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Tiddly Winks

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Everything posted by Tiddly Winks

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I just use the daily ones today.
  2. Grinch teddies...I want a bunch of them....sooooo cute.
  3. moved to Looking For. Good luck with your search.
  4. Hey Lazar, great to see you. Thanks for letting us know how things are going with you. The forum isn't the same without you, so I'm always glad when you pop in to say 'hey!" Although it's not snowing here, we have a weather report saying that it's supposed to snow again here today. I hope it melts by Sunday, as we have our choir concert, and if the weather isn't nice, then people won't venture out.
  5. Go check your door hun. Santa Tiddly Winks left something for you.
  6. I got a second ghost, so I can start breeding them for you guys. Merry Christmas. I named them Fuffly (which is the name of a cat I had when I was little) and Marley. Let me know if you want a ghost offspring. I tried breeing one with a multiglow cat yesterday and the basket looks a tiny bit transparent with a bright blue glow. Am excited about the kittens.
  7. G - Grog (a hot northern German drink with rum...yum!)
  8. I finally got the lamppost yesterday. That was the only other item that was missing. Does anyone need the outfits? I have several extras.
  9. Kivie beat me to it. I was going to send one too. Glad you got it. I love this forum. How everyone helps everyone else out is just so Christmassy.
  10. that's be so totally awesome. I'll send you a wig too. I have a spare. Riuna, I have some of the doggies. They aren't my favorite items, so hold onto yours.
  11. Half the time the hat doesn't work. The day the stuff is released is a wasted day, my hat never works. I dig and dig, and never find the weekly item. It's discouraging. I got a dud hat.
  12. I guess not. Maybe in time with our five a day, we can eventually find them. Fingers crossed for you.
  13. The wings from the winter digging are avoiding me. I have gotten doubles of just about everything and have even invested money in shovels, but I'm not getting them. I am to the point of throwing in the towel with this. It's even more depressing to see a lot of my friends' pets wearing them all the time. Oh well, I guess there are other things in PS land this Christmas to get psyched about. I just can't afford to buy shovels anymore and it's depressing enough when the hat doesn't work like it's supposed to. Anyone need flower seeds?
  14. What I don't get is why they limit it to the UK when the last time I checked, the UK was part of the European Union. Shouldn't that allow for other EU countries? Somethings really not kosher here. I repeat, ugh!
  15. One of my friends is in the process of leaving the game and has given me her two breeding Chameleons (sp). I told her I'd take very good care of them and now I am going to start breeding them for all of you. These are the iguanas that change color and I have two offspring now in the nursery. I'll be trying to breed them each day, till I get an offspring male, then I will be trying with two different sets. If you are interested in having one, let me know here, or post to my wall. I'll start of list of those who are interested in them. This is purebred iguanas, btw. You can see them in my Dino Den. Edit: Please understand that from now on, I am only sending pets to people who fall within the perimeters of PSFC rules, active members with 20+ postings. I am doing this because I want to help people out, but not because I want to get used by people I don't know. If you are on the forum for a time and I get to know you, then I have no problems helping you out.
  16. I watched Spirited Away and loved it. Great movie and totally cool recommendation.
  17. Bah humbug...only open to US, Canadian and UK residents. UGH!!!
  18. yay!!!!! I sort of finished mine on Sunday too. Now I'm waiting for the delivery stuff. Still have several bears to make, but that's being done while watching Spirited Away this afternoon. Still have to make three bears, but they are all cut out, and I the sewing is going to be quick.
  19. The more successful trades you have around the forum, the more (and faster) your reputation will go up. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  20. Welcome to the forum. Hope you have a lovely time here. My pet's a bit crazy about clothes too.
  21. I have some laundry hanging outside, will get the ironing done when my head stops hurting. I am so psyched about Christmas, have sent out tons of gifts, cards, and other fun stuff. It's been a fun holiday season, but wow, I can't believe how many gifts we still got crammed under the tree.
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