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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. I thought the Evo 7 was going to be a hard find, but i can find it quite easily since december. Crazy.
  2. Coolman i you got it at CS after u saw my post right? hehehe
  3. This one got on Monday. Have been eyeing it for soooo long, but not bothered to buy it! But today in it goes in the bag.
  4. Errr..... Raymond its not easy. If you imply to walk in a shop and get one, its hard that way. You need to check out places almost daily to get one. That is if you are lucky, and no one that specifically get only these card go to them first. Its that bad.
  5. I would get the cars i need. And stock at least 2 of my favourites. I'll get the t-hunts but 1 a piece. And leave whatever there are for others to fight over. Since this is a one time affair its fair for me. I don't want to stock up on things that i have to work to sell later. Only then my economic sense tells me i should charge more for rarity, petrol, storage, blah blah. And have to see people's bad attitude here. Just for buying up all the TH alone is an assurance to court trouble if it ever leaked out within a small community of HW collectors. Best suggestion is if you can get every TH in that 50 case, so just shut up, act cool and quietly sell between members with a not too proud story behind it.
  6. Most would buy at Ebay. You counter offer less a buk sure got people buy one. hahaha.
  7. I want that Morgan Aeromax!!! I want i want!!
  8. Yes, thats why i would go back to my customer place and see if i could locate a bigger card. hehehe.
  9. The wangan is the last disc, its was the only thing on hand to stand the regular cars. hehehe.
  10. Hahaha. What for? Their money their problem. This would be the only time i'm posting such things. Next time i'm gonna be quiet and let nature do its thing.
  11. I found this piece at my customers place. I hope to land a bigger uncut card if i can. Its cards for US market cars. Its different at the front and back compared to Malaysian ones. Each card has specific details of the cars like engine displacement and stuff. Unlike ours which is blank.
  12. I decided few days ago that i should check out this place, since i didn't go there a long time ago. Also prompted that few members say that Cold Storage has promo prices for HW racer series that i don't collect, but think it was good offer not to pass. Also there was this art exhibit that i have to go see at Petronas Gallery. (Ok i'm an art buff ) So here are my hauls. An F333SP, 430 Scuderia, 365GTB4 308 GTS Quattrovalle, Enzo, F355 Challenge FXX, and 2 regular cars a Evo 7 & Tooned 360 modena. Also i noticed Sinclairs thread of hard to find 333SP. But i found a lot of it here! Almost 10 units. So hoarders should be there early morning.... what am i saying?!?! The cars are at promo price RM9.88 even though there isn't price tags on them. Dunno for how long though. The regular cars are at 5.88. Some nice cars there for those waiting to complete their collection.
  13. They have warehouse in malaysia of course. They are made in Malaysia! Its a matter of when they want to distribute the cars here. Oh well.
  14. Should be mid February. Last 2 years the cars are released in December without fail. This year is slow. I hope its not sanctions on American products by some parties. That would be bad.
  15. Made in Malaysia doesn't mean they HAVE to market it here. Overseas is much more lucarative. And i'm sure Mattel is facing similar problems like Epson where "For malaysia" market stuff is being sold overseas at a higher price by certain irresponsible individuals.
  16. That would be great! A first step for HWCM. If could come up with limited edition never to be issued off the rack stuff would be great. Just like those Comic Con edition comics or Auto Salon version of Tomicas. Now wonder how deep members or non members would have to acquire such cars.
  17. If i am Hot Wheels Marketing manager, i would work my way up to CEO and then..... I would make/declare all the T-hunts and make them available only from charitable organization. All the cash sold is for the individual charities that i allocate those T-hunts for. Super T-hunts are sold at year end ballots also for charities. So in the end there is no T-hunt for everyboy to fight over for. No Israel - Palestine conflict in Hot wheels collectors community. The lashback at my policies? All T-hunts from previous years would appreciate in value very highly. They won't be cheap anymore. All new T-hunts would be even more valuable as its only available through a charity. But they can order as much variant and units that they need, but must auction off all the stocks for their organizational funds. More rules and regulation for such things to fend off speculators. I'm Bernie Ecelstone + Bill Gates of Hot Wheels liao. hahaha.
  18. If rm 1 i would buy one of each diferent model and burn it kaw kaw. Create fantastic hw crashes and put the video up youtube. hahaha
  19. I also have a wrong faced packaged car.
  20. Just wait for warehouse sale and hope they sell at RM1 each. Then we buy all of them and make a disaster film matched with same scale transformers toys. Cun eh? This is the only time we can crash and burn hotwheel to hearts content!
  21. 1963 corvette is the same as a 63 split window in gold. Erk!
  22. I would be getting something else. Transformers maybe? ahaha. Till then toast to 09' release!
  23. Mattel would still be selling track sets and those assorted barbie and girly dolls, which is a big money spinner. hahaha. I won't spend on tomicas. I find Tomy doesn't spend effort to design wheels for their cars. And most of the time, the cars are badly made. The paint especially. But the saving grace is you get all the Japanese models, unlike HW. Still on my side, if 09' collection don't come, then i don;t need to spend time at toy sections and more money to be saved. hehehe
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