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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Lepas ni mopreme pulak kena rap kat sini..
  2. Another two.. congrats to abang beruang and ckh!
  3. Hmm.. how about you guys? ready for another massage chair bowling session?
  4. Thanks playaz! Good question.. this is what i wrote over in spawn forum, "I'm pretty much a completist yet tried to minimize the list of Spawns to look for, making sure those are what i really wanted. And so instead of choosing to complete certain series i carefully narrow down my hunt using certain guidelines, basically for Spawn himself i would go for the ones in original black and red, not the different interpretation of Spawn, Manga Spawn is cool to me, 'ordinary' human characters in spawn world, and of course other Mcfarlane series that i personally like. And one thing i do love is to make sure i get most of known variants for certain figures so they can be placed side by side." The idea of my real hotwheels collection is pretty similar to this as well. If i were to reveal my real stash that even those visited the Undercover Hideout haven't take a peek i can quickly dispel myth surrounding "UcB and his Treasure Hunts", but you guys can get some idea by some random castings i've already put on display (Ferrari 60th Anniversary, X-Raycers etc). The key is "if i really dig the particular series and have chance to complete then only i'll go for it". Now the question left is when can i find perfect setup to set free all of my hotwheels hehe..
  5. (tries not to turn this into long essay) For you guys info it is actually Mcfarlane figures that brought me back into toy collecting, though all the while during high school times i did wish i could focus on starting own collection be it figures or diecast cars. I couldn't recall whether it was local toys forum Play or the infamous Spawn Board first, that spawned my 'alter ego' the Undercoverbrother, nonetheless this legendary Spawn forum is sentimental one as it's where i got to know some cool playaz like Atomkinder (remember Centrepoint gaths), learned the art of hunting for my wishlist even hotwheels trades with overseas playaz. Anyway, a week ago Todd Mcfarlane himself reappear on forum only to announce sad news of this forum finally shutting down. He claimed of migrating the network to facebook and stuff, but i guess all of us could figure out especially with how Mcfarlane been doing lately. And while i've been enjoying this HW thing (read - Hotwheels NOT Treasure Hunts) i actually never ever gave up on my Spawns, Mcfarlane figures is still the stuff i enjoy collecting and glad that i can finally put almost all of my Mcfarlanes on display. And so just a day before Spawn Board gone for good i've decided not to remain undercover and posted pics of my Mcfarlanes there as a tribute and my thanks to that forum. Thought i would share here as well, maybe you guys might find it interesting. Sorry for bad camera though. p/s- looking forward to see you guys punya Spawn HWCM custom group built.. i *think* i might step in as well.. but don't count me in cause you know Undercoverbrother memang always unreliable lol The 3 coolest spawn collectors club.. Adventure of spawn & she spawn Spawn with guns & movie spawn The simpsons, medicom spawn and bunch of TF Masterpiece - not mcfarlane - Bumblebees and "UCB's green cars" Matrix and batmobiles.. MGS and more batmobiles.. Zombie, ninja and gunslinger spawn Wings of redemption & spawn 5 Human characters Matrix & mgs series 1 Classic comic covers.. coolest spawn series ever Under my desk.. vintage spawn Manga spawns.. middle spot reserved for missing s34 manga spawn Flying spawn Last but not least, the spawn that started it all..
  6. Congrats to newest committees! May the balls be with you.. Desmond maybe you can update here latest HWCM team lineup (committees, admin, mods) so members don't get confused who's still in and whatnot.
  7. Sup playaz, Past weeks ucb's quite lucky to catch some restocks, got myself bunch of above cars and so i'm bringing 'em tonight's McD gathering (Formula HWCM debut) for whoever needs them but still haven't found any. I'm merely hauling those to distribute so need to worry bout the price, even the regs. I couldn't stay long tonight however (most probably 10pm leave) but will let someone hold the lot and help clear. If ya wish to reserve as long as ya can make it tonight, feel free to sms me (don't pm cause i'll be away whole day). My number, pandai-pandailah.. Sekian terima kasih,Sorry no pics cause i'm in a hurry.
  8. Although technically there is Knight Rider movie, the movie itself made for tv airing so can say not applicable. The KITT we know is more attached to tv series, that's why tak masuk dalam list.
  9. Bagi je ur number, you won't lose anything. Musclemaniam, customer tu 'sopan-santun' tak, hahahaha... On the other hand i can definitely tell playaz who truly believe phone call give them advantage stand to hurt their chance to score even more. Can just take me myself who had quite number of 'insiders' contacts as an example. In the end phone call from fellow playaz juga yang paling crucial to catch the restock.
  10. Today's rant.. I can no longer ban people.. Wait, have i ever banned anyone at first place?
  11. Rest in peace.. Last time there's this film the story between him and bill gates called 'pirates of silicon valley', you guys might want to watch.
  12. Playaz. Benda ni requires very minimal intellectual discussions.. If let's say i always thought rajaazlanshah ni mempunyai skandal dengan artis perempuan tempatan terkenal, rupa-rupanya dia sebenarnya lebih teransang dengan salah seorang hwcm member lelaki yang selalu ada bersama kat gathering, and so i said it loud "cehh selama ni aku tertipu!", can we just understand this statement simply as in i'm telling everyone i just realize sangkaan saya terhadap rajaazlanshah selama ini ternyata tidak tepat. Bukannya dengan berkata sedemikian i telah mempersoalkan 'taste' rajaazlanshah, kebolehan dia bersenggama dengan artis, samada rajaazlanshah cukup hensem ke tak, kenapa rajaazlanshah harus menunjukkan kepada kita perkara yang sebaliknya, etc. I don't see netmatrix offended santonie in any way, and so i don't see the need for ya guys to defend santonie to that extent. It's already universally agreed by all sides santonie is already of one of greatest hwcm's customizer out there. Anyway if i happen to offend rajaazlanshah pulak sorry ye, nanti i pergi kedai akuarium raok you anak ikan.
  13. Think no need to post "Geli Mat" here cause if any you guys still no idea bout it then something's wrong with you, but this one of my favorites..
  14. Scroll down until the video.. http://blog.asiantown.net/-/8734/asian-dude-got-a-pretty-and-hot-girlfriend--what-is-so-special-about-him-
  15. Nice, post up more pics.. Next time we go huntin' should dressed like this, maybe the staff be more helpful to bring down the cases..
  16. Oh the 2 pack! Aiseh i still haven't buy these yet.
  17. Ini pic, terbaik! Could you let me know yang yellow headlight tu from which series?
  18. At the moment can't recall any car i wrongly bought before, but my mum once bought me this in aussie cause she thought this the 'green at the side' i was looking for lol.. ..pic from hw wiki
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