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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. Just wait for JADA to make it. heheh
  2. Oooo i have that! Its a boxed version one right? I also bought a tank and a Golf GTI.
  3. Py i think you got the date wrong la. 14/04/09. I thought i was the only one tired.... heh
  4. I'm dead tired today. Work work work..... I can't think of anything to say. My mind is all zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............
  5. Talk about Kentworth tractors, i had a treasured Kentworth loooong time ago. But it was since been taken apart by my small nephews. Hu hu hu. :~( For all those who loved Gone in 60 seconds. This is the original one. Its a lousy first version. Of course the new one is much much better.
  6. netmatrix


    Take them all!!! Take them all!!!
  7. i have it on PC!!! But i still land in arcades for kicks.
  8. The only ferrari i like is 288GTO and F40. I seriously believe this 2 cars that truly define what Ferrari is today. It not the Dino, 250, 355 and Daytona. The 288GTO is the shape that is carried on later till now in their mid ranges. Not Enzo or FXX. If you could line up the cars you can see how good the 288GTO has aged. If there is only one model of Ferrari i would pay good money for is a 288GTO Evoluzione. Only 3 ever made and 2 is still present. Look 10 times back at this car it screams F40. Oh back to the game. I'm not much of a ferrari fan. But i like racing games that lets you enjoy it. Outrun 2 is one. Battle Gear is somewhat ok. But not my liking because its too dependant on hand brakes to win. Midnight R is a little daff. First version was full of bugs. If you use the hidden car u would win everytime. Whoever is in front they would win because there is no algorithm in the game that allows you to win from behind. No drafting no nothing. You only hold the steering tight and pray the guy in front of you messes up. Same with ver 2 same with ver 3. At least put vehicle drafting for chances to win! If you fight a guy that can run 100% (most of the time) you can't win. No matter you tune the car up to 800hp. I call this games money mongers. Initial D is also full of bugs. Ver 2 makes the blardy Intergra faster than GTR!!! And you can't win unless u use the other similarly cheatable cars like an Evo 4-5 or something. Ver 3 is ok, but still its steering mashing game. Ver 4 has improvements. Especially the steering dept. Cars in Ver 4 would exhibit over steer and slides. But still its almost a steering mashing game. Why i like Outrun 2? No matter how good i am, if you play vs mode, i have only 50% chance to win. Because the games agorithm give cars at the back small boost everytime. So even if you have a bad crash, you could catch up and still be 1 cars length behind. And also during cornering, you get a small draft and you can be ahead. The guy in front have to be defensive. But i'm not much of a vs mode of guy. I'm a hearts mode man! I kill cones and run colored roads while going sideways. All for the sake of keeping my barbie doll passenger happy! Long live Outrun 2.
  9. Ok found another that i have watched for so long and loved it! Wonderbug!!! Now compared to "The Car" this one IS funny!! Now i have unofficially revealed why the Manx Myers car is another wanted thing!
  10. Sorry there py, didn't notice the PM!!! Thousand apologies!!! WOOOOIIIII! Jump que ka? hahaha.
  11. Waahhhh. Damn long already la this. It was when i didn't collect HW before. But i like touring top dept and stores.
  12. Still looking up the racks a red one. I already have a yellow one. Iave the Racer one. I'll look up you offer cham2020. Just trying my luck a little while longer.
  13. Yo homie undercoverbrother! Err.... i didn't know me got a homie friend. hahaha. No lar just joking. Hey ferraririzer, if you collect ferraris, you will have a hard time finding red color basic cars. Red FXX, red GTO, Red 599, red this and that la. My scope of collecting is Muscle Cars. Means cars that exist in USA from 1950-70. I'm not much into Hot Rods and modern supercars. And not into collecting Ferrari from the regular basic cars range, because i face direct head to head competetition from hoarders. The ferraris i have and would concentrate on will be the Racer series. They cost from RM9.99 to RM14.90 from time to time. They are easier to get due to the high price. (Obvious reasons!) Also one very good advise i can tell you is set aside RM100 for a ferrari model book. But a book that shows almost every model of Ferrari from old to new. Just one book is enough. But you have to be careful to select a book that covers details, history and specs. Some books like this cost as low as RM25 to RM200 for big sized anniversary ones. The reason why i asked you to get this Ferrari book is simple. You won't just collect the Ferrari cars for looks anymore. And you will learn to appreciate the history of these cars. As i am doing it for my muscle collection. If you are starting now, you can look for the 250 GTO. Its still available off the rack, but its very limited and quite hard to find now. But if you are doing it for money, then i have probably given good advise away.
  14. I dislike Initial D and Wangan arcade games. The one i like is OutRun 2. Its not realistic, but you get to drift! And the game is not corrupted by anime shows. So its orginal.
  15. Well its is quite a good horror movie last time. If you can still find the movie, watch it!
  16. Crap!!! No red or yellow 288GTO!!! But got 2 red 250GTO at Tesco kajang. But i did buy that Heat Fleet pack there. Oh well.....
  17. Oh yeah before i forget, there is this horror movie where there is this cool car that kills people. I wonder anyone saw this before? I remember seeing it at night. And it was scary! Ditto to the car that looks like it came right out of a Hot Wheels catalog! The Car - Yes i am a auto freak!!
  18. Back to the future - DMC Delorean 12. Did you know in USA the car is still being sold? The company went bankrupt long time ago. The car was a mess really. The new ones are being made but with modifications by a small company. Its body is still brushed aluminum color.
  19. In these many years i only have 5 TH cars. Never seen a super before in my life. But i know those wheel designs are "in real life" called Torq Thrust style. In malaysia among the auto freaks its called banana spokes. hahaha. But USA have 5 big bananas and Asian version have 8 small bananas......... hahaha
  20. Well that is not neccessary. I should have known it was a copy and paste kind of thing as the words only reflect shallow minds. They like to call people POSER just because people tak about Steve better than they do. I bet the original writer drives a souped up CIVIC and takes part in some local races. And thinks just because he in in USA and thinks Steve Mcqueen is the GOD of cars there. I think he have never set foot in a book shop for Steve Mcqueen rather than mod ideas for his CIVIC. Chait!! Well 'hahahayeahrite' if you are interested in knowing what cars meant to Steve go to Times bookstore in Pavilion they might still have that unwrapped hardcover biography of him. If you do, read it up with plenty of pictures and you will know what drives him. You also get to see his rare car collection. Anyway LEMANS is a blardy documentary. Steve is behind the mask all the time compared to Sylvester Stalone in DRIVEN, where at least he has dialogue! Few more TV series that i remember the vehicles rather than the acting. - Hardcastle & Mcormick Two more movie that many missed, - xXx Triple X (Vin Diesel) - Driven (Sylvester Stallone)
  21. Py, how hard am i trying? Hmm.. i'm on the road all the time. So i have the pleasure of visiting 7E and many shopping complexes in the vicinity, daily! Sort of like a lesser coolman. Also every week i will go complex touring. Every week since i started 3 years ago! Almost all the bus that i took would know my face by now. And most of the time i come by a motherload of stuff that i haven't got and get them. BUT!!! Even if other people hit that place before, they just go there and whack the same model and leave. I don't care for TH. If there was 10 pcs of them there and then and u come face 2 face with me, i'll let u have it. Just don't take all the cars from VW and ferraris. They already mined the diamonds, so leave some gold and silver for us. But most of the time we get lead. So we have to turn lead into gold. In order for them to be so takes time. But not all lead can be turned to gold. Even then the good quality lead is taken up by these diamond miners. Figuratively speaking of course. I'm always at Kajang from time to time and from where i hang out, i'm so near to TESCO that i somehow didn't bother to go in. Strange huh? Somehow Hw gods didn't want me to find my mojo car! Coincidently im going there today! Lets see if its a 288GTO or a 250GTO shall we? But whatever the case, i'm sure many over here likes HW cars. Its just that i hate how this hobby has become a means of anger rather than anger management.
  22. I understand that. I could wait for cars to come in a few month time. Like my one and only yellow 288GTO found at CS KLCC. No red one in sight. The problem is members are also hoarders. You can't filter them out. You can't phase them out. They are your friends, they are your enemies. If they are your friends, you close one eye. If they are your enemy, you post hate here. Easy right? I could not get my ass off to the gatherings every week even though i live damn near. I could not live with friendly faces and lies at the back. I'm sorry i have to be judgemental to everyone here. I'm not mr goody2shoes too. But at least i'm honest to myself.
  23. netmatrix

    State Of Art

    Only cars are allowed?
  24. Thre was this blue 550 last time in kl. I saw it in person. And then few months later the car was featured in 999 where it was impounded by customs.!
  25. So with the 1 million do they develop their land or they build an average rumah batu and then spend most of it joli-joli?
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