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Everything posted by Kokonee

  1. Kokonee

    Just too much!

    Oh, my oh my!!! I'm feeling like Job (from the Bible) This year has just been horrible! My son had melanoma, my husband had several benign (thankfully!) skin cancers, and now my sister has cancer. To top that off, someone in my congregation also has a similar cancer as my sister. Oh...and my hubby lost his job in January, he is working now. And I've been dealing with my own health issues. And there are four more months! Gag! It's been just too much! If you think of it, please hold my family in prayer. thanks.
  2. Oh, man! That is horrible! Mine didn't work well about a week ago, but has been okay now. Well, except that sometimes my baby baskets don't show up! Grrrrrr! Eventually, I will find them in my Gift box. And still, no nursery even though I paid for it! Waiting their response still!
  3. Is anyone interested in a Pandora (blue) ferret? Otherwise, I'll be selling him (to tell you the truth, not sure if it is a him or her!)
  4. Welcome, Nicole! Just a warning; Tiddly Winks is great on getting you addicted to games! Hee hee I know, doesn't take much anyway! But welcome to our little forum! I'll add you too! I see you are in Arizona. We go there often in December to visit. Okay, call us "snowbirds" but the desert is so beautiful!
  5. I can sort of read it because I can read Greek. (But I don't always understand what I'm reading! LOL!)
  6. It is often just very sloooow for me. Today was much better! Does anyone else have a problem with the cursor, or is it just me?
  7. I have put some beautiful cats in the trader! There is one large female "Sweets" (originally from Yvette!) and some normal sized kitties. I would like to see them go to good homes!
  8. And in case you are wondering if Big Cats can dance...They do! Here is Rootbeer; (they also dig up presents!)
  9. I have put a purple duck in the trader...
  10. And another special talent: Cats that dig up Presents! I have several if anyone wants to breed with them: Seashell (F), Scallop (M), Nautilus (F) and my big Rootbeer (M)! All of these kitties also dance. And feel free to request to breed with my singing cat (who also dances), Firecat (female)
  11. Just wanted to show you all my multi-talented kitty! His name is Firecat and is Dominick's daughter! Here she is singing to the crowd;
  12. Tonight I keep getting a "Sorry, we have lost the connection" message. Grrrr...didn't visit all my friends.
  13. I wonder if it starts at midnight GMT? It says I need to wait until tomorrow.
  14. Kokonee

    Happy Tuesday!!!

    Yeah, still early Monday evening for me too! But have a great Tuesday, everyone!
  15. Oh WOW! Thank you everybody! The name of the room is "Life is a chair of bowlies" inspired by the artwork of Mary Englebriet. And that oversized Ladybug told Kokonee that she is happy to finally have a room!
  16. Oh Wow! Okay, I'm slow...but I just noticed that Kokonee's room won last week! Thank you! Thank you! Isn't sweet that that oversized ladybug finally has a home?
  17. (it always cracks me up to see Lucky Strike so eager to unlock Greece for folks!)
  18. I'm sending that to my dad! It's his type of humor!
  19. I just wanted to say that the oversized ladybug from way back finally fits with the furniture!
  20. Oh yes! Please!!!!! Petling owners....don't put more than 3 in the first room! It makes it impossible to visit, take pictures, or wash your flies off! (especially if you also have flapping wings and jubles)
  21. Kokonee contemplates that "Life is just a chair of bowlies!"
  22. So, first they were Giant black and white kitties... Now they are regular white kitties. Today I saw one "flash" from white to black & white, but just for a split second... So, do you think they are going to "do" anything? And how about that price! Has anyone bought one? Are they boring white kitties? Any guesses, opinions? I did see that someone put one in the trader!
  23. But I KNEW Tiddly Winks would be up to munching down a giant candy! After all, she did eat that Celebration Cake!
  24. Well, there is one in the cookbook! And it is GIANT!
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