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Everything posted by jjp708

  1. I like him and I have also watched the show .
  2. It all goes back to what lovely said about praying for our leaders. You also hit a valid point about not worshiping man but GOD. But in do that we have to be careful not to fall into a spirit of judgment because we ALL have fallen short of the glory of God and that doesn't exclude preachers. Should they be held to a higher standard of living, I think believe so, but then I have ask myself, shouldn't we all be held to that same standard? Those are just my thoughts. Keep praying for our leaders mj because in this day in age they are going to need it. We all do!
  3. /dreams-and-visions-to-be-interpreted-f1/the-5-little-lost-puppies-t9709.htm
  4. This is so Ironic because I had a dream with DirectTv in it.
  5. :clap2: PRAISE GOD! I'm so elated for you Lovely! Praise God
  6. That's a great D "voice" with love, Janise
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIA!!!!! May God continue to bless you
  8. Mjtorrence. What I've learned from that experience and many...many others and what brought me to mentoring tons of teenagers is that, many times when we're "going through" it's not always about us. Sometimes our testimony is designed to save a soul. That young lady has grown up to be a wonderful mother herself and she constanly thanks me for being her "mom" when she needed one. That gratitude alone makes it worth it to me. Plus, I know that my labor is NEVER in vain.
  9. Sometimes, in my own experience, I was not spiritually ready to receive "the answer" to the questions that I was asking or that if I knew the answer up front, I'm not sure I would have had the courage to go forward in a situation. For example, my teenaged life was HARD. After my mom turned to drugs my life got really hard. My siblings and I lived with no heat, no running water and a hot plate for a stove. My mom was running in an out of my life and each time she entered she brought MAJOR havoc. I felt so alone and abandoned. So betrayed by God. I was ANGRY. I remember walking to the phone booth on day in the rain to call a taxi so that I can get to work. I started crying and yelling say "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS LORD"? It wasn't until about 13 years later, sitting at my kitchen table listening to a crying teenage girl who I had taken in for about 9 months, who was devistated at her mom constantly abandoning her. She was crying soooo hard and couldn't figure out why God would put her in this position because she, to her knowledge, had done nothing so wrong. Well, as I ministered her and helped her to understand how much God AND her mom, loved her God silently spoke to me. He took my mind back to that walk down my childhood street and he said this "It was all for this moment". Cloud Connected, had God answered me and told me that one day there's going to be a time when someone's going to need your testimony to live another day, I don't think my selfishness would have allowed me to accept the plan God had for my life. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT MOMENT! And I thank God that He used me "for that moment". I hope that long story helps.
  10. Dove I know you're going to do GREAT on your test (wise one)!!! Thanks for the word of encouragment. I am so greatful that I have a place like this forum for honest spiritual advice. Things are pretty quiet right now so I will continue to seek Christ so that IF things go bonkers again I'll know how to approach the situation. Cholette, I'm going to take your advice and talk to her if she's willing to talk.
  11. I think I have to call my service provider. You're right, there's no need for the harrassment and I don't have to be subjected to it either. It's just a terrible situation that, honestly, I let go on for waaaay too long. I've excused her bahavior because people would say "she just really values your friendship" or they would say "maybe she just never had a real friend" so I would always try to approach the friendship from a different standpoint. But we'd always end up in the same place. She manipulating and me spiritually and emotionally exhausted.
  12. This woman is DITTO to the woman in nubava's story. Nubava's it was pretty creepy reading your story because it sound so much like her. This woman is so controlling that when I went on vacation this spring with another good friend of mine she left tons of text and voicemail messages. Then when I didn't respond (I was in Mexico so phone didn't work) she called my sister for a whole day (my sister was in a seminar) until she answered the phone. Cholette, no, I didn't explain things to her. I will have if the opportunity presents itself. I will have to take your advice and pray on the correct words. Thanks everyone for your advice...I will continue to pray and seek guidance regarding this matter.
  13. A couple of weeks ago the Lord showed me in a revelation that I need to break some spiritual ties with some people. I wasn't sure what it was so I did a little research and found a couple of prayers. I did what the Lord told me to do in this regard and went about my day. Well, the VERY NEXT DAY, one of the women that I "spiritually released" myself from (I suspected that there was an unnatural attachment from her to me so that prayer was right on time) emailed me to say that we don't talk anymore and she wanted to know EVERYTHING that was going on in my life. I kept the conversation very general and broad because I didn't want to give her anything to "attach" to. Honestly, I wasn't prepared for this portion, I thought the prayer would be enough but to my surprise..... Well anyhoo, over the next course of days she started calling and texting me more than usual (which happens to be alot. If she couldn't find me in the past, she'd call my sister and ask where was I or if I was ok. I always pawned her off as being needy). To that I didn't respond because I had this strong unction in my spirit that she knew something had change. So finally she stop calling and texting and a week of silence lead me to believe she was done. Well after a few indirect messages on my facebook page her husband calls me to ask if anything was wrong with us because he notice that she's been making comments and on the phone talking to others about me and he was worried that something had happened. I kind of brushed him off a little. Now, I'm wondering how to I proceed from here? Everytime she comes in my mind I thank God that the ties are broken and I continue to cover myself in the blood of Jesus. I've this woman for a VERY long time and she can be very vindicative. I don't know what else to do or how else to handle this situation. I don't know...I guess somewhere in my mind I thought I'd break soul ties and she'd just drift away but she's putting up a MAJOR fight. Any thoughts or prayers on handling this?
  15. Thanks D...I think you're absolutely right...It's been a rough week of fighting.
  16. thanks GoldenEagle...those two scriptures really touched me.
  17. It does Cholette....THANKS! I just feel so alone today! My spirit knows it's just the purging of Christ of things that needed to go. I just need to get my carnel side in order
  18. THANKK YOU Deborah! God Bless You!
  19. Please pray for my heavy heart this morning. Today is much more that I can stand. I have spent the last week warring against spiritual attacks and I feel like I am spiritually worn out. Please give me some scriptures of encouragement...I can't seem to grab any in my mind right now
  20. I NEEDED to hear that today sisterinChrist! I really did~ Congrads!!! :clap2:
  21. Thanks Cholette, I appreciate your words of wisdom. I will continue to pray for revelation in this matter.
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