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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. if got few GF also can bring all along, so "the more, the merrier"
  2. ala, buat ape malu2,member2 la, hehe~ xpe, kitorg wat gath kt warung bro, ok?
  3. join jerla bro.. nohal la.. so, cham, when wanna do it? friday nite, as planned earlier?
  4. lot 1 had been sold out, less than 1 minute on sale,
  5. alamak, protoman smua ada!! nice DJ bro!
  6. i didnt notice that.. maybe coz i dont haul many,
  7. yeah, these are the skyline n beetle cup i talk about.. isnt them nice,
  8. owh, like that ar bro!! now i understand!! thanks bro and pic please,
  9. i thought there noly 1 set of sweet rods series that consists skyline, beetlecup etc, but got another?? this is damn nice!!!
  10. jhc7598

    looking for c6r

    sinclair try to poison ppl, again, :P
  11. wah, nice la that MQ.. great score net!
  12. wah, this is one u talking about.. damn nice la bro!!
  13. wah, nice.. pity u didnt make it on time.. btw its a nice bro!!
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