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Delightful soul

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Everything posted by Delightful soul

  1. Hi, Lately I am constantly wanting to leave the country. I am living with family members as I am financially in a situation where living by myself is tough. I have been seeking work, to no avail and feel so trapped. One of my friends in Vietnam is encouraging me to teach over there as a job teaching kids english. So I have been considering this as an option however going to a place with English not being the main language scares me a little. I have also just returned from staying with a friend for a week as I needed space from my current living situation and she was wanting to move out with me, but the more we discuss things, the more I feel that I am not liking the idea, she is very much into nesting and getting a nice house with nice things and I am starting to feel as though my whole world is surrounded by people who turn to 'things' to make their lives bearable and I have never been domestic or into tupperware parties and all that stuff. I am starting to get really depressed about my comfortable life and want to make a difference in this world. I am torn between my financial situation and not knowing where on earth to go. Noone wants to hire me in this town I live in and I have a degree but little experience to go to the city and look for work. Besides I do not like busy cities but this is where the majority of work is. I have lots of friends in different places who keep welcoming me to come visit them, england, kenya, Canada.....it all sounds like an aventure but also without the money tis hard. I am trying to look at pros and cons and I can save for an airfare and a bit then perhaps work overseas teaching english but only in third world countries do they take people who are not trained teachers. I have my degree on my side so this is a pro. I have never felt so sad before and bored with my life. People keep telling me to volunteer to keep busy but I am so tired of not getting paid for my efforts. And thing is I need to work! Is there anyone who has some sense to speak on here for me? I have had a hard couple of years relationship wise and this has brought me down big time. I want to give of myself, but am so broken hearted I feel I have little to give and anyway I feel as though noone needs me here except perhaps ina third world country where they are desperate for help. Am I making sense at all??? Sorry to be so down on here, but I feel trapped, I know I have choices but atm they seem so few. i would look like this, but I am even too down to let out tears although they are all inside my tummy churning away.
  2. I have been looking for work here and not found anything since january of looking non stop, been to only 3 interviews out of all of this searching.........i usually get work easily, tis not encouraging at all............as for something 4 days i am hard pressed finding anything of any amount of work let alone looking for something in my field..........i have been very frantic and feel like joining a convent or somethin so I can go help the poor with funding of some sort, i mean even Mother Theresa had the backing of the church.......or so i have been lead to believe i don't know for sure.........anyhow pls pray, I am not happy at all....:(
  3. i have sent you a PM but suffice to say, you have had an awesome amount of info and encouragement here. THis is a much needed forum and the issues of today like homosexuality needs to be discussed. I praise God for all I went through, if it means that i can share my story and give God the glory ...
  4. thankyou , i read your reply a while back but forgot to thankyou. I believe that I am meant to do something out of my comfort zone and am praying about some things I am planning, hoping it is God's. Will keep you updated. Blessings,
  5. Hi mate, My heart goes out to you. All this wonderful advice gives you alot of work to do and well it may be for you. My story is that when growing up my mother used to say stuff like "all men are bast####" and all sort of derogatory things. I would always say "not every man is one Mummy" even as a small child I knew that she was saying it out of hurt. But there was a spirit of Homosexuality ( a demon of confusion,deception and hatred in my opinion masked by an appearance of affection- call it what you may) in my life. I was never attracted sexually to women however I would be drawn to people with the spirit and also feel very connected to strong women who were controlling. Upon getting closer to God from the age of 19 I realised that I had this spirit as ministers broke it off me. Then i remembered how whenever i would hug a girl I would hear the words "you want to kiss her" then I would feel very bad indeed about those thoughts. It wasn't like I felt the urge to sin, but I had these fears that someone may think I am gay, strange but a girl once asked me if I was as she said I appeared that way??? Anyhow, after prayer and deliverance, of which was very easy and quick, I realised that it was a process. Even now I will see that spirit and be drawn to it and think they are attracted to Jesus in me, but it is a mask and a liar and I have t o pull back and realise what it is I am seeing in the spirit. These demons are very strong, but JESUS IS STRONGER! BInd the thoughts you have in HIs name and watch your life turn around and remember your honesty has set you free! The truth always sets us free. I have tried to minister to the homosexual community and the one thing that amazes me is the deceptiveness of this spirit. Just because you feel something doesn't mean it is real or truth.and the majority of those i have met have been either raped, molested or had the spirit hereditarily passed down. The beginning of my deliverance was hard as I felt guilty and ashamed about these thoughts but realised that they weren't mine to start with so I accepted His love instead. God bless you on your journey.
  6. Hi, I am just wondering if anyone would love to pray and help me out on something. I am living in a country town and have been ill for many years. I am believing that 2010 is my year of wholeness and for many years I have been well, fragile but good. Anyhow, I am seriously considering applying for city jobs in my trained field and I know the industry I am aiming for is very stressful and even the whole atmosphere of living in the city is a challenge. But I am tired of being skint and not making ends meet and so I am wanting to earn a living and try full time work again. I guess I am afraid of taking a leap of faith, it has been 2 years since i graduated and 6 years since I got sick. I have never worked for pay in my chosen field but I have had two years experience volunteer. I am thinking of taking the next few months to work on my resume and portfolio, and to pray about which jobs to go for. Alternatley, I have also thought maybe I should stay in the country and wait and be patient and write a novel or something (I want to be a writer). Not sure which road to take, I think God isn't fussed what I do as long as I love Him but I also want to be wise and make the right decision. What should I do besides pray and wait? Claire
  7. I watched a program that taught about letting people go other than who the Lord wanted for you to have in your heart and that the prayer strategy to get them out of your heart was to committ that person to the Lord and with your mouth confess that you no longer held that person close in your heart anymore. Hope this helps, I have dealt with soul tie issues for many many years and the older i get the easier it has become to realise that you have to want that person to go first in your heart and then you have to deal with memories of that person and also cutting them out of your life too. It is hard. For some reason God is a God of change and yet He never changes. People come and go in our lives and whilst family is meant to stay in our lives, the way they remain in our lives can definatley change. I have parents who I was tied to emotionally in an unhealthy way and I have had to separate for about 8 years and now I am back living with them, and I still know that I am not moulded to them in the way I used to be and it is very different now. God is great.
  8. Thankyou Dove. Today I have experienced major breakthrough in thinking. I watched a movie today and this encouraged me to have faith that i can move mountains and pursue my dreams (i am a film graduate). Thankyou so much for this prayer, I know it helped and it is a testimony to what prayer actually does in the physical realm. Bless you, Claire
  9. Hi all, I would love it if someone would pray for me atm. I am coming under attack big time about my dreams. I keep being discouraged in my mind and I am so lethargic and tired. I have recently been put on medication that is making me tired as well but I also know the atmosphere in which I am is contributing majorly. PLease if someone could pray for me please??? My mind is attacked with memories of the past and also into thinking my dreams will never come true in God and that my degree was all for nothing. I am an arts student and have had trouble in getting employment. All the jobs I seem to get are low paid and I have been ill for many years which has prevented me from getting full time work. I fight depression lots and am still getting over a broken relationship. It doesn't sound good, but I know my God is bigger than all of this. WOuld just like some help through prayer to see light at the end of the tunnel. Blessings, Claire
  10. I read your post and was saddened. BAd things do happen to good people, but I believe that the more we pray in faith that we are protected by the power of the blood of Jesus and all He died for us to have (PS 91) I think we can walk in protection and peace. Otherwise what do we have to offer the unsaved? Jesus is the good news that He died so we could live and so I pray for your friend and yourself that all fears be defeated by faith in Him and in His power to do miracles, healing and ultimately in your situation that He bring comfort to your friend and strength to get back on that horse and drive again. God bless and I pray for the best outcome from all of this - salvation. Amen. Claire
  11. wowsers that is soooooooooo good to hear Dreamster! All the best, He provides our needs according to His riches in Glory Amen!
  12. Hi, I am having serious problems (and so is another friend of mine on here) in loggin onto www.miasherwood.com ? The only way I can get on here is through links........ What is going on I would really like to know? Hope you can help, I love this site and I have only been able to get on here when people have sent me a link as a rely to a message I have last sent. Thanks
  13. well since I have just turned 34 myself I would have to give you the report that getting older is better than the alternative!
  14. hey hey, look at Sarah as your example when thinking about children....seriously.........i have thought about how I am 34 and am "getting older" and when I go to the word,God shows me that even when you are in your 90s you can be impatient and negative haha I bet you thought i was going to say .....have children didn't you!
  15. yep, that sort of thing is the occult hey as you already know probabley and they are opposing spirits definatley! Anyhow, i did have a rough time, but I asked for it ! My eyes were wide open and I wanted relationship so badly that I was willing to make hurtful and damaging sacrifices. God bless and thank God for sayings about ducks! :cute:
  16. I don't know why noone has interpreted this or tried to maybe because this was not on the dream forum..... but my thoughts have been that it sounds like you are intercedingfor this artist? I think also too that what you sow you reap........you would have the same anointing to pray in the spirit for others with the same gifting....... I strongly believe that we intercede in our sleep sometimes. I hope this resonates with you, if not then hopefully there will be other replies for feedback..... Blessings, Claire
  17. Hi Golden Eagle, I should really not say much since I have recently broken up with a man....but I will encourage you to not pursue something if you feel uneasy about it but also to follow the wisdom said here to allow time to tell. When I was praying about my boyfriend right at the start of the relationship God said "time will tell" that's all I got, whereas my boyfriend was so sure I was "the one"....... turned out after time that he had very opposing ideas to me, like he believed in astrology(even though he pretended not to at the start), he also did not believe that God could speak directly to me.....other stuff aswell which I prefer not to put on here but God was showing me clearly that he was not the one. But I held on tight to him till he broke up with me.........and he was the one who was so sure???? Praise God I say for being single in the 30s. There are lots of singles in their 30s in this world including non christians-they just sleep around , whereas we christians have to be celebate and control our desires which is hard and so the devil tries anyway he can to make us feel small and unwanted when really the rest of the world is acting crazy by chasing rainbows that aren't there... The truth is I believe is there is one person out there for us that God knows is the right person to marry if we really desire a mate. So don't give up on meeting the right person. Let time tell the truth about this man my friend and don't go where angels fear to tred and jump in too soon. Be wise and don't get into a bad relationship thinking it is better than no relationship like I did.....a broken heart is all you will have to show if you do. Alternatlively if he is the right one, time will tell and you will have patiently waited to find out that you met the right one, either way patience and wisdom are to always be your friend............don't forget to use common sense too........if if looks like a duck and quacks like one, it is a DUCK! God bless and I hope my bitterness has not come through too much and that I have told the truth in love as best as possible. God bless, Claire
  18. Thankyou all for your birthday wishes-it means alot to me to have such blessings.......... tears of joy that is!
  19. thankyou so much! What a very perceptive and insightful prayer! God bless you! The pain has definatley eased I I know it is because of everyones prayers......PRAISE GOD FOR HIS HEALING!
  20. Hi all, Just wanting to know if anyone would like to pray for my back? I know it is healed........however, the pain is very real and persistent. I went to the doctor to get an xray and he would not give me one! So I am going to get a second opinion tomorrow. I am a cleaner by trade and am finding it difficult to work and mornings are tough as I have hard time bending to even get dressed! I do not know what has caused it, but for the past two winters my back and leg have been very painful. Bless you all, Claire
  21. you read my heart! It has been on my mind my age and well, I do keep encouraging myself with the fact that Sarah was of a good age before she did the most amazing thing, give birth to the seed of Abraham.... Bless you very much for this word of encouragement.....
  22. Hi all, I want to thankyou for all your input into this dilema of mine. I ended up going to a conference, breaking up with my boyfriend and my house got flooded all in the one week! All fun stuff, and I believe that it was a job like experience for me, but I have come out of it victorious and very relieved. All of you have blessed me no end with your words of wisdom. Bless you all and I hope and pray that God will bless you a hundred fold for the good you all have sown. Claire
  23. I prayed for my Dad who had a hip degeneration and went to the doctors for a second check and the doctor said he had no problems whatsoever! This was ages ago, but I knew that my Dad needed a miracle.......... This is a miracle Trueflight and I am soo happy for you......... Praise God he heals hips!
  24. He gives seed to the sower........ amen
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