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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. actually mine is still in decal designing process , btw saw the DanielH one, its awesome!!
  2. oh, looks like master also do it, so i dont have to do it.. waiting for sifu to post him, sure great one.. btw rikmun, yours are well done!! but just the decal part spoil a bit.. i think u really need a decal paper, great job bro!
  3. aiyoo~~~ looks like our moderators have very good luck la these days.. congrats bro!!
  4. jhc7598

    3/11/2010 POS

    nice catches!! great find bro!!
  5. ala, u done it already.. i just wanna start design it since at last i got free time.. nice one bro!!!
  6. nice one bro!! keep up the good work!!
  7. i'm pretty sure that is not Treasure hunt bro..
  8. great job bro with the display.. me like it..
  9. the green master strikes again.. arghh.. when la my time pulak.. btw congrats bro!
  10. haha.. great hauls bro!!! pedas tp nikmat,
  11. happy deepavali to our indian members.. enjoy ur holiday guys..
  12. double birthday !!! happy birthday for both of u!!
  13. dah senget lagi kepala aku, ish ish.. dahla racun tahap terbaik punya~
  14. ayat power tu.. bleh bikin panas..
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