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Everything posted by sinclair

  1. Drive fast + pick up hp from floor + while looking at bird (sure it was a pelican??) = salt water bath + $millions bill
  2. sinclair

    track legends

    Nice of enyo to assist.
  3. sinclair

    no mbx haul=(

    Nice haul. Don't worry, you shall score soon.
  4. Wow, I haven't got one, but you already have 2 colors?
  5. Yes, BumbleBee is protecting me nao!
  6. Yes! Uncard, uncard, uncard! The end of the world is coming!
  7. NNOOOOOOO!!! Please give spoiler alert!
  8. There is an unofficial car starting with Y, sometimes can hear the name on Fridays. 'Aiya, "Y you buy that one?" AHHHHHHH!'
  9. I better get a private plane to fly about by then.
  10. Ya ya, say no to plastic bag. Here ppl charge me 20 cent for plastic bag.
  11. If it's on the internet, then it must be true! I must make sure I complete my collection before then.
  12. Wow, hentam the box also. More DD and TH mustang! And new wave MBX!
  13. Guess I got to wait to come back to see, unless want to fork out $18.
  14. I bet everybody searching ebay for this already. I know I did.
  15. Nice, but didn't park properly.
  16. Wow, congrats. Still got old wave being released.
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