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Tiddly Winks

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Everything posted by Tiddly Winks

  1. absolutely. I will add them when the money gets in and they have deducted what needs to be deducted from it.
  2. My New Years resolution was to not be so scatterbrained, but it's been two days and I already broke it. Actually, one of the things I am going to do is get rid of junk before we plan to move sometime this year!!!!!!
  3. I'm 20 shy of getting more, when does this thing end again? I want to buy a few more when my Paypal money gets there. I have 220 credits sitting around, so I figure to get them while they are cheap. Thanks Lisa.
  4. Can someone tell me how many credits for 260 PFC? I am afraid to click to check without making another blunder.
  5. I'm the dork of the month. I went to buy PFC and accidentally clicked wrong, and overdrew my PayPal. Major oops, but thankfully it was only 8 € and I immediately put more in PayPal. Hopefully they won't charge me too terribly much for that doh-homer moment. I'm such a doofus.
  6. I used all I have for a Hamseter in Happy PEts- LOL, yes happy pets, I know it well.
  7. maybe your pet doesn't have a bad enough cough for an entire bottle.
  8. Not to play the devil's advocate here, but after buying and gifting so many cash coins, I think it's nice that they are saying thanks to those who do buy the coins. I think they are also doing the rebate for the coins because other games have them too. PS is the only game I play that hasn't offered CCs at a reduced rate. I'm glad they are doing it, then I can top up while the price is low.
  9. I need cheaper cash coins, I am suffering post christmas brokedome...even my pet had to ax about half of the regular coin items because she's totally broke!!!!!!!
  10. Pets carrying syringes is a bit scary...I will defeinitely admit to that.
  11. Sven and I drove to his flying club's house for traditional dinner and chatting with his flying comrades. It was nice, but drizzly wet day. Glad that next week the weather prognosis is supposed to be good, and no snow.
  12. Happy New Year to you Chay. Hope you have a good start in 2011. Thanks for doing this.
  13. OMG!!! I just about fell over laughing. my brother in law is a doctor, and this stuff is right up his alley. I wish he played, then I could check out his pet's house. Hysterical. Sven, on the other hand, was not amused. What was in those drink bottles in the food store? It looks like there are a lot of sick pets in town come Monday.
  14. We'll always be here when you can get back. Thanks for stopping in, and here's wishing you a fantastic 2011.
  15. We had our New Year about an hour ago, and now I'm tired and ready to go to sleep. I wish everyone a wonderful new year. May 2011 be a lot better for us than 2010 was. Hopefully with the new year, my husband will find a new job.
  16. In Germany, New Years Eve is called... Sylvester!!!!! Sufferin' soccotash!!!! Hope 2011 is happy for all.
  17. Tiddly Winks

    Hi guys!!!!

    Hey Lazar. Nice picture. Yeah, it was freezing in Heide (where we were over Christmas) like -8°C. Then we came home and it was relatively warmer, a ten degree warmer. I got an instant headache from it, but was glad to be out of sub-zero temperatures. Glad to see you.
  18. I will send you some stuff tomorrow. Right now I'm having a migraine headache and should go to sleep. Ugh.
  19. The last part is just what I wrote. I am hoping that in 2011 we will move out of here and into a place where we can decide between satalite TV or cable. Right now, you know what I'm going to choose.
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