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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. i visit his place once last time.. cant stay too much longer, coz so many poisons...
  2. wowww... jelesnya~~ great one bro!!!!
  3. haha.. lain mcm jer bunyinya.. haha!! great one bro!!!
  4. happy birthday bro berdua.. rupa2nya berkongsi birthday rupenye..
  5. saturday night i had to go back to Tganu...
  6. wow, great item... i wanna tempah first for the next singaporean subaru police, maybe 3-4 cars? my friends kinda like it.. thanks..
  7. wow, great find.. when la i gonna get this th$..
  8. ada, tp x fullset.. jeles2.. hehe..
  9. jhc7598

    CAR TOWN on FB

    yup, can design our own car.. thats why i had been poisoned, huhu!
  10. jhc7598

    CAR TOWN on FB

    terkena poison, huhu~~
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