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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Just watched the hwcm dinner video on youtube again and still trying to figure out why official Machete movie trailer is listed as no.1 suggestion..
  2. Oh ya, another one.. i was sleeping one day then i dreamt something about hassan calling me on phone, can't remember what we're talking about but i know we did discussed bout something.. Then later day when i'm already awake, i feel tak sedap hati so i called hassan, "eh awal pagi aku ada borak dengan kau on phone ke?", and Hassan goes "ye lah abis tu?"
  3. Just few days ago i had Hotwheels dream too, i was offered by someone Super Bone Shaker hunt had to choose one out of 2 he's holding, and for some reason both had 'completely unknown' wheels on them (i remember it's basically Moon Disc wheels but with holes, something like 5DOT wheels).. as i was choosing suddenly i woke up from sleep cause my phone was ringing, had to answer call from artt anime. Yes, this is the 2nd time my hotwheels dream got potong line by artt anime. (refer to 'share your hunting stories' thread for first dream story)
  4. Hmm.. from Spawn board to LY thread to HWCM, nak kena pukul si 'kucing' ni.. Anyway above hunts pic belongs to overseas playa named BrickTop, so credit goes to him.
  5. Forget whether they're in this HWCM or not, every great playaz around you are indeed great playaz. Many hotwheels homies i got to know from Amcorp to LY to overseas, they might not be familiar with things goin' on here but i can tell ya most of them are nothing but a true playaz too. Sungguh terharu reading ur idea bout raoks. Anyway let us put in a way that somehow one day you'll probably have lesser interest with certain castings, models, or who knows this whole lil' toy cars thingy.. just a possibility not saying you will, but all this experience getting to know fellow collectors, 'showing off' hauls to each other, hunting together and all is what make you won't regret this hobby at all.
  6. My dinner rant.. I purposely picked the number 13 for my lucky draw entry, and all 11, 12, 14, 15 won something but not 13.. damn!
  7. Thunderhawk and enyo's pics updated. Please note above pics are mere sneek previews just to show list of participating cars, as members are definitely advised to view each custom's thread to feel 'em thoroughly and made up your mind. Which is the reason i earlier used another pic to emphasize on the car and the customizer's name on background (fyi enyo's ride with deers doesn't include one, i think thunderhawk complete diorama with name sign is good enough, my bad not to post this one earlier). Should be sometime before dinner, the specific time will get back on this as i'm not involved in custom competition, will refer to members in charge of this.
  8. Damn.. i just scored Super Baja today. (..eh ini termasuk kategori rant ke hehe)
  9. Alright this time UcB gonna make this short n' sweet. As ya playaz know the result of custom competition will be up during dinner. Apart from the lineup of judges we have picked to rate on criterias we have set, all ya beloved HWCM playaz too will play a role in decidin' the finest custom of all! So hurry vote now and remember, multiple votes by single member are allowed! (but members will only vote all at once) Playaz do take note that the poll will be closed on 14/1/2011 11.59pm (Friday midnight) sharp! !
  10. Gambo takda mengikut perlembagaan haul anda tak sah..
  11. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.
  12. Betul la tu ada 2 bijik ecto.. (sapa tak nampak 2nd ecto dia menghidap angau dengan Cham)
  13. Ministry of Trade is certified playa hater..
  14. Already bersih lah by time you posted hehe.. It's all cool so no worries homie.
  15. Flaming skull dah terbaik, tapi ada sponsor pulak.. tak "keras" lah macam ni.
  16. Leaked preview of latest Ray Ban advert.. taken from obefiend blog
  17. Bio is under additional package (Crime, Turbo etc) tak termasuk dalam original Discovery Channel, National Geographic and all. Think alot playa here can't afford to subscribe including me hehe..
  18. Awesome collection! Tapi dude i highly suggest you fit carded cars into few boxes then store the boxes dalam cupboard tu. You stack the cars up to 8 layers those bottom cars gerenti pressured, in long run not good for the card blisters. And like many playaz here i already advised, shelf / detolf is very spacious, always do our best to utilize it.. create multiple tiers or something. For example my display below even celah luas tu i manage to set another platform for the tumblers. Spoiler:
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