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Everything posted by Christina

  1. That's such good news, Sister!! Praise God!!! Reading the voyage it took for you to recieve that promise reminds me of: Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial - (James 1:12) God bless you, Sister - You made it through this one!!
  2. Whoo Hoo!! Wonderful news - I hope they find what it is that is still bothering you - still praying... God Bless!
  3. PSS) - I don't feel sorry for you - just touched by your honesty and your needs, and I so would love to see the Lord fill them! Love ya!
  4. PS - I was pretty sure you were a sister, but I've made that mistake before... :)
  5. Ooooooo - LOVE the David analogy! Preaching it in the Spirit! Ditto of not fitting into my family - at least in seasons (weeks, days, moments...). Wherever your place is on this Earth, Missouri (once lived in KS, Kansas...pretty close to Missouri...) - if your heart is for friendships and companionship and is not met on Earth - the Lord will overwhelm you with His in His Hereafter.
  6. Whoo Hoo!! Hope all is well and you have a wonderful time!
  7. Beautiful insight, Cholette. MJ - Your post touched me deeply and you are so loved in my heart right now! I don't know how anyone could think you are wierd!! Your message is so honest and open - all I can say is keep trying and don't give up!! If you feel the Lord wants you there, I'm pretty sure it's not to torture you. But i'd like to pray with you: Lord Jesus, I pray with all my heart that You will open the door to warm friendships and equal relationships for our Sister (Brother?) in Christ, mjtorrence. Hers has been a struggle for her place in this world, and with the innocence and trust of a child she has come here and opened herself up to us - and to You, Lord. You are a good Father, and I boldly ask for your benevolence to provide for such a simple request as loving companionship. You who are so Great and so Good will surely help our Sister find or grow into the place You have for her to feel like a valued member in her congregation. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. I love Cholette's suggestion about getting involved & try to look at your interaction with others differently. Could you maybe be thinking others think something that they really don't think? We are glad you are here!
  8. Jeanie - You got it - prayers & another quick reminder of how much Our Lord loves you both and cares for you!!!! Thank you for the update - the delayed date is a good sign??
  9. Whoo Hoo - We will be really E-Celebrating when we hear your good news - it's coming, it's coming, it's coming... God Bless -
  10. Sorry to hear about the job, Sister - Just reading above it's apparent you are doing so much to keep your heart and focus in the right frame. The Lord loves you and is proud of your courage, we love you and you are sure setting a great godly example for the rest of us who are struggling along similiar lines. God Bless you - your turn is coming, and you are in my prayers!
  11. Dem - Am praying for you, too. It sounds like you are asking the Lord for the right support to get you through - staying in the Word, godly people, the Lord's promise that it will pass. Bless your heart - knowing it is coming has it's advantages, but you are smart to reach out to God's people for support! I've gone through something similiar - but out of my own sin - and if it hadn't been for family and a blessed bevy of Christian Sisters, I don't know what I'd have done. Will keep you on my prayer list - God Bless
  12. Girly - You're on my prayer list!! God Bless, sweetie - you're loved above and here!
  13. That's great news! Way to use the gifts of the Lord!
  14. HF - God bless you! Those times when you feel a little lost & feel God isn't answering feel so bleak - it often amazes me that He is so good or else why would we need His constant presence in our lives? And how empty we feel when we worry (unfounded, of course) that we can't reach Him - he is our God as well as our Father, and PTL He is able to be both, huh? The people we have in our lives just can't fill those roles for us. Reading your locked out story, I can't help but see metaphors for JC - your son, through the course of living life, accidentally locked you all out from your home, (sin from God, or life's trials), and the most important thing is to get back in, (forgiveness, or get thru life's struggles), and we can't do that alone, no matter how hard we try. We need JC to get through that too high window that we already tried by our own strength, and too - we also need others in the world to get us through this journey. Maybe it is just me and my own little current path with the Lord, but it sure seems that the Lord might be talking to you through your circumstances, if He doesn't appear to be communicating through the ways you usually hear Him? Got you on my prayer list!!
  15. Wow - What a testimony of faith and encouragement straight from the Source as you go through this walk!! Lord, I lift your daughter, Steadygaze, and pray for the continued peace of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I pray for good health and keep in her mind from wandering by reminding her of Your promises during the difficult moments and waiting periods. Lord, I pray this walk is brief and leaves her able to testify to Your Good Work to continuous generations. Thank you Jesus, for Your love and care, In Jesus' name - Amen. Thank you so much for the update - please continue to post as you learn more. God bless you -
  16. Praying for the Lord's peace for you and good health! Please post how it goes -
  17. Amen, Cholette - Good reminder for all of us in the same boat, thanks.
  18. So sorry to hear that - it seems so unfair to tell you that and then take it away. I pray for the Lord's provision and protection of your spirits! He must have something for you - I pray He shows you soon! God Bless, Princess Delia, I hope things are better with your Mom, too. Still praying for that situation too.
  19. Wow a whole family taken in a matter of months in seperate incidents - that is just awful! Will also be praying your friend gets the heck out of there safely! What a tragedy!
  20. I am so very sorry to hear that - Will keep his wife and family in my prayers.
  21. Has there been any update, Ravi? Still praying -
  22. God bless you, sister!! You have had a lot on your plate! Keep what Jesus has told you close - that your destiny is still ahead of you - I pray this is resolved quickly and doesn't effect your spirit and focus for one minute! You are definately in my prayers and I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your faith, determination and your sweet spirit for the Lord!
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