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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. I have serious beef with that gold GT for denying me chance to win the last HWCM Raceday.
  2. Yeah i'm not into those.. but actually have a thought to return this morning with another playa and help ya guys out ever since i got to know them certain cars got wiped out lightning fast almost everywhere. And before i could even make it there today, got an update from fellow hwcm playa at the scene that he himself already late as the very Evo n' Skyline already vanished to thin air hehe.. Kudos to playa who scored 'em first, but still surprised as the Skylines especially are nowhere near being shortpacked, i remembered there's at least 3 per case as well as evo hehe.
  3. UcB's latest haulin'.. Spoiler: Hehe just kiddin'. And so as the story goes, ma homie msclee had given us playaz such strong pointer with his latest $ haul that got us gone crazy. And so the wisest thing to do is to give it a shot although Carrefours already seems to be putting up the new goodies many days ago. And to UcB's surprise there lies fresh cases on the floor that apparently nobody came to get medieval on them cases for past few days. Time for your UcB to get medieval on his as.. i mean the cases. Spoiler: Yeap, one and only. And btw.. 7E promo isn't complete without The Undercover.. Spoiler: Sekian, terima kasih.
  4. Macam pernah kulihat dan raba-raba.. tapi dimana ya.
  5. Wah, cetusan minda of a true playa. for sahama!
  6. Aaargh!! Beavis n' Butthead! Daniel make one for me pls!!
  7. Pretty cool shirt! But yang 't-hunters' part tu rasanya tak payah lah hehe.
  8. Btw the penang trip is pure awesomeness! Million thanks to DR for the short outside tour, 'hotwheels educational' session with lotsa interesting pointers from da hotwheels dept 'insider' himself, and of course.. the RAOKs hehe. Look forward another Penang trip in the future!
  9. Wow thanks DR! Lol sinclair i didn't prepare anything for the team to sign actually, that Formula was supposed to be a joke to show him cause i found it with hair inside, but DR eventually took it and passed to Ryu the guy who came out with that casting.
  10. Main town and Bayu Perdana isn't really that far, only thing is the traffic at whole stretch towards Bukit Tinggi/Banting, Bayu Perdana is right before Bukit Tinggi. If i were you rather than having headache over which bus to take just find right timing and take any cab.
  11. Nasib baik you post sikit-sikit throughout the thread, kalau compile skali on first page rasa mungkin aku boleh kena sawan, sindrom meroyan dan mati pucuk.
  12. Ni lah masalahnya bila post blunt sangat nanti semua yang baca pulak terasa, bertambah lagi lah orang luar mengata kat kita yang handle forum ni.. tapi bila cuba karang ayat lebih berhati-hati dan berdiplomasi korang start kata UcB merepek pulak. Sekarang biar aku tulis bahasa kbsm sampai korang paham. Isunya simple sahaja, ada seorang pemain (terjemahan dari perkataan playa) mintak izin siar gambar makan malam HWCM kat forum lain. Tiada masalah. Apa yang mudaratnya kalau setakat nak berkongsi. Lebih terbaik pun bila usaha tak seberapa ni actually menyuntik sedikit racun untuk beberapa lagi pemain memunculkan diri dalam HWCM ni. Rakan se'committee' saya Sinclair juga memberikan dalil bernas yang kalau benda macam ni pun kena ambik pot, maka wajarlah otai-otai HWC.com, Brazil, Rhodes Islands dan sekalian memberi amaran keras kepada HWCM jangan main gambar-gambar kat sini kasi wording sahaja. Isu berakhir di sini. Noktah. Lantas Rayz menyuarakan pandangannya lalu timbul lah sedikit kekhilafan mengenai isu ini. Sekarang, bila Rayz masih mempersoalkan isu ini anda semua mungkin mendapat salah tanggapan yang berlakunya konflik halatuju between UcB and Rayz. Salah! Because both of us has been there done that, kita seperti juga seniors yang lain telahpun bersama-sama melalui satu fasa yang dinamakan 'hotwheels politics'. So whatever Rayz's concern i should understand better, which is what he exactly means by "ini bukan pasal tunjuk gambar either". Sesungguhnya ini tiada kena mengena dengan siapa yang lebih betul, tetapi hanyalah bagaimana cara menangani permintaan mudah pemain tersebut. Maka UcB mengambil pendekatan yang lebih moderate, dan mengingatkan agar bukan sahaja kredit wajar disertakan untuk menghormati jurufoto, elakkan dari sebarang diskusi berbentuk negatif dalam forum tersebut, maksud saya kalau lah ada sesiapa mengambil kesempatan untuk mencaci perkataan HWCM maka pemain yang menyiarkan foto tu buatlah apa-apa yang patut demi kebaikan bersama. ..Dan entah macam mana Hassan pulak kuciwa dengan statement ini dan menganggap UcB telah memperlekehkannya. Walaupun dia memang patut pun diperlekehkan pasal tak habis-habis dengan batang keras dia. Repot bini baru tau. Berbalik kepada keputusan UcB yang dianggap sedikit kontroversi dan tak berapa '1 Malaysia' dengan pandangan korang, i'll get back on this. Tapi masih belum mendapat kepastian whether to just slow talk with these playaz atau sumbangkan sebuah lagi essay untuk tatapan bersama. p/s - actually this post is not that long, dah korang paksa aku karang dalah bahasa melayu nak buat camna..
  13. Lah terasa pulak abang ni.. read the sentence properly i said since the point of issue is dude's intention to share hwcm related thingy with other sides of playaz then i trust him, in other words his responsibility to maintain good relationship among us hotwheels playaz.. don't let certain people for instance make use of this simple event for yet another 'club bashing' session to support their never ending conspiracy theories.. you get what i mean? If those 'negative remarks' originated from here nak suruh dia 'handle' buat apa, bukan ke UcB himself boleh kasi ban terus, serupa macam itu abang Demonicle.
  14. I will bunnyhop from Shah Alam to Penang. Anyway, whoever joining UcB depending how's the activities like we will take 2 nights trip, or maybe just 1 night. Just make yourself available whole weekend (maybe we can drive straight to Amcorp on sunday). It's confirmed Friday morning we're moving, no later. And whether you are following me or on your own if you guys planning to stay same hotel with us do let me know latest by next Monday as i need to reserve the room. As for the f.o.c part sorry the spot is already filled so for the next room pm me to find out details location, rates and all. I'll try to get both rooms linked together so if anyone dropped the soap there's place you can run to.
  15. Exactly what sinclair said.. Rayz hassan and all, we need to talk. You see, Spoiler: Ahh.. not gonna deliver UcB speech here just for of this. If still needs some attention can always sort it out in mcd hehe. Anyhow superxboy and all don't worry so much bout it we got it covered, just go ahead as long as i trust you to handle it well in case there's any kind of negative remarks that's related to hwcm's happenings. It's all love in this hobby no matter where you're from!
  16. Like that takpa you join them also lah put a signature hahaha, then if UcB also need sum lovin he'll put his own signature, then ask everyone else to put as well.. signature bash to show everyone's superstar lol!
  17. Hi...you don't want to clog up your other chinese site with too much spam - you can just copy link over to the other site, which is more advisable. Please DO NOT copy&paste image over to any other site but rather just copy and paste link. **I'll be watching this closely Sorry Rayz but not with ya on this, i don't see sharing pics is considered spam, that case even this forum would have to get heavily filtered, the fun won't be there rite. Personally for me it doesn't matter it's url link, image link he wanted to post or even if he save and re-upload the pics (in fact better as original host bandwith is saved) as long as it's appropriately credited to photographer/uploader of those pics. The points is as long he did with good intention (for sole purpose of sharing with other side of playaz our club's happenings they're more than welcomed. If you're determined to 'watch this closely' then i'd say you should only if there happen to be negative postings regarding our stuff i.e "HWCM is this and that..", otherwise me really don't see any problem with people viewing HWCM related pics outside of HWCM forum.
  18. Let bini rgsukan masak, jamin terbaik.
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