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Everything posted by madsod

  1. The Douglas motor cycle was made in Kingswood Bristol just up the road from me they factory still stands to this day sadly no motorcycle , but what you have found Gaz looks good , great to see the name back
  2. I had to find a set that would fit the RF as could no see any for it gsxr 750 one in the end
  3. Not been used for years but yes very big in its day take a look
  4. Bmw do cost a bit to keep on the road
  5. Glad they came out ok can be a pain , back in with copper slip i hope
  6. I had one on my gsxr 1000 and yes i did give it a bit more go in the first few gears not that i ever went over 70 mph . miss that bike it was so fast and a joy to ride
  7. Not to sure if folks know this, but the `Speed Thresholds` have changed. :-? New guidelines from the Association of Chief Police Officers could lead to three points and a £100 fine for anyone caught speeding by just 4mph in a 20mph zone. Common sense really! New guidelines set out thresholds for fixed penalties, speed awareness courses and summonses. This could mean doing 24-31mph in a 20mph zone might lead to being offered a place on a speed awareness course. Speeds over 34mph in a 20mph zone would automatically land you in court. The threshold for a fixed penalty fine and points is 10% over the limit plus 2mph, this applies for all zones. Speed awareness courses are offered for up to 42 in a 30 zone, 75 in a 60 and 86 in a 70. Summonses will then be issued for 50 in a 30, 86 in a 60 and 96 in a 70. However, the new guidelines will not replace police officers’ discretion.
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