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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. thanks.. and thanks to some one who successfully poisoning me onto the haulers... thanks bro.. and about the legend, there are more members here who shy2 tho share their collections.. i'm not the legend yet.. thanks.. not legend yet la bro.. but if lagenda budak setan, i am la.. kenyang ker bang? thanks bro.. here in local stuck in old wave so no choice, had to walk along the bayside la to hauls..
  2. seriously.. rabak.. btw thanks for looking bro.. thanks a lot.. damn damn damn.. those 2 still outta budget!! btw thanks bro!!
  3. Erm, since many misunderstand and complains from u guys about my huge hauls ( even tho its a cumulative hauls from early to end of month), so i had to separate them into each parcels that had arrive on the same week.. and, here what i got for last week, and this week.. The Draggers.. Spoiler: The Vans Spoiler: The Tuners.. some of my missing parts.. Spoiler: The Haulers!! my haulers collections grows more n more n more.. Spoiler: And lastly... The Yamahaulers Racing Team!! Complete team i think! Spoiler: thats all for now.. maybe next two weeks got a new items.. thanks for viewing!!
  4. wanna join club ni too.. for a start, here one of my low rides..
  5. why need spoiler to hide?? Jus paste and show the pics lah!! cannot~~.. if show all in once, no fun ler
  6. i guess now the spoiler works fine.. Baik tu, duit boleh tumboh kepala licin pn rambut bleh tumbuh balik..
  7. adehh... very strong poisons!!
  8. Thanks bro!! So..anything new..lately??? hehehe.. soon la bro... very soon.. ehem ehem... ehem ehem jgk.. weii, hijack CKH thread nih, :P
  9. wow nice.. its a KMart Veyron, so i think its absolutely US card!! great hauls bro!!
  10. wow.. these are blood-sucking poisons!!! Great Collections bro!!
  11. great haul!!! DB = HW collections for orang kaya-kaya..
  12. Quite difficult to find the WRC series now. Last time my friend down south helped me, thanks! That silver one is zamac. Erm... I got it loose. Surely, you have seen this before? after i post that comment, i look around the bayside and found the WRC evo, yay!! but the ZAMAC one, i'd seen once before.. i guess it's not officially release, right? maybe someone could clarify this.. but looking forward to see ur Eclipse!!!
  13. wow.. that a great customs!! speechless..
  14. the wheels... looks... familiar....
  15. wow, great one!! well.. i might be the one who custom the Helang first but danielh are the one who put the helang into the perfect way!!
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