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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. The battle wages on in all of us everyday against our enemies. The Lord would ask us to pray for our enemies. I would pray blessings over them. Bless them in the finances, jobs, relationships, health, relationship with God, comings and goings to name a few. I find when I start blessing people.......I get blessed in return. I get blessed in that I feel better immediately for blessing them and not cursing them. I pray that is of help to you. Love in Jesus, Connie
  2. I'm in agreement and praying with you also. Love in Jesus, Connie
  3. Yes you can. They are blessings. I always just say a pray like this: Father I bless ______ in their finances, relationship with you, relationship with others, in the health, in their job, in their attitude, in whatever are may be a problem.....you see where I am going Dreamy. Love in Jesus, Connie
  4. I am sorry I should have explained myself better. I do not mean that you should not bind the enemy and cast them out. I am a deliverance minister. I am totally up for the battle. I was talking from a prayer prospective. I have found in my life and in my personal experience that blessing people seems to tear down some of the enemy lines. Which just helps me for the battle. Love in Jesus, Connie
  5. Happy happy birthday to you! Hope your day is blessed beyond measure. Love in Jesus, Connie
  6. Lord we stand in agreement with our friend dreamster and are believing the job is his. Thank you in Jesus name, Connie
  7. Justblueskies, I don't think it is wrong per say but I always believed in blessing people. I find when I bless them I am loving them, when I am angry with them I am judging them. When I get angry I try to bless the person with my love, peace, joy, kindness, temperance, a sound mind, a soft heart to receive me and Jesus, Blessed in their health, blessed in their finances, blessed in the relationship with God and man. I hope that helps. Love in Jesus, Connie
  8. God is good all the time! All the time God is good!
  9. I will be happy to pray for you Blossom. Anytime. Love in Jesus, Connie
  10. Just hang in there blossom. It will happen in Jesus name. Sometimes demons leave by couphing, burping, sneezing, deep exhale, some by getting sick. It just depends. There are many ways but just trust God and don't expect any manefistation.....just let the Lord do his work. Love in Jesus, Connie
  11. Yep the Leviathan spirit blocks bible study and the mind and is a prideful spirit. I am going through ministry for MPD so I understand. Hang in girl, God has your back. Trust Him to do the work in you. The spirit guides came up because the are door openers to allow satans demons in to torment you. You will need to do a door closing prayer, which I am sure he has already done with you. I will keep you in prayer blossom. Love in Jesus, Connie
  12. Anytime my friend, anytime! Love in Jesus, Connie
  13. Where one door is closed another is open. I just want to encourage you that each door that is closed is bringing you to the one that is open. The one that God has in mind for you. I praise the Lord for his infinite wisdom that will bring you to the perfect place he wants you to be! Thank you Father that you have the perfect place for them to go in Ministry and that you make it unmistakeably obvious to them that they will not miss it. God bless and be encouraged! Love in Jesus, Connie
  14. Father God, I thank you for my friend Dreamster. Lord I thank you that more work is on the way. I thank you that you provide in all situations for you are Jehovah Jireh our provider. Father we thank you that people are drawn to dreamster for work. Lord we know that you prosper those who love you and obey you. Father we give you praise glory and honor! In Jesus name, Amen
  15. Totally Awesome! I could not agree with that more! Love in Jesus, Connie
  16. Blossom, The answer to the question.....Can a christian have these spirits. Yes they can. They can be generational curses or they can be things that came on them through open doors from current influences in their lives. This person needs deliverance. I am just really getting a little bit of knowledge on MPD/SRA/DID. People get this through traumatic situations in an early age of life. Usually someone that is abused....physically or sexually, usually that is under 6 years old. This usually happens when the person cannot deal with the pain of the trauma. The alter comes to protect the person or to hide the pain.....kinda like putting it in a suitcase and blocking it from harming the person. They usually have their own name and personality. They are not demons from what I understand. This requires deliverance ministry for inner healing by a person with some experience in the Lord and in this type of ministry. I pray this is of help to you. Love in Jesus, Connie
  17. Blossom, The Christian interpretation of Leviathan is often considered to be a demon or natural monster associated with Satan or the Devil. Spirit Guides are mediums or people who speak to the dead. I pray this is of help. Love in Jesus, Connie
  18. That is so awesome LovetworshipJesus! I am so happy for you! Love in Jesus, Connie
  19. Dove-Solutions

    Amazing God

    Praise God! He is Jehovah Jireh our provider. Love in Jesus, Connie
  20. Happy birthday and I send many blessings to you! Love in Jesus, Connie
  21. Happy Birthday Mia! We love you and miss you! Love in Jesus, Connie
  22. Happy birthday Mia! I bless you with love, joy and peace on this special day and pray many more birthdays are coming. We love you, Connie
  23. Yep closing the gates of the enemy is a wonderful thing! Love in Jesus, Connie
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