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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. @yu5h ; mahal la bro.. x termampu nk beli byk2, hehe.. @pqhd : ape yng melepas nyer boss.. ada lagi ar.. hehe~
  2. happy birthday for both of u bro!! long time not see u guys here~~
  3. spoiler jammed skit bro.. hehe.. btw soooo scarryyyy~~~
  4. sema ada 1 jer bang.. takkan jual punye la, hehe~
  5. AFAIK, it got 2 variants as both are open-able hood, but 1 is plain engine and the other is painted engine. but if got unopen-able hood, that means got 3 variants,
  6. now i know why leia's hair like that.. at 2:02
  7. wow!! thats way too many supers!! congrats bro!!
  8. wahh.. ini betul betul superb nih!!
  9. nice la.. colors seem very shiny..
  10. maybe in progress of renovation maybe.. we had to wait till further notice.. maybe some one can clear about this..
  11. new updates with "PM Me Your Offers" Cars on post #2 or HERE
  12. wow, its nice 20-pack!! great!!
  13. wa... but i like the white one more.. hehe~
  14. agree with both of you.. even the colors are similar!!
  15. i believe he had outdoor photosoot session to.. the background too realistic for me..
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