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Everything posted by trebor4460

  1. Would have liked to have gone but am going Darley moor to watch some club racing.
  2. trebor4460

    Hello All...

    Welcome to the forum, good to get back on two wheels ain't it,
  3. Setting float heights is a delicate job and easy to get wrong, a few mill out makes all the difference. You will have to set them to the manuals specification.
  4. Wish i lived closer, would luv to have a ride out there,
  5. Hope you are up and about and back in the saddle soon Luke,
  6. welcome to the forum, welcome
  7. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Billing+Aquadrome+Ltd,+Northampton&hl=en&ll=52.247247,-0.814705&spn=0.086182,0.264187&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=22.034389,67.631836&z=13&iwloc=A
  8. Nice pics Mike, glad u all made the most of the weekend.
  9. well the forcasters cant predict a piss up in a brewary so hot weather ahead,
  10. The only thing at 16, apart from a pusher was a so I got an fs1e, first taste of 2 wheelsl and had a bike ever since.
  11. Was unusually satisfying in a strange way to see a caravan burnt and then destroyed by a train... Funny old world ain't it ,
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