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Everything posted by danielh

  1. danielh

    Cadillac GT3

    nice added kits, and nice color matching too!
  2. very unique!!! and it's has openable door and retractable ladder!!!
  3. danielh

    RAOK from Sinclair

    nice Raok! congrats!!
  4. nice color combo. looks like official shell car.
  5. danielh

    fangula - by pqhd

    very matching wheels and color. one of the best custom here,
  6. i like it, nice weathering rust effect.
  7. frankly speaking, i didn't knew that you are good in customizing. now i've seen it. it's a nice custom falcon, i like it!
  8. the blue flames is the best part. very neat in placing on all sides.
  9. wah!! battered fire bird. very creative in the bullets holes effect, looks like been sprayed by bullets all round.
  10. nice santa's rapid response. one of the best entry. i like it.
  11. congrats thunderhawk. you deserved it, all your input and never ending hardworking yield good result. i salute you.
  12. thanks to all and congrats to all the winners.
  13. congrats, all are nice RAOK indeed.
  14. fuh!! all the salivating haul...... enyo, what's wave is that new white 350Z comes with??
  15. congrats, thats limited one and only edition in the world!!
  16. looking good, you should enter the custom competition.
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