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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. others are quite busy i think.. still waiting for bro YUSH's custom tho,
  2. nice bro!! love the headlight, looks very real.. and also the stripes, very nice!!!
  3. boleh, kena la hulur² skit baru bleh, huhu~ btw thanks bro..
  4. thanks ... thanks bro.. just need a box and "imagination", stakat ni x tekan abis pn, agak² dalam 250km/h .. tu baru gear reverse, dan tgh towing kereta kebal .. btw thnks bro..
  5. nice bro.. looks very similar with military jeep..
  6. huhu.. agaknya dulu² nama citer asal dia JAWSMAN kot, dia bawak JAWSMOBILE, btw thanks bro~~
  7. love the selection of the color, and the way u did the stripes.. awesome~~
  8. nice bro!! good looking car with flat black, looks like stealh fighter, really nice~
  9. wah, great!! now this garage can be consider as "poison garage" !!!
  10. waj, batman lagi!!! nice hauls bro, for the SM!!
  11. there are 2, blue and black.. i saw the black one.. seen a blue one on 'net but never saw a real one yet..
  12. oh no.. i was waiting for u to come out with that custom.. feel sorry for u bro.. but may i know what casting are u want to custom? n why can be snapped into 2? chop chop also ka?
  13. i think i saw that too...
  14. thanks bro.. glad that u like it, thanks bro!! thanks boss..
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