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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. ya'll are too sweet! THanks for the encouraging words! God gets all the glory! I am glad you were blessed!
  2. Praise the Lord saints!! I am so honored to be apart of this group and I am so overwhelmed and astonished at the many miracles and blessings that God has and is providing for his precious children THIS YEAR! I don't know about you all, but I know that I am standing outside with my bucket waiting on God's "spring and autumn rains" to overflow in my life. God is so faithful that He does MORE than enough (ephesians 3:20) and doesn't disappoint EVERY SINGLE TIME! Who wouldn't want to serve a God like that?! I woke up this morning (around 6-ish) to watch the news, spend time with God, and see a sermon To make a long story short, the Lord led me to read Genesis 22. You all know the story, about how God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac (a foreshadowing of God sending his only son in the new testament). God placed this on my heart to share with you. This is the first time I've done this so please pray--I would love any feedback as well!!! God tested Abraham to see what was in his heart. Just like He tested the children of Israel to see what was in their hearts (Deuteronomy 11:27,13; 8:2,16), God often does this to see just how much we love him and to see if we'll be obedient to him, nomatter what He tells us to do. Testing comes as a way to "see if our hearts are in the right place." I know that I've often times struggled with having "control" or making sure that I could handle things on my own. I had trust issues with people in general, because people let me down. Ithought, "nobody can do this better than I can, and atleast if I do it myself, I wont' be disappointed." As I obeyed God more and more, little by little, He broke down those walls of distrust and HE proved that HE could/would come through everytime that I obeyed. After all, "without faith its impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6) so you have to step out and as NIKE says, "JUST DO IT". (God blesses those who are not just hearers of his words, but DOERS) Inspite of what God told Abraham he was "willing and obedient" to do what He asked. We know as Saints, that if we are WILLING AND OBEDIENT we will EAT the good of the Land (its guaranteed!) (Isaiah 1:19) Abraham was willing to sacrifice the ONLY son he had for God. He was willing to give back to God what he had waited years to recieve, even inspite of his "stepping out of the will" and having Ishmael with his wife's maidservant. See, even inspite of our mistakes, God's will CAN be done. Abraham had confidence in God that He and His son would survive and come out "praising God": 3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." 8 Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together. Genesis 22:3-5,8) Abraham went to sacrifice in the region of Moriah at a mountain he later named "The Lord will provide". Nomatter the tribulation, how high the mountain is, or how rough circumstances may get, inspite of the feelings and inspite of what it may LOOK Like--God WILL PROVIDE for you in the midst of your storm. I'm a living witness to that!! It seems as though sometimes God wants us to wait until we're on our "last leg" or have that "last dime" in our pockets before he makes a move. Why? Because He wants us to trust totally and completely on Him! He wants us to have No other choice but him! It seems simple right, but how many times as Christians do we still try to figure it out on our own--wishing and wondering if God REALLY will come through as he said he would? As one of Connie's favorite sayings goes, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not until your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5). You CANNOT figure this out on your own! In doing so, it wouldn't be faith now would it?!lol Even if it doesn't make sense (which often times with God it doesn't), you still have to have faith and know, just like Abraham, that God will "make a way out of no way" for you. God's arms are not too short to follow through on his promises and to make miracles on our behalf (Jeremiah 32:27) God wants to see if we really love him? Do you love God more than anyone or anything in this world? If God told you to drop something NOW would you do it? Even if you're like Abraham and waited years for that "promise" to come to pass, would you give it back to God just to show how much its NOT ALL THAT IMPORTANT COMPARED TO HIM? God does everything for a reason and most "trying" situations help to build our characters--help us to be more anointed for him. If we pass that test, God is able and WILL bless us "exceedingly, abundantly, and above all we could ever ask or think (imagine) (ephesians 3:20) I don't know about you all, but I want ALL that God wants for my life and more! He's not some mean God that desires to see us suffer "just because". He wants to give us the very best; He wants us to be happy and "fullly satisfied" (proverbs 13:4; joel 2:26). Why not let God give you the best he has to offer? Know that "not one of his good promises [that He has promised you] will fail, but just like Joshua and His people, they will ALL come to pass (be fulfilled) at the right time (Joshua 21:45). If you obey God and place your trust in Him, you WONT be disappointed! (Deuteronomy 28:1-13) "Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed." (Isaiah 49:23) (Psalm 22:5) Remain diligent and don't give up! Right when you least expect, God will come through!!! declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me." Genesis 22:15 How much better is to please God by obeying Him!! God bless you all and thank you for allowing me to share. I pray that it has blessed you as much as it has me smooches galore desiree
  3. Very very good! DONT BE TAKE AS A DISCOUNT!! GOD WANTS YOU FOR FULL PRICE!!! (this is what I got from it! ) keep doing what you do! desiree
  4. He IS cholette! Thank you all for the very heartfelt responses!! I love you all greatly! I LOVE HOW GOD WORKS!! smooches desiree
  5. thanks Virtuous. I am glad that I have peace too!!! smooches desiree
  6. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I am currently not working (which is a blessing because I get to spend more time with my one and only boo-JESUS and the dream group now!) Anyway, an altercation happened at work (which I won't get into details) which left me frustrated and confused. I felt like a real-life JOSEPH (being accused for something I didnt' do and had to suffer consequences). To make a long story short, the devil was really setting fire to the situation and I was getting righteously angry at all parties that were involved (and then of course it couldve been God allowing the situation to happen to test what was in my heart as he did for the Israelites (deuteronomy 8). I'm like, "God, don't you see what is going on? I've been a light for you and look what is happening!!!" God WAS seeing what was going on and HE had my back (as always) the full time!! So, I kept standing my ground and having "holy-ghost" boldness with my enemies (which at that point my coworkers/management were my enemies!!Lol) and God finally came through (Days later, when I thought I couldn't handle the pressure anymore!) (doesn't it always happen like that?*wink) The situation is over and on today (VALENTINES DAY 2009--how perfect) My manager told me that the situation was resolved and that I would be getting a "HEAVY" addition to my check---which was unexpected!!! I was off the hook (no longer targeted! and the person's REALLY involved felt convicted and are currently shamed!) PRAISE GOD!!!! I don't know if this is serious to any of you--but for me--IT WAS MY VINDICATION!!! THE LORD IS AWESOME AND NOMATTER WHAT THE SITUATION LOOKS LIKE, HE ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK NOMATTER WHAT!! Let God fight your battles and you will always be at the top, never at the bottom (deuteronomy 28:13)!! Now I can go back to school and graduate (which is my desire and continue in God's will!!) :PTL: All GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! thanks for listening desiree
  7. Proverbs 24:17-18 "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth, Lest the Lord see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from Him." you're right about that scripture!!...I have LONG forgiven my ex that's why I can boldly say what I say with joy that GOD HAS MY BACK NOMATTER WHAT! I pray for my ex and his happiness and true salvation always (which I didn't mention in the above post) I'm not joyous in his pain...just wanted all to know just how God is true to his word and HE never forgets his promises--I'm joyous in that! God ALSO says that he will "fill our mouth with laughter and our lips with shouts of joy" (Job 8:21) and I also came out of the situation with my ex better than before "rejoicing and with shouts of joy (Psalm 105:43) because I was restored. The bible says, ..."when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy" (Proverbs 11:10); Finally God says that we (ie: the righteous) will "observe with our own eyes the fall/punishment of the wicked" (paraphrase) (Psalm 91:8)...Not saying my ex was EVIL but anything not in righteousness is wicked (ie: unholy); he had unpure motives (God looks at the heart)! Job says those who "plow evil and sow trouble reap it" (Job 4:8) and THAT is what happened my friend! thanks for your post desiree
  8. Thanks for posting mia! God is definitely awesome in every way!!! smooches desiree
  9. Praise God to the highest!! HE ABSOLUTELY DOES CARE ABOUT OUR NEEDS/WANTS!!! He has our best interests at heart!! desiree
  10. Amen and Amen again!! Congrats on your much deserved promotion!! desiree
  11. Definitely praying! Be blessed desiree
  12. Hey Momma Mia! Glad that you're back! Just like in Jabez's prayer, may God keep his protective hand on you from danger and enlarge your territory (keeping you from pain)! smooches with love desiree
  13. WE know that God is a healer! Be healed in Jesus name! We know you will feel better! smooches desiree
  14. Definitely praying for you! In fact I can relate. Recently on my job I have faced false accusations and feeling taken advantage of (I FEEL ALOT LIKE JOSEPH!!!lol)...Just look at it as a test. Remain steadfast, and strong and just be obediant to who is authority over you. Don't look at it as working for that person, look at it as working for God and do the best that you can do until God elevates you to somewhere else--he sees all the good things that you have done and he promises to reward you if you remain diligent and don't give up (Galatians 6:9; get it in your spirit!) Smooches and looking forward to the praise report sincerely desiree p.s. read your pm
  15. We miss you too Daph (no wonder I haven't heard from you!!!Lol)...Thank God for all that you do and we know that "NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD". Don't get discouraged and know that he soon will make a way for you. smooches desiree
  16. I stand in agreement with you that God will show you what you need to do. be blessed this hour desiree
  17. Hey you all, Its me again (Desi aka Desiree/Starpop!)lol I hope all are doing well but recently my heart has been grieved for Mr. Pitt himself. Its been just announced that he and Angelina are having another baby girl--his twins are just 5 months old!! All the kids are younger than 7! Brad has said that its a joy but overwhelmingly tiresome as well. You can look at pictures and tell that he is "worn out". he says that he can't hang out with friends as often because of the emotional demands of the kids! I ask for the simple request of praying for Brad. I know that Mia has mentioned her burden for him before, but this man REALLY looks like he is tired and going through an emotional rollercoaster ride. Keep him in your prayers that he will be strengthened and things will definitely turn around for him. God loves even the celebrities thanks again desiree
  18. There are many Christians who have fallen away because we in the church have not done enough to minister to them adequately and encourage their faith in the Lord. I agree with you here! Lets not ignore but keep God first and passionately tell others that they are loved by God...God has drawn us by his love didn't he? so we must do the same! Pray that God give us each a revelation as to how we should approach and react to those he places in our lives! smooches desiree
  19. I have to agree with Cholette here. Everyone have made some interesting points but one thing is certain and will always be: THE PLANS OF THE WICKED SHALL FAIL BUT THE WILL OF GOD WILL PREVAIL. Nomatter whom is or isn't in office, God's will shall be done regardless. GOd promises to take care of his children in every way as long as we keep focused on him as our source and not on man! I do believe that because of what's at stake (an increase of homosexuality, abortion, recession, etc) that the LORD IS COMING BACK just like his words says and we have to be ready because it could be any moment! Lets focus on getting souls saved and bringing them into the kingdom and out of bondage. I don't want to see anyone go to Hell. I love you all with the Love of Christ and be ultimately and abundantly blessed in all that you do! "hey we're all learning"...so live, love, and laugh--it can't hurt" smooches desiree
  20. PRAISE GOD DREAMER!!! I am so happy for your sons success--God got the glory!!! smooches desiree
  21. I am here to tell all, when God steps on a scene there will be a change like no other. He predestined her to be here with me to show her what she was told and was being taught that it was not of Him.......PraiseGod, He is awesome and He is so loving to everyone. That little girl knows now that the God she met here at my home is the one she had been searching for so long....SHE FOUND HIM, EVEN WHEN SHE DIDN'T KNOW HE WOULD MEET HER AT MY HOUSE.......!!!! you are so right...God moves in miraculous and unpredictable/mysterious ways!!! PRAISE GOD FOR ONE MORE SOUL ADDED TO THE KINGDOM!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING! DOESN'T IT FEEL GOOD TO BE APART OF GOD'S SAVING EXPERIENCE? God bless you much and keep on doing what you do for christ and you'll receive your crown! desiree
  22. Oh MIA! I didn't know! Definitely keeping you in my prayers---A BLESSING MUST BE GETTING READY TO COME!!! smooches desiree
  23. You'll be in my prayers! Will miss you when you're away--but I know when you come back you'll be brand new!!Lol smooches desiree
  24. Also one one of my favorite scriptures!!!lol..I'm reaping the benefits of being obediant to God now--I have so much peace!!! whew!!lol thanks for your response Hun! The feelings of relief and contentment are undescribable right now! thanks as always desiree p.s. What's pm?lol
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