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Tony nitrous

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Everything posted by Tony nitrous

  1. Always been a fan of the "Haga Lout" He'll be fun to watch at Cadwell park !!
  2. Not sure if I've posted this before ? ...but this belongs to a guy who lives at the end of my street. Its not a one-off, just limited production (with a V-Rod motor) not cheap but different.
  3. Seen a couple, but not recently. Guy near me has a Gilera CX125. They are a bit few and far between too....
  4. Thanks Guy's. My Mrs thinks im a bit OCD with tools / Suzuki's / Spares..... It helps that im a boring b*stard ! Dont drink (HAD to stop) smoke, gamble, do drugs, eat junk food or have kids. I do like my toys.
  5. Where did you check ? B-King has always been 200/50-17 Busa is a 190/50-17. Same size wheels on both bikes.
  6. Called into the tyre fitter after work and had him put a set of Sportsmarts ( multi compound) fitted to my spare rim's, with my favorite 190/55 kept in stock. (tip's in better than the stock 200/50) Fitted and balanced, $365 / 248 pounds. Im happy with that. Not sure what Gold wheels on a Black B-King will look like but i've seen gold wheels on a black GSX1400 at I thought it was OK. They are from a later 2010 model, same as Dave's. Xmas gift from the Mrs.
  7. IMO too !!! Not a fan of Busa's or B-Kings looks. B-King looks like a stupid Jap kids cartoon, Busa looks like a jelly mould rabbit or a dog dragging its arse across the carpet! Im a rider. They are the best at what they do, and if im sat on it I dont have to look at it!
  8. Might be my next bike Dave. B-Kings fun, but small tank range, lack of leg room and p*ss poor for pillions make it a toy and less uesable. The fully faired Busa is lighter and shorter too and feels more sporty to me.
  9. Sat outside on the deck, had our evening meal, rain pouring down all around. Sweat pouring out of us, so ate up quickly and raced back inside into the air-con... My Mrs is looking forward to visiting the UK.
  10. Not much original "Busa" left, but Jeeeez... i'd like this one... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SPECIAL-BUSA-TURBO-/290669781975?pt=AU_Motorcycles&hash=item43ad44e3d7#ht_670wt_1247
  11. Sat here in T-shirt and shorts. Cold drink, Air-con cranked up high, I can here the distant rumble of thunder... Summer in the tropics !!!
  12. Still no snow !!!! Had another storm last night, but bloody hot and dry again today. Went up to Malaney, couple of roads down to single lane from landslides but most were good.
  13. Not sure Aussie pic's should be on your UK calender. Not really very relevent to the majority ? ...but I did take a quick snap with my El-Cheapo camera this morning...
  14. Out here for a quite small fee, I do a "REV's" check. It tell's me who's the owner, Any finance outstanding, and if its been written off and reregistered as a repaired vehicle... One bike I bought (off a Bandito's Club member) the seller handed me the phone and $10 and told me to do it !
  15. No log books here. I've had several bikes out here and the 4 I have now I dont have anything in writing to say I own them or the guy I bought them off did. Our system works fine. UK log books dont mean much and cause lots of problems. Out here a quick check with the engine/frame numbers with the department of transport tells you all you need to know and is much harder to fake than your scrap of paper. Are UK log books the owner or just the registered keeper ?
  16. Im a Suzuki man myself, but the R1 version looked fun too....
  17. Brilliant !!! Now I want another GSXR1100 too....
  18. Fabrizio Biaggi Rossi Schettino
  19. Easy for me at the momment. Im still waiting to get mains put into mine, so everything is running off a big chunky extension lead plugged in on my deck. I turn the whole shed off at night. (and mine is insured !!) Good luck with the business... Mine starts (slow and small) in 16 weeks time.
  20. "Compressor nightmare" I though "Oh-NO!!!" when I read that. A lad on another forum left his compresser on overnight but the pump/motor burnt out, burnt his shed down, bikes, tools everything. Only the bikes were insured. Poor bugger.
  21. Agreed. I notice this on a few factory systems, but less so on sporty aftermarket ones. With twin can's, Its almost as if the bike has a 2 into 1 or a 4 into 1 and the 2nd can just takes a bit when its needed or more cosmetic. Im sure there's a reason, cost, or easy to build probably. Not ideal for ultimate performance but fine in most applications.
  22. Not for me thanks. I've owned Sportsters and will be a happy man if I never put my arse on one again. ....and thats not a Norton frame. Its an aftermarket frame made in Wales. (although the name is a good way of steering folks to think its origins are elsewhere) I dont think they use the Norton name anywhere? Now a well put together Norvin... That'd be up there with an Egli Vincent...
  23. Mmmmmmmm..... You'll be wanting the Gas Turbine Conversion then ? 45 seconds in...
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