

    How did you feel within the dream when the figure responded to your question? Did you reject the response within the dream, or did it make you feel something else?

    Thankfully, you don't have any uncertainty of your salvation in your waking state!

    So, there's two routes that this dream could go, depending upon how you answer regarding your feelings within the dream:

    If your feelings acknowledged/agreed with what the figure said in the dream, then I would say that the dream isn't about Salvation - but that, instead, the topic of Salvation is exaggerated for something else that's spiritually-related. The main action of the dream is looking for confirmation on a spiritual issue - and then being told that what you're asking about isn't so. If I were to have a dream like this (with the aforementioned feelings), I would look at what sorts of things I'm questioning in my spiritual life as to whether or not they are approved by God - it could be an activity, a personal belief, some doctrine/theology. Anything you (and, probably, someone else) have sought confirmation about.

    If your feelings within the dream rejected what you were told by the figure, then the dream goes in a different direction. In this case, the dream is likely to be more about one of your friends. If you knew that what the figure was telling you was 100% false, then you would be able to show your friend that this figure is/has a lying spirit. From that, look at your waking life and see where someone else in your life is looking for some kind of spiritual approval from an authority that cannot be believed. You would be able to explain this to your friend out of your own conviction and experience on the issue.

    I understand that this topic is a few weeks old - and that the meaning does depend upon how you answer the question regarding your feelings within the dream. Still, I hope this helps you recognize where the dream applies in your waking life.

  18. Hello, Nyagali -

    It's been a few weeks since you posted this dream, but I figured I would reply just in case it hasn't yet come to pass...

    When you had this dream, were you expecting to receive anything in your waking life? The two birds could represent any number of things coming into your life: Something physical, like a package; meetings or connections with two different people; news you've been waiting to hear; or something more "spiritual," like a blessing you've been seeking God for.

    Whatever the birds may represent, you should know when it manifests when you have those same giddy/happy feelings in real life - although they may be toned down a bit, as is often the case with feelings in dreams.

    The two "things" should have slight differences between them, though. The finch actually came into your hands, while the parrot did not. Again, this could represent a few things when it comes to the manifestation. Just as an example: If the birds were to represent encounters with people, one would probably be a direct - or personal, even - interaction, while the other would have some separation.

    If it hasn't yet come to pass, I'd watch for what two similar things come into my waking life that give me the positive feelings experienced in the dream.


  19. Shan wrote:
    Something that may be relevant though is I watched a show last night about the forest fires that took place in Southern California a few years ago and a young girl in her 20s died. Her family was Christian, but her mom grieved for her still.

    Hi, Shan -

    Unless there's an area of your waking life that somehow relates to death (symbolically, as in something ending that might make you feel similarly to the dream), I think this dream may be about what you saw on TV. If anything, it could be that the family may need prayer.

  20. Hi, Exo -

    This dream has to be about some situation that temporarily affects you / your family. To other people caught in this, it's a serious struggle...but, for you and your family, it's not as extreme as it is for everyone else.

    Looking around you in your waking life, where do you see other groups of people reeling from a difficult situation, but where you're not as caught up in it? This should be something that you're exposed to, but where the struggle isn't the same for you. Where do you see others struggling to escape?

  21. First off, congratulations on your pregnancy! :)

    Your dream of a baby should be about something in your waking life that's brand new (a newborn), but is much further along than you would expect at this state in its existence. Babies are often something that requires a lot of time, energy and focus - so this could represent anything in your waking life that requires much of you. A new responsibility.

    In real life, this should leave you feeling the same as your dream - that it's "mature" for how long it's been a part of your life.

    Since the baby was content to sit on your husband, smile and play - this should be how the "new thing" is in your waking life: It should be a positive situation that's a little engaging.

    As for the fingers/toes/teeth:
    How did you feel about the 4 fingers and 4 toes part? Did you have any feelings at all about them? My thoughts are that they may represent two groups of people associated with the "new thing" - but, this is just my own thoughts on what they could be. For the teeth: This could show some kind of structure that you wouldn't expect for something so new. They could also represent people, if that fits.

  22. Dreaming of babies is often symbolic for something that requires a lot of time, attention and care in your waking life. Knowing how old the babies are in the dream is oftentimes a time marker for what they symbolize in real life.

    Since you stated that you are single, I would suggest that your husband within the dream represents the Lord.

    For the babies: They were 9 months to 1 year old. What two things did you begin to undertake about that long ago in your waking life? The dream shows that they are two different things - the girl is acting one way (it looks like your sentence is incomplete - "the baby girl who was....?"), while the boy is quite active. I'm guessing that the baby girl may have been sleeping since she was being held in the dream. If this is the case, one of the things that you started may be "at rest" right now, while the other is full of energy - and the thing that you, personally, are active in.

    Also in the dream, you stated that it was time to get up. I think that this is about a declaration in your waking life that relates to these two activities/responsibilities. I won't comment too much on 11:11 (I went through a season in my life where I saw it ALL the time), but since you saw it in your dream and thought it was interesting - it may be a sign in real life that you take as confirmation about where you are and timing.

  23. Hello, ARob17 -

    Teeth can represent a number of things in our dreams. The best way to know what the dream relates to is to note your feelings within the dream. Those feelings will be the same as how you feel about something in real life. Then, the dream will tell you more about that real life situation.

    Is there any area of your waking life where you feel the same as you did in your dream?

    Looking at yourself in a mirror in a dream can be about self-examination. Reflecting upon yourself or your life.

    Pulling your teeth out can be the removal of something. In this case, it's something that's easily removed from your life - and decaying. What's more, there's others that are ready to be pulled out as well

    While teeth can mean a number of things, I want to ask you if it would fit if they represented any people/relationships in your life? Friends, coworkers, family - anything like that? Are any in a "decayed" state where it would be easy for someone to leave/end the relationship?
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