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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. mr postman always kind with your.. same goes to the sender... nice bro...
  2. nice haul... after this can experiment it...hehehehhe
  3. i tot double engine is the error...
  4. Happy Birthday Dude may all ur wishes and my my wishes come true....
  5. which green sinclair?because some one mention green also got variation is it the same green as mine?hopefully..
  6. nice dodge viper gts-r cooolman
  7. That's mean i have miss the Green one,what the.................. I never seen it before and yet i even didn't know there is a green one. something to share ( sorry different card )
  8. sigh~green also hav variation?thx 4 d info
  9. sorry to hear thats. keep up d good hunting bro...
  10. nice little honda cub... can rempit or not?hehehehe...jk..jk
  11. come and jalan2 also can lor...
  12. short time but u still score nice2 car...plus thunt at hamlay's... yes2 you are correct my fren , others than HW should be post in Others Hobbies...you start than v can spam there
  13. ^that hotbird u got b4 u went back to msia isit? now regret skip that Honda civic short card...
  14. ok2 kurz...i tot any thunt except qombee... nvmd if u score thunt qombee spare some for me...
  15. as promised, here are the pics! thx san...the bottom right is General Motor 5 pack rite? how bout others?
  16. thx bro... i pray u score nice2 everyday... esp long card qombee...hehehehhe
  17. virgin post but power collector here
  18. omg~i misread it... btw , is it for me?for real?hahahhahaha.... jumping to py blog~
  19. Qombee~Qombee~DK~DK nice haul bro... y b4 this i never spot any hw in that news store...
  20. hahahaha....nvmd2...i collect all that hav a good nice smell from hummer...as long hummers... trying to avoid...weird2 car..cant really recall the name...
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