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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wow, nice hauls!!! geram tgk DD, dahla kaler purple..
  2. wow, great one!!! awesome!!! i like the valentino Rossi's DD, and everyone of them are AWESOME!!!!!
  3. lol...ko minat sape? masmona? ai, tgk jgk ke?
  4. wow, great custom... Chip Foose!!!
  5. wow.. buses!! good luck in ur sales bro!
  6. yup, mine is all got pink as well.. had to hunt for other la..
  7. me likey both TDs.. ***faint also..
  8. bagai cham dgn helang = bagai aur dgn tebing = bagai isi dgn kuku
  9. whatt!!! damn lovely!!! if Malaysian one day have our first convention, must ask you to do all the convention cars... best of flames i'd ever seen so far...
  10. spammaster beware.. btw checked mine but all same had to check the other one i left at my house..
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