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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. AMEN AND AMEN AGAIN UNA!!! SO VERY TRUE! ITS SO REFRESHING AND EXHILIRATING TO SEE GOD SPEAK TO YOU THROUGH DREAMS AND BRING THEM TO PASS IN A WAY TO LET YOU KNOW THAT HE'S SENDING THE DREAMS! Someone once said: "God matches the dreams to the dreamer that He knows will take the dream and cherish it and nurture it, until he brings it to pass!!" smooches desiree
  2. Well you guys have called it! What has been done in the dark (as the bible says) has definitely come to light! What has been covered has been uncovered--through my dreams and confirmation from others (in this case--an unexpected source!!) Luke 12:2 (New International Version) 2There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. First of all, let me say, I hope that you guys had a blessed TURKEY DAY with good eating and even better fellowship!! (I KNOW I DID!!!!lol) I apologize for not being on line as much (work really has me more busy than usual)...Continue to pray my strength in the Lord) I found out this past Thanksgiving that MY EX IS IN A CONTROLLING MARRIAGE! I also found out that my ex has indeed moved and he now lives just a couple of hours away from my parents (as evidence in past dreams where he was "moving" going "NORTH". He lives north of the state and the "baby" being a couple of months old.) In my dreams, I always dreamt of my ex being in certain places and his wife not being far behind him (she was always looking back at me in suspicion as if to say, "you better not talk to him", etc. It was like she was guarding his view from not just me but certain things (ie: keeping him from being himself/having fun). In one dream, that DAPHANIE interpreted so correctly (remember Daph?), I was in a big van with my ex and his parents (they were happy in conversation but I was feeling uncomfortable (which in real life at the time I was feeling uncomfortable seeing his family--I felt they were trying to "be fake" so to speak)...Also in the dream, I remember pulling up to this house (I assumed my ex's house) and his wife was standing on the porch (with arms folded) looking to see who was riding in the vehicle--she looked skeptical and suspicious (UNA you called it right)...she wasn't invited in the car but I was invited in the house (she just came in wondering why I was there). Remember how she would keep coming into the room where my ex was and "observing"? She said 'hello' to me (and Una you said that she could be wondering what my ex's feelings are for me) and I felt "uncomfortable" as my ex was in my view trying to "get my attention". In real life, his parents accept me more than his now wife (which I am shocked!) No wonder they would be so glad to see me when they would see me around town! My ex's wife won't even let him talk to other women (my ex in real life was a "social butterfly" and he was comfortable around women--no big deal right?! It wasn't a problem for me but it was evidence in my dreams that when his wife would come around she would TOTALLY keep him from talking to any one!!) No wonder my ex said that he "missed my family" and would try to "sneak" to talk to them and keep in touch--he's totally on LOCK DOWN!!!Lol...not only that, but he's constantly stuck with the baby and can't even listen to the radio with his significant other because she doesn't like that! (This may not be a big deal for some but it is for me because this is something that I and my ex enjoyed doing--listening to music all the time!!) I say all this to say that I always wanted to know what was REALLY going on behind closed doors. There was a lot of unanswered questions--and now I know!!! Just like the widow with the unrighteous judge, God has granted me my justice!!! He has allowed me to observe with my own eyes the fall of the wicked (as the word says)...not saying my ex was wicked but at the time he didn't have pure motives! God has allowed his foot to slip and calamity to come upon him quickly! Deuteronomy 32:35 (New International Version) 35 It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them." When I would try to "pursue peace with my ex" I was offended that he didn't try to make amends or say something to let me know all was well--and NOW I know why--because HE COULDN'T! His wife won't let him!!! And I can't say that I'm not surprised--you reap what you sow!! Just like the feelings in my last dream I posted, I had so much relief when I found out the truth. All I can say is WOW!!! Okay, I'm gonna quit rambling on, but I appreciate all the prayers and all the encouragement concerning this manner. Now I know why my ex is unhappy and now I have received the vengence and understanding of the situation that I've ALWAYS wanted since the breakup! If this isn't a lesson to appreciate the good that you have--I don't know what is!!!??? I've been sitting on cloud-9 ALL week because of this news---I finally have peace...everythings coming together!!! PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY!!! I am SO glad that things are made known--my dreams weren't nonsense!!!! Be blessed and I love you all greatly desiree (aka Starpop)
  3. I would have to say ANY food!!!Lol specifically---pizza and then some mint chocolate chip icecream!!! MMmmm!
  4. Powerful words MIA! I was actually just reading a scripture in Psalms about God "executing righteousness" and that he will do that for his people! God is good! Definitely praying! smooches desiree
  5. I agree AMEN! I enjoyed your testimony---thanks for posting! just put my two-cents in!!lol desiree
  6. I'm totally CHEEESIN right now DAPH!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOOOOOME!!! GOD KNOWS JUST WHAT TO DO!! HE GIVES US WHAT WE NEED IN THE SEASON THAT WE NEED IT!!! HE IS RIGHT ON TIME!! GOD IS SOOO GOOD! As you can see, I just can't stop being excited about that increase! smooches sis desi :PTL:
  7. Jeanie It is imperative as Saints to just pray period for whomever is or gets in office. This entire country needs healing and only God can bring that healing. I will definitely step out and join in agreement with you to pray for not just the upcoming election but our legislative leaders as a whole. Pray that they won't make selfish decisions but ones that will benefit and bring LIFE to the nation and other nations as a whole! As that song says, "heaven knows". In other words, God knows what's going on behind the scenes. He sees things that many of us don't see sometimes but He's got it all under control and asking for us to continue to Pray. smooches everyone desiree
  8. Thank you all. you are so sweet and true spirit-filled believers! smooches desiree
  9. I don't know if you all heard the news but someone has murdered the actress/singer Jennifer Hudson's (Dreamgirls Movie) Mom and Uncle. Today, police have found her nephew's body in a nearby SUV. She needs much prayer you guys. As we've mentioned earlier, the stars need Jesus just like us regular folks do!! Thanks in advance for the prayers and intercession! God bless desiree
  10. Thank you all so very much for the heartfelt responses and prayers! I appreciate them! smooches desiree
  11. GOOD AFTERNOON MY FELLOW SAINTS: I ask that you keep my family in your prayers as my cousins mother has been fatally shot yesterday morning along with her brother being critically injured! Please pray that God will encamp angels around the children and console even the ex-husband (who is my cousin and the father to the children). Pray that God will comfort them and bring total peace all while leading to salvation during this time of bereavement. Also, keep me in your prayers concerning my job that there will be no mess and that I will be a light and an example. Pray that Satan will not get the glory and that the power of God can transform many that are in my presence. thanks much God bless desiree
  12. Love you too Lurdys (you know I do!) thanks for the congrats--all glory to God!
  13. Definitely praying and interceding! p.s. read your inbox
  14. TOTALLY CRYING RIGHT NOW!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS THHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS MUCH! :PTL: (imagine me extening my small arms the widest they can go!lol) smooches galore desiree
  15. Praise our good father, friend, healer, provider, peace and confidant--the LORD JESUS CHRIST! I will be working starting Monday at a new job with benefits! FINALLY I HAVE MY PROVISION FOR SCHOOL! THANK GOD FOR THINGS FINALLY COMING TOGETHER AND WORKING OUT in ways (as always) that I never expect! thanks so much for the prayers and words of encouragement concerning this issue! I love you guys wholeheartedly! smooches and more smooches to the highest! :cute: :PTL: your friend in Christ Ms. Desiree (starpop)*wink
  16. AMEN ON THAT CHOLETTE!!! (Once you change...everything else changes! surprisingly!!)
  17. I've grown up around critical/perfectionistic people, and it did have an effect on me. I don't even think they did it knowingly, it was habit--I had to be delivered from that because it plagued me and I became critical as well at EVERYTHING!! Nothing was ever good enough! God had to bring those things to my attention and when he did--he truly blessed me!!! I've learned how to love people and see things how the father does and I'm happier because of it!!! Know that God is not critical of you (though some people are) and you have to see yourself how God sees you--with nothing missing, broken, or out of place--but awesomely and wonderfully made!!!
  18. BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL!!! thanks! It makes a lot of sense! PRAISE GOD FOR PROGRESSING US!
  19. WHOA! Okay...you really need to pray then! No you're not murmuring or complaining--just gave you something to consider! you're definitely not in the wrong for not wanting to tolerate sin! I hate when it seems like you're in a pickle! I WILL PRAY! thanks for sharing
  20. you should definitely pray as to how to go about handling this issue. Its okay to speak up, but you must be "decent and in order" and "speak the truth in love" always. There's nothing left to do but to pray and we ask that God will intervene on your behalf and come in and straighten out the situation as he sees fit! IN JESUS NAME desiree
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