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Everything posted by HisLightbeam

  1. This is a good, thought provoking post, Virtuous. Which one am I?
  2. That was beautiful, Virtuous....
  3. I am with Halo. Definitely got the chills and a shout!
  4. We will keep praying for her in wisdom and strength and for her to come back once she is strengthened. Remember, Peter denied Jesus, and came back, Judas betrayed Jesus and committed suicide. We all have the choice to comeback, but we cannot keep crucifying christ by repeatedly denying Him. So your friend may be backslidden, but God is married to the backslider. If your friend can deny that Jesus is the only way, the truth, the life, and that he was alive, died, and is now risen and is alive forever more, then she was never saved. But if she does confess the good confession, then she is only backslidden. And what God has is never lost. I pray that the eyes of your friend's understanding is open.
  5. I believe. I receive. I obey. I praise!!!!!!Ye!!!The LOrd!!!!!!!!!!!1
  6. Awww, I am so glad for you, butterfly. The Lord touched you with the Him of His garments.
  7. God is so amazing and good! I just cannnnn believe it! Amen, we rejoice with you, Virtuous!
  8. Glory Hallelujah! The Lord knows what you need!
  9. Yeah! whoohoo. God is great, He's Lord, the Lord He is God, the Lord He is God! Thank you, Lord for keeping our brother MBstudent!
  10. Well, alright, now Kellsy! Praise the Lord. God will keep giving you the victory and the strength.
  11. Yay, Love! Praise the Lord. Exactly. Walking side by side!
  12. :7) I had to give my special smile, because I know how that can be, and it is the little things that pile up, that are mischevious, wickedness. But the Lord moves around the irritations, which are really trying to get you to be angry and stay angry, instead of having joy.
  13. Listen, Satan comes at us like an angel of light. If the enemy can make his utterly evil ways look good, how hard is it for them to give an illusion of alien encounters. Listen, in the last days, saints are going to be falling away. Listen, people are going to hear strange doctrine, strange stories. Listen, I am not asking you to believe ignorantly. I am not asking you to believe me ignorantly. I am asking you to believe the truth. The truth is that the Lord would not leave such a huge area of uncertainty for the enemy to play with our minds. The key word is-playing with our minds! Listen, Satan comes at us like an angel of light. This ending of the age, the enemy is setting people up for the great deception, because he doesn't want people to believe in a rapture and a resurrection. Listen, once we are raptured, people will be looking for their loved ones. There will be all kinds of hypotheses. Then those in church who have not been raptured because of their unbelief, their false conversion will know what happened, and people will be saved in the tribulation. Listen, all these things are the beginnings of deceptions. Listen, look at Ezekiel's wheel in the middle of a wheel. Listen. There is a deception being played out. Watch out for manipulation. This is witchcraft and it leaves the door open for familiar spirits who will be what you want to see. LISTEN TO WHAT THE SPIRIT HAS TO SAY TO THE CHURCHS.
  14. LOL, I know, I just like to expound, because I Love the word so much!!!!!
  15. AMen, MBstudent. Wow, me and mom, we were discussing this yesterday morning, and Linda, how beautiful is your story! Praise the Lord. Cholette, I would like to see your site, when you would invite me, I would come over and play, LOL.
  16. well, actually, God is able to fulfill all of Revelations prophecies at the blink of an eye, and Jesus could return. But the Lord reveals portions to us, taking us from glory to glory. There are several things that the Lord promised me that haven't come to pass. There are a lot of biblical things that have not come to pass. One crucial thing, is that the man of sin has not been revealed. The reason why I say this is because it is written in the word, and the word is line upon line and precept upon precept. In other words, every line is strengthened, confirmed, and proved true by the next line. So, it is not what we would consider the end, unless we are referring to the end of the Dispensation of Grace, and going into the Millenial Reign of Christ. So, there is no end to anything, because we are all eternal beings. It is just a matter of where each person is going to spend their next life. For some, honour and glory with the KING, and for others, eternal darkness and everlasting shame. Some people will be feeling really jacked up. I encourage those that I discipline to live today to the fullest, but be mindful that if your "fullness" does not match Christ's fullness...finish the statement any way that you like. The word of God is made very clear through the Holy Spirit, but we have to take time to fellowship with Him and the word, to get wisdom and understanding.
  17. Yes, let's pray, because it is the Lord who raises up and deposes kings. It is also in God's hands to turn the kings heart like a tributary. The Lord is able to use him in any way that He pleases. So we pray for those in authority, that we may have peace in our time. I pray that they all are moved by the spirit of the Lord, and the spiritual laws that this country was built on. Hear ye oh Israel, the Lord, our Lord, He is one God. There is no other. In Jesus' name, I ask it all.
  18. This was so good. I have been trying to post this comment for days.
  19. Most people who are Christians want to be used by the Lord for His glory...to a certain degree. 30 degrees. 60 degrees. 90 degrees. A certain degree. When the sword of the word splits their relationships, that may be to a certain degree. When being faithful affects opportunities to gain wealth, that may be a certain degree for someone. When being persecuted for the Word's sake causes people to be ostricized, 'buked, and scorned, that may be someone's certain degree. What if the spirit of the Lord led you into the wilderness to be tempted by satan? Would you follow? What if the Lord wants you to be the voice crying in the wilderness, "Make straight paths for the Lord", would you be that one who ate locusts and honey, and appeared strange and different before men? Would tie a belt around your waist for a period of days and bury it, dig it back up again and use it in a sermon? How about refusing to bow before an idol and being tossed in the fire? How about now? Or a lion's den? What if He wants you to spread the gospel while you are being pursued by enemies to that seek your life, because they knew you were the righteous King, and you didn't know when you were ascending to the throne...in one, seven, or thirteen years, maybe...? To what degree would you follow the spirit of the living God? See, most of us WOULD follow God to a certain degree...but what if He let us be shut up in prison for the word's sake, and we literally have to lose our heads? To what degree would you follow Jesus? Would you give up your house? Lose a friend? What about a car? What if you had to walk for a time? What if you lost your job as part of that certain degree-there are those the enemy will use to take a believer's income, thinking that is enough to make that person "curse God and die". What about your child, or your spouse? What if the Lord really DOES expect us to carry our cross? To what degree do you say, "I can go this far and no farther." ? I used to have a certain degree. I am interested to see that the number keeps getting higher and higher as I go through each trial, and am restored after each affliction by a loving, caring, Father God. For each dream deferred, the Lord has given me a better dream. We live in the most deceptively peaceful time of that the church has seen in America. It is like we are being lullabied by the house, the car, the nice job, and the finer things in life. Things most of the world does not have. We have also had the privilege of not being the persecuted side of the family. We are blessed. But I say wake up, oh, sleeper. Act as if everyday is the day of the Lord's return. Then He won't find us sleeping, and we will have no reason to be shamed. To the man that is enduring hard trials right now, this is a blessing, because it will strengthen your faith for the hours that we know are coming upon this earth. It will toughen you against the things that the enemy will use against you to get you to quit the assignment that God has for you. Even though my personal belief is that the church will be caught up in the rapture, I still know and see that many are experiencing the birth pangs, as the enemy of our souls is striving to push forth an agenda that eliminates any mention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The best present that I could ever hope for is mine now. Everyone in my family has salvation. I could go home now, if I weren't so dissatisfied because of the preponderance of people stuck luck Abraham's ram in the highways and hedges. Some of us have street ministries. Did the Lord call you to go minister to the prostitute, the addict, the dealer, the runaway, the homeless, those who admittedly need a doctor? Then go. Go in the morning, go in the evening, go in the midnight hours. Go when the Spirit gives you an unction to GO! Love those who are unlovely. One of the most unlovely people in the new testament was one of Jesus' greatest and most devoted followers. Mary Magdalene. Don't let people judge you or call your good evil. To the pure all things are pure, and to those who have a dirty conscience, all things are corrupt. It is time for us to go out to get all the lost sheep, all the wild olive branchs that are waiting to be grafted in, because this is also part of our spiritual act of worship. So I ask you again, what is your certain degree?
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