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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. I have one how many will you offer?
  2. Congratulation with your anniversary again
  3. how much for that pink jello? is 5*999 worth?
  4. everyone will miss you for sure if you leave but it is so glad that you decided to stay not just you, I also upset about the price but never mind because a game is created for having fun not having stress and sadness :happy:
  5. 14 and this november is 15
  6. want to trade nutcracker teddy and lion plushie with 2 kitten again
  7. still growing I think 99 clover flower is so hard
  8. The giveaway still available right? Can I have the silver one? Nice idea and happy birthday PSFC
  9. just send the kitten now... waiting for the aboriginal teddy aboriginal teddy accepted :good:
  10. the competition still open right? I'm afraid I miss it.. Will send the answer later
  11. aboriginal teddy with one kitten, then.. aboriginal teddy still left, right?
  12. 2 white Kitten with aboriginal teddy and cow plushie please?
  13. I just want it cause it is so pretty and my pet almost broke i I buy it and because the pet society always error and don't allow me to visit her friend
  14. I don't know what should I say Your room is so cool especially the moon I like it :good:
  15. -Serenity-

    black billyard

    maybe you're at wrong place This should be at trading board at here http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/trading-f43/
  16. wow cool :good: Just miss the mosaic to complete my collection
  17. Mosaic one is so hard to find I just miss that one
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