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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. mine is to take the out of the mods even more this year
  2. If thats a real paint job its good init the guy should be painting bike tanks! Fat git should look where he's going
  3. i would love one of those, what a great way to spend a sunday afternoon, riding my bike and gunning down people I don't like
  4. thanks dave and stu..and dad too, i suppose Very Happy thumbs DAD TOO !! I nissed that one, hope I've been polite
  5. RichardH


    this could be a long night
  6. Just like to say a massive thanks to Dave, Stu and now Dick for all the hard work they put into the forum, most of which we don't even know about. Looking forward to another year of taking the out of the 3 of them THANKS CHAPS
  7. Just been and got a mahoosive bag of Bombay mix to pass around, and lucky the house is full of xmas , the wifes out on the lash so let the good times roll
  8. RichardH


    http://www.biketours-uk.com/ If you are looking for an organized europe tour try these guys, I'm going to Iceland with them in july, I have met him and he seems like a nice bloke
  9. OH! I was expecting to see an unloved B12 with seed on the seat
  10. nice bike, looked bloody awful with that top box on.
  11. As much as i like this forum and have bought everything that has been made for it, i really don't want stickers(of any kind) on my bike or helmet
  12. RichardH


    welcome to the forum and back to biking, I'm a bit of a born again biker myself
  13. Fantastic, 6 months to go and I'm there
  14. most people on facebook with 300 friends know about 6 of em, sad ( hope no one on here has 300 friends )
  15. sometimes on mine, it wont let you copy the link, if this happens, right click link code, select all, right click link then copy
  16. Darn, can't find my cat verses flame thrower video.
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