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Everything posted by danielh

  1. all poison!!!!!!!!!!! now where to find......those thunt..
  2. can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!! slaugther!!!!!!!!!
  3. happy birthday bro!!!!!!!!!!! sorry, very busy lately but better than nothing, haha!!
  4. u can create ur own blog, and shows all your hotwheels and others brands collection on the blog.
  5. nice ferrari pictures!!!!!!! and congrats on your new blog!!!! looks very exciting!!!!!!!!!!
  6. nice haul bro!!!!!!!! wow fire eater thunt!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!
  7. congrats on your haul!!!!!!! love that fastback!!!!!!!!!
  8. nice haul!!!!!!!!!!! that purple passion really nice!!!!! drooling............!
  9. great haul!!!!!!!!!!! so many DD!!!
  10. ok, here's mine http://danielhmodelmeister.blogspot.com/
  11. nice scirocco haul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. nice haul from 7E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. nice golf!!!!!!!!!! and that figurine at rear side............
  14. thanks eric!!!!!! the actual price was RM98.80 but they put it on half price earlier this year but as you said the condition was very bad.....
  15. thanks kurz!!!!!!! yes, agreed with you but this honda accord coupe was made to cater US and europe market. IMO, the rear side doesn't look like japanese design.
  16. fainted!!!!!!!!!! ...................droooling that civic's military rod and mbx CTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. nice haul!! no worries, keep looking...
  18. nice!! congrats on your new haul!!
  19. wow! wow! fainted!!!!!!!................
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