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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. WAH!! a birthday gift for both of them???
  2. ahahaha!! Nice try dude! Look great in such position!! Now...really can transform ady!!
  3. vw golf gti always nice looking casting!!
  4. nice trades and congrats on getting those nice looking cars!
  5. wah! Chevy Nova with lift up chasis!
  6. so..the next will be the 2009 $uper t-hunt to complete it!!
  7. nope! i think mattel jus wan to mess around with those customizer who like to wheels swap!!
  8. ahahah! jus fix in the monkey...and the BS turn to the monkey bone! Great idea..eight!!
  9. i got only one of each!! Maybe rgsukan can help u on this! he's really 'kaki DD'!!
  10. wow!! Nice wor! Now i been poison by this casting!!
  11. again..2 thumbs up!!! Bravo!!! Memang 'cun' lah!!
  12. huh!! Batch no. 7 ady??? Very good & busy "Kedai Tayar MushrOOm"!!
  13. Those VW Gti look nice when gather it up and lots of fun colour..too!!
  14. nice pics with amazing wheels spinning effect!!
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