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Tiddly Winks

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Everything posted by Tiddly Winks

  1. Now there's no Facebook link at all. Oh wait, there it is and it works for me.
  2. I believe that this trade may have already been completed. I will contact Roclibrarian and ask about whether or not I should close this.
  3. That's soo great. Yay for Joa and Misty.
  4. They look like moths to me....watch the clothes you pets, you might find holes.
  5. It's a great color. It really looks great on a lot of the pets.
  6. Nice job. Tiddly Winks will be right over to enjoy a cold drink and a lovely conversation with her good friend Yawo.
  7. I have eight and I get along with them fine. Two liions are in the Oz room, the dog and tiger are in the garden, three cats in the bedroom and Lamb in front room. If they are separated it's not so daunting come feeding time.
  8. yep. Ames gave me the red wig in my new avatar. I love it! Tiddly Winks looks like Ariel from The Little Mermaid now. Hehehe.
  9. Oh man, here's one for you. One of my friends gifted me a treasure bait and so I used it trying to get a wig. I didn't get a wig, I got a second mermaid teddy bear. You know me, and teddy bears, I couldn't throw it back. So, I'm still hoping to get my second wig so I can dye it. I'm so bad...if it's not one thing it's another.
  10. Okay, will see what happens. I am sort of enjoying the game, as long as it doesn't keep crashing. That's annoying.
  11. Ohh thanks Sara for the groovy wig. I went straight to the hair salon and got it done.
  12. I haven't received any CCs for playing, but am almost to level eight. If I don't get any then I will be sort of put out.
  13. That's true, they are. Spoiled petlings...I don't like the cash shop petling bed. They can keep it. I prefer the TWS beds, they are cuter IMO. I'm not saying that all the items should outrageously priced, but I am saying that if they don't give people incentive to buy the coins, then they won't be able to sell them. I don't know anyone (whether purchaser of cash coins or no) who would buy the petling bed for the simple fact that it's overpriced for an item that doesn't do anything.
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum. I hope you have a lovely time here and if you have any questions, please ask.
  15. 39, will be 40 in November. I don't feel old, except when I have to hang up curtains...ie. today.
  16. Perhaps, but you're only comparing them to Zynga games, not to the other game providers. By in large, no other game providers that I know of outside of Zynga have given stuff away to get people to play. It's one of the tools they use to get people into their games. But, realistically 1 Pet Cash in Petville means pretty much nothing if everything costs 7+ Pet Cash to get. They are also ticking off the people who buy Petcash because they give away the stuff weeks afterwards. For those who play for free it's a big deal, but for those who buy the coins, that's really not fair. I have three white teddy bears on Petville and I got them simply because I was gifted them from friends. If I had bought them with my hard earned money, and then discovered that they were being given away later, I'd be spitting nails.
  17. It was a glitch, and they had it fixed within a fifteen minute span of time. As for how I feel about Cash Coins, my feelings about them are probably more an unpopular opinion, but since I do like to play 'devil's advocate' now and then, here are some of my thoughts on the topic. I am an artist by trade, that is I write song lyrics and it is a very low paying profession. If I don't write, I earn nothing. I am doing well if I earn perhaps 10€ in a month's time from my songwriting, so it's not a highly profitable job unless one is Rodgers and Hammerstein, which I am obviously not. The people who work for Playfish are artists too, they have familes to support, homes, bills, mortgages etc. To expect them to only cater to those who do not pay anything for their services is wrong. Yes, the games were designed as free entertainment, but those people who sacrificed their time and effort to make the game great have no doubt paid their dues when it first came out. Today, with a popular game on their hands, they have to earn their money somehow. To be ridiculed for that is simply not fair. I don't know a single person here in this forum who would work like that for nothing. I don't think it's about greed inasmuch as it is supply and demand and the application of an artist's idea being put to paper and then bringing it into the game. If these artists worked for nothing, then they could get in trouble with the employment office as well as the tax collector of their perspective countries. The point is, yes the stuff has gotten more expensive and I am pretty shocked at how quickly the prices have gone up. Yet, the game has also become more popular and whether we like it or not, Playfish is a company that must profit from its creations, otherwise they will not be able to compete in a world market. The cash shop also ensures support from people who have a vast number of other games to choose from. If they don't release new Cash Shop items each week, then they will not do business and the players will get bored and go somewhere else. With that said, I do think that some of the stuff is overpriced, but I also think that there are a lot of in store items in this game to choose from. If people don't like what is in the shops, then maybe the thing to do is let Playfish know what they like as well as the things they are not overtly fond of. That way it gives them a chance to change things around a bit. Just something to think about.
  18. That sounds like fun, Falcor, I may do that too. Mwah. But, one per day, otherwise poor Tiddly Winks will not know what to wear. Of course the cash shop wigs will not be purchased, as I can't afford that. I just wish I had bought more of the afro wigs...those would be fun to dye different colors.
  19. Well, here's an update on how things are going. This morning my husband went to the Betriebsrat (that's the German word for people who are supposed to help with on the job issues as well as helping with job placement etc.). He already informed them that he had called in sick for the day and will get a form to be sick for the rest of the week. Stands to reason, he's not sleeping and is highly aggitated. How can they expect him to work after telling him the day before Easter holidays that he's fired? It boggles my mind, seriously. Anyway, the boss just called here looking for him and I picked up the phone. Good thing I didn't know who this person was, otherwise I would have probably made some offhand remark about heartless companies doing mass layoffs the day before a happy holiday like Easter. Anyway, my husband told the person in a very deadpan voice that he was sick and would not be in for the week. They told him he was still employed there until the end of this month, but seriously how can anyone even expect high productivity or positive work morale when they have unemployment looming on the horizon once the month is out? It totally boggles the mind!!!!
  20. I think they can. Do you want me to color a wig for you? I am such a wig addict. I would love to get another mermaid wig to color. If they had the torquoise color, then one could return the wigs to their original color, but they don't have that.
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