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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. steering balance weight? what do you mean? not wheel balancing i take it? i can get them lol
  2. if they made a film id watch it!
  3. haha! i think im going to loose my status for dodgy jokes soon
  4. i give up on my battery its buggered lol. going to be an expensive winter doing the clutch, forks and battery on ninja to sell it still good charger i had an older version before my dad dropped it from the top shelf in the garage
  5. personally id say thats his fault going too fast for filtering, even if he did thing the lorrys were moving why go down the middle. but we all do it have time of no concerntrating, least he was ok
  6. yeah, going to sort the bike! new clutch, fork seals and battery. maybe take it out a couple times in march and then get a new bike at end of march. or if my mate buys the bike soon, ill might see what salvage cars i can get fix up and sell or soemthing, maybe be able to get a cb1000r or something like it sooner!
  7. on sunday we went for a ride to lydden hill race track to watch some drifiting heres some pics and videos someone rolled. ooops and heres a couple of videos. only a fiver to get in great day out!
  8. lost count now but the curse is back. decided to go up to a biker cafe last night before it got too cold, left about 7, so was dark, just came round a corner luckily was only doing like 10mph, and a car dediced to pull out on me hit the drivers door, luckily bikes not hurt. just her car! apprently didnt see me as they all say :/ and then on way to the cafe my bike keeps revving with not much go, as we got there turns out my clutch is slipping like a gooden, so not no bike on the road just about limped it home! doh!!
  9. biker down in kent, mate of a mate, sadly died at a scene, only 23. so young :/
  10. nice one! and I don't think we will see dave for a few days now
  11. did love the cb just couldn't fully open it up near that dealer. just needed new bars, and why not a decat mat, looking at like a Yoshi with decat. cats are a nusance imo! and very true dick off to test the fz1 in a week or two. got personal insurance for me as im under 21
  12. sounds very lucky to have not been worse
  13. i'm gonna borrow maries hairdryer just don't tell her what for haha!shes going out tomorrow sounds like a plan batman
  14. i'm gonna borrow maries hairdryer just don't tell her what for haha!
  15. ooops. and yeah. get bit of heat on them then let them cool ittl help them stick. youll find they are more likely to come off in the summers heat
  16. I thought the red matched the bike pretty well as I didn't want black or clear and yes for grip chad I was sliding about too much as the brakes are awesome on the Ace as well as acceleration also helps cornering as shes a big old lass ahh one problem I had when pinning a corner with my knee out on ninja was I would slip off from time to time and often almost sit on the floor lol! should have got some ages ago. not worth it now ninjas going to go. still a good idea thou!
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