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Everything posted by danielh

  1. haha,,!! thanks bro!! yup, thanks! thanks bro!
  2. already reserved for you bro. will inform you once completed.
  3. aaaarggggg..........poison again!!! nice BS !!
  4. nice haul, me like that sc evo..........
  5. cool one and highway hauler nice, but not nice on the wallet........
  6. mouth watering hauls!! and delicious double RAOKs too!!! congrats!!
  7. wow! super and regular 2011 57 chevy!!
  8. congrats! finding super no matter what cards, it's still a good find!!
  9. nice twin evos........ blue again......GT LM
  10. now i know...why hassan's wife got so many hadiah..
  11. you're having a happy life......rewarding each other... ..and then, maybe getting a surprise little "t-hunt" in return...!
  12. you're having a happy life......rewarding each other...
  13. panas di hati masa detour tapi sedap mata tengok hijau di sana... haha...u should rewards your wife afterwards..
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