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Everything posted by Fadli85

  1. They should at least arrange the new cars on transporter to minimize the damage..
  2. pergh, nak satu Ford Fiesta tu? hehehe...
  3. No, the green is Real-X (1:72)and the blue is Schuco(1:80) hehe..
  4. Congrats brader...! haha so happy for you....! Post gambar cepaaaaaat..!
  5. ^Nice, at least you're bringing one home with you...!
  6. It's not Purple passion if it ain't PURPLE
  7. Bob Lutz? I thought everybody hates him, he condemn GM now after he left the company, but I don't know, they've been calling him Lutz the Putz over the internet for talking bad about GM. The car on the other hand, is gorgeous..! beautiful Viper, good luck on the sale..!
  8. WOW, I'm like O-EM-GEE.....! can't believe you found it hanging like that.....! Collectors probably not aware of this hidden T-Hunt$.....! anyway congrats msclee, do share the after photo.
  9. I love the satin finish on that BMW Z3, looks stunning, the rest are nice too...!
  10. Bro, sure ar its rare???!! I saw 2 hanging on peg yterday leh... Yup, starting to appear here and there already, but the car should be larger because according to the scale written at the base, it says 1:72, which is puny, same like those tiny Real-X diecast, they should make it bigger in 1:64 scale, then you'll realized how big is the car actually in real life....!
  11. Nice one there, that Carrefour shot I know that place is at Mid Valley right? Hehehehe....so messy pile of hotwheels. When I got there, only leftovers left by collectors, nasib...nasib.
  12. Fadli85


    produk ini best, hehehe...!
  13. LOL we've been living with it since like forever.....!
  14. Hey man, good effort especially from a 15years old, I admire the creativity. Hopefully you'll make more beautiful customs in the future..! All the best.
  15. Samalah, aku pun tak jumpa kereta2 tu, but honestly, I don't really care, because not so much into Japanese cars, even saw classic skyline ape semua tu pun I passed, Ken Block Fiesta boleh la, hehehe...
  16. mansrx, ade lagi beberapa ketul kat Parkson1U.
  17. TOMICA Hauls......! damn nicee....! Last pair bought at Parkson 1U yesterday, and it was on SALE..!
  18. Itu pun sisa2 hauls tu, bekas tinggalan runner-runner and scalpers yang pergi hunting, itu pun ada 2 Panamera saya tinggal kan satu di Jusco IOI Mall Puchong, courtesy from a fellow collector, hehehe.
  19. Whoa, sweet collection there..! Spawn figures are always very artistic and highly detailed, sometimes I do feel attracted to these figures at XL-Shop, especially the Watchmen characters the Comedian, Silk Specter, but I haven't seen Nite Owl yet.
  20. Halamak, nice "elbow" there bro Sahama, cantik siku, bukan buruk siku, hehe
  21. Bro, aku tak dapat la kerja sana, takde rezeki, atau aku tak cukup hebat, huhuhu, sedih giler beb....Jebat & Izat dapat la, derang powerrrrr rangers.
  22. Fadli85

    Cars I like

    [quote="Peter"] He was being sarcastic Peter
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