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Everything posted by danielh

  1. good news, 2011 will be another exciting year!!!
  2. thank you very much bro!!!!!!!!!!
  3. danielh

    Today Haul At C4

  4. jacky's favourites mustang, no wonder he wallop all three..
  5. buy first, regrets later. all the six are nice!!
  6. nice mustang CS! good to know that it's still at RM16.90.
  7. ckh, you sailang all the convoy.!!!!. my only lorry...
  8. congrats, proton gaining reputation on land of rising sun.
  9. cool! thanks for the info, it helps a lot!
  10. thanks for the Baja bro. helang project will commence after CNY, you will get it soon. Uiks need to commence the helang project after CNY meh?... nway i dont mind waiting since you are passing me the Vitesse Helang after CNY...
  11. thanks renji. yup, i've been eyeing that helang so quite some time. thanks bro:P
  12. semua camtekkkkkkkkk!!!! this us heavyweight haul.
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