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Everything posted by mjtorrence

  1. Thank you pureheart, yes this I do believe that this is the season for God to help me release all this pent up unforgiveness as I stated in the post above I have forgiven my mother, stepfather and sister and now I feel so much better. Thank you that you are praying for me
  2. Wow thanks for sharing Linda that is awesome how God will never leave us
  3. Update: Well it took me awhile to really pray and say that I forgive my mother for the things that were done to me by her her husband and my sister but I finally did forgive them especially my mother you talking about a relief off my shoulders and heart
  4. Praise God its the little things that matter
  5. I am sending prayers your way
  6. who sent this to you, and a prophecy in your email
  7. I am praying for you as you take that leap of faith my sister in Christ
  8. Thank you HisKid I pray the same for myself
  9. Thank you thank you delightful this is so speaking to me right now yes in the dream I was releasing alot of pent up anger, yet as I stated I know there is unforgiveness in my heart towards these three people, and I am going to pray to release this from my heart, thank you all so much for responding and keeping me in prayer, yes you have been a blessing, the tears almost started to come but I held them back I know I need to release this from me, I heard the holy spirit say make a list and forgive them for the things that happened. thanks sisters in Christ
  10. Thanks Lola for the prayers also I am not upset about the dream I am glad that God is showing me the unforgiveness in my heart regarding what happended to me and yes I believe that it's the 1% that I am dealing with thanks again and I will seek him
  11. Iam sorry if this is a long post. I have had several dreams where I am so angry with my mother and stepfather and sister that in the dream I am cussing at them(IRL)for clarification I don't cuss. Yet last night I had another dream where I had a knife and was trying to stab my sister and then I started cussing at my mother. When I woke up this morning I felt in my spirit that I have unresloved issues with my mother and sister and stepfather and actually I keep feeling that I HATE MY MOM, now I know that HATE is a strong word and I don't ever use it. I believe that I hate my mother for not being a mother to me for letting my stepfather sexually abuse me and her physically abusing me and always treating my sister better than me. I can't confront her because she is passed on, although I did confront her about the abuse in a letter and she still denied that it happend, I thought I had gotten over this and through this as I had been through so much counseling and therphy to get over this hump that was in my life that caused me so much anger and anxiety yet it seems like it's still there. I know that God is a delieverer. Yet I don't want to have any hate in my heart for these people, I was very depressed when my mother died at 49yrs old from what I don't know for one whole year I would cry everytime I thought of her even down to wanting to end my own life thank God for my one sister who God sent to give me a word at the time, yet these dreams are starting to overwhelm me what do I do, sometimes when we think we have let go of certain feelings they come back to haunt us or rather me.
  12. Thank you Father that you said you shall supply all our needs thank you for providing
  13. I don't think fb is bad although some people use it for other things I have one and it has been great for me in finding family and spreading the word of God
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