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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. secara tidak langsung..helping those scalpers & down under to scalp more..$$$$$$$$$$!
  2. wei!! Got the Orang GTLM??? Then help me get two pcs..pls!! can???
  3. arnold!! Stop the politician job And get ur *** back to the movie world!! We need u badly as an action hero!!
  4. WOW !! I like this Ferrari!! Look good!!!
  5. Haiyo!! Get it from "mattel warehouse" sales this weekend!!
  6. without extra bike..so the price going cheaper?? Btw...the back hood still can be open??
  7. demmmm!! Must go....must go...must go!!!!
  8. this is "one too many" bro!! Great Ferrari cars there!!
  9. nice one ..KT!! Purple Passion t-hunt!!
  10. wah!! Kharman Ghia spotted!! Gua nak sebijik!!
  11. Yeah, I noticed this one Lexus Harrier parked at B Covered Parking with wheel clamp on it, it's really dusty like has been sitting there for years.! I guess the owner went overseas and passed away and there's nobody to inherit his belonging Or the owner just fled the country without returning the car to the rental Or, some robber just left it there to rot or.. maybe u can take some pics of this car if u happen to be in KLIA..again!!
  12. Hwbet: Seem that u like those RED colour casting!!
  13. wow!! Maisto also got the Walmart exclusive casting?? This red Lambo look more nicer if go for a wheels swap!!
  14. wow!! Bro!! Thought u buy only 1!! BUT 3 yellow GTLM!! and loose all 3??? u da man GT347!!
  15. It didn't came into my mind until you brought it up... how ar? It's all sinclair's fault for not updating his area... *runs!* seem we here always miss the VW wave like VW Fastback...Kharman Ghia...and DB!! But not the Squareback wave!! Haizz! How?? Get ready to buy from e-bay or some famous "down under" guys here!!
  16. woo hoo!!! Superb nice & tampo look nice too!!
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